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Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Personal Development, Self-Management and Reflection Essay - 1
Self-awareness, Self-Management and Reflection - Essay Example physical, attitudinal, and basic boundaries) just as the parts of an increasingly effective procedure of learning (for example time the executives, procuring significant data). Accordingly, acknowledge with respect to one’s individual and expert viewpoints are featured. Presentation Personal and expert improvement is a significant idea that essentially includes the development and headways of a person. This proposes each individual has an undiscovered potential and ought to have the option to get increasingly out of life through learning and developing. Defining quantifiable objectives, defeating cynicism and disappointments, gaining from encounters, and turning out to be better people en route significantly add to their development and advancement. Individuals have depended on their one of a kind individual attributes, especially their solid focuses and skills, to pick up progressions in both their own and expert lives. In this manner, building improvement plans for both an i ndividual’s individual and expert perspective can help with distinguishing and strengthening qualities, just as enhancing shortcomings. Undertaking 1 Personal advancement relates to an entire host of exercises that help develop mindfulness and self-authority (Aubrey, 2010). Then again, proficient improvement alludes to the procedure through which aptitudes and information are accomplished towards both self-improvement and headway in one’s vocation (National Professional Development Center on Inclusion, 2008). Subsequent to taking the Applied Personal and Professional Development Evaluation, I understood that information and complying with time constraints are not by any means the only things to be considered in seeking after fruitful advanced education learning. Nature of work is likewise significant, and one intends to quantify this is through different people’s input. In having the best quality work, we ought to consider different factors, for example, social and individual relationship with others, self-assurance, right inspiration, ability to learn, handy and basic speculation and obviously, tolerance and tirelessness. By and by, I am acceptable at coexisting with others. I regard their places of perspectives and I make an effort not to insult them by picking the correct words to state. I am a lot of ready to learn, both old and new things. I additionally practice commonsense and basic deduction in my regular daily existence. I think first before I act more often than not. My act of persistence and constancy are relative, depending how I survey a given circumstance and what I judge as fitting. What I truly need to take a shot at, in any case, is self-assurance and open talking and having the correct inspiration for the correct activity. Increasing fearlessness and having the option to talk openly needs a great deal of work. It is identified with one’s character and convictions. My condition and how I am raised likewise add to my self-assurance. On the off chance that individuals sense solid fearlessness and self-viability from me, at that point there is a colossal likelihood that I will be fruitful and viable at the specific employment related errands depended to me. Open talking is a typical wellspring of worry for everybody. I have considered the standards instructed by Orman (1996) and discover them helpful. To begin with, I need to have faith in myself, particularly since talking openly is basically distressing for some. In the event that others can do it, so can I. Next, I understood that I don't need to be especially splendid to convey an introduction. Or maybe, I
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Effects in Mass Media Essay
What was the significant advancement in development of broad communications in the twentieth century The broad communications included TV, radio, paper and phone. Prior to TV, there was morse code, yet later the phone came in to play, individuals concluded that it was a lot simpler than hanging tight for a message. Prior to the development of TV there was the radio, this was viewed as the fundamental type of diversion for a family, the radio contained syndicated programs and notices read over the radio from various stores. Papers have been around for a long time, they were practically the correspondence for urban areas, towns and little networks. Everything changed when TV showed up in 1935. The main TV was highly contrasting, for the most part they were possessed by individuals who were viewed as rich, later it got moderate for additional families to claim. The three significant projects offered were ABC, CBS and NBC, later on the shading TV was created. Later on the PC was created, they appeared to be unreasonably huge for families, so most PCs were utilized by the legislature, after that Apple built up a PC littler for family unit use, an ever increasing number of organizations have grown better innovation with the PC, TV and the web. How did every advancement impact America How did these impact America, The paper gave the news, it had no other reason, yet as it created it was utilized for different purposes, today the paper is utilized for remarks and analysis, this includes social, political and religion, this additionally vents complaints. The radio turned out to be extremely well known, it turned into the chance to address individuals in their homes, it changed the purchaser advertising and was a connection for amusement data and item utilization, another utilization of radio was the war, they utilized for the discovery of planes and ships which was called radar. By the 1950’s radio was lost to TV. TV was the fundamental wellspring of amusement, when children got back home from school, the principal thing they do is turn on the TV, individuals use TV for a type of unwinding, particularly following a difficult day at work. Today there are thousands if not a huge number of TV slots, because of mechanical advancement, today TVs stations are accessible in all aspects of the world, and has been an extremely powerful piece of culture. The phone has improved correspondence with individuals and quicker, you can contact anybody, whenever of the day. The main rotating telephone was created in 1923, later on the touch tone telephone. A couple of years after the fact the cordless telephone came out, this was extraordinary, you could move around your home and still chat on the telephone. Afterwards on another innovation was on the ascent, the wireless, presently there was no all the more setting around looking out for a call, after that the web, the telephone had a greater amount of an effect than some other innovation.
Pico and Shakespeare Revolutionists of the Renaissance Essay
The Renaissance, a period of extraordinary disclosure and solid energy for thought and rationale contained two unmistakable essayists. Pico de Mirandola and William Shakespeare composed two significant works of writing. The Oration on the Dignity of Man, composed by Pico clarifies the Renaissance thoughts of human accomplishment and freewill to achieve assignments without the assistance of the congregation. A popular writer, William Shakespeare likewise discussed these equivalent Renaissance beliefs in a large number of his plays. One celebrated play that utilizes sensational language to clarify strict, philosophical, and even women's activist thoughts is Hamlet. â€Å"Hamlet†, a catastrophe, is about a Prince who decides to look for vengeance on his uncle King Claudius. Lord Claudius is associated with slaughtering Hamlet’s father the previous King; and since his demise has taken his seat and hitched his significant other. Subsequent to being told this, Prince Hamlet goes frantic and his mom and Claudius stress over him. Hamlet at that point advises a lady to join a community as a result of her sexual craving (Shakespeare Act I Scene I). Sovereign Hamlet likewise displays some chauvinist characteristics when he says, â€Å"Frailty, thy name is woman†(Shakespeare Act I Scene II ). He says this since he accepts that his mom is unfaithful and can't get physically involved with a solitary man during her lifetime. This is the reason she sold out her late spouse the King. Hamlet presumes that not exclusively is his mom slight yet in truth all ladies as he would like to think are delicate and tumble to want and allurements. In Pico’s work, he expounds on how individuals ought to have the option to have an independent mind. Pico agrees with a portion of the church’s beliefs of how individuals have an extraordinary limit with respect to scholarly accomplishment. He likewise accepts that people reserve the privilege to pick the way of creatures or the way of heavenly attendants. Be that as it may, he accepted that since people had such a high learned limit, at that point they could settle on their own choices and hoist to the status of sublime being. Thusly, he accepted that the congregation was not the focal point of consideration, rather mankind was. He composes, â€Å"Man’s place known to mankind is somewhere close to the mammoths and the heavenly attendants, be that as it may, in view of the awesome picture planted in him, there are no restrictions to what man can accomplish†(Pico Della Mirandola 37). This shows Pico was emphatically affected by the Renaissance standards of singularity, innovativeness, and reason. During this time, numerous individuals accepted that they had the ability to pick their excursions. They accepted that we have the ability to utilize thought and motivation to decide. From these thoughts, one can see the impact Pico had on Renaissance scholars. Hamlet likewise had these equivalent beliefs of self-reflection, uniqueness, and reason. It says in Act II, â€Å"What a bit of work is a man, how respectable in reason, how endless in resources, in structure and moving how express and outstanding, in real life how like a blessed messenger, in fear how like a divine being! The excellence of the world, the paragon of animalsâ€and yet, to me, what is this core of residue? Man delights not meâ€nor lady not one or the other, however by your grinning you appear to state so†(Shakespeare Act II Scene II). All through the whole play Hamlet battles with self-uncertainty and disdain, he discusses how heavenly the making of man is. Nonetheless, he himself can't see whatever rouses him. Additionally in his renowned â€Å"To Be or Not to Be†talk in Act III, he addresses whether his life merits living or not. At this point in the story, Hamlet has experienced a somewhat enormous measure of affliction; his sweetheart has ended it all, he has slaughtered two men, and his uncle is attempting to execute him since he fears him will uncover that he is in truth the killer. In his discourse he announces the world as an unforgiving and horrendous spot loaded up with distress. He addresses whether he needs to exist in this world; he expresses that to rest is to end the torments that people need to persevere. This identifies with the thoughts of distinction and self-articulation from the Renaissance. Be that as it may, if one somehow happened to have such convictions, at that point comes musings of dejection and confidence in God starts to lessen. It is said that as a rule Renaissance scholars and craftsmen confronted and combat conditions of miseries and many picked self destruction toward the finish of their intense lives. It wasn’t for the way that they were desolate yet their thoughts were not generally acknowledged (Kuntz 2011). Shakespeare’s take on the world is that people are allowed to settle on their own choices and pick their own ways throughout everyday life. In any case, with that comes a great deal of difficulty and despite the fact that these renaissance thoughts appeared to be so certain and gave trust, they additionally brough t a ton of inconveniences. Be that as it may, Pico offers an alternate, progressively positive interpretation of mankind. He likewise expresses that â€Å"We have made you an animal neither of paradise nor of earth, neither human nor undying, all together that you may, as the free and pleased shaper of your own being, style yourself in the structure you may like. It will be in your capacity to slide to the lower, brutish types of life; you will be capable, through your own choice, to rise again to the unrivaled requests whose life is divine†(Pico Della Mirandola 72). This shows, Pico comprehends that humankind isn't viewed as creature like or celestial. He shouts that as a human you reserve the privilege to be whoever you need to be, and achieve whatever you endeavor to accomplish. In any case, he expresses that these freewill choices will in any case be decided by the sky. The way you take could be plummeting to the â€Å"lower,†the way of duplicity and damnation. Be that as it may, on a similar token, you have the ability to rise again and turn out to be sacred and acceptable again in the wake of tumbling to the profundities. This is a thought that was exceptionally normal during the Renaissance. The possibility that we could pick among the numerous ways of existence with our forces of reason, yet the sky will at last adjudicator us in any case. To finish up, these two journalists Pico and Shakespeare both expounded on various thoughts. Shakespeare depicted Renaissance thoughts of thought, reason, and dynamic through dramatization. Nonetheless, Pico had a progressively hopeful view that despite the fact that we had the ability to choose, we still can’t underestimate that power. These two essayists had one thing in like manner; in the entirety of their compositions they concentrated on the way that mankind itself is the most impressive thing in presence. They accepted that mankind had the intensity of reason and thought, and by utilizing this force they can lift to higher statuses. Works Cited â€Å"Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola, Conte.†Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, sixth Edition, (2011): Kuntz, Marion Leathers. â€Å"Pico Della Mirandola: New Essays.†Renaissance Quarterly 61.3 (2008): 916-918. Scholastic Search Premier. Web. 4 Dec. 2012. N.p.: Regnery Publishing Inc., 1996. Print. Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. N.p.: Sterling Signature, 2012. Print Pico de Mirandola, Giovanni. Speech on the Dignity of Man. Trans. Robert Gapongiri.
Friday, August 21, 2020
U.S. States Named After Kings and Queens
U.S. States Named After Kings and Queens Seven of the U.S. states are named after sovereignsâ -four are named for lords and three are named for sovereigns. These remember probably the most seasoned provinces and regions for what is currently the United States and the illustrious names paid tribute to the leaders of either France and England. The rundown of states incorporates Georgia, Louisiana, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia. Would you be able to figure which rulers and sovereigns enlivened each name? The 'Carolinas' Have British Royalty Roots North and South Carolina have a long and muddled history. Two of the 13 unique states, they started as a solitary colonyâ but were isolated soon after in light of the fact that it was a lot of land to oversee. The name Carolinaâ is frequently ascribed as a respect of King Charles I of England (1625-1649), yet that isn't completely true.â What is truth is that Charles is Carolus in Latin and that propelled Carolina. Be that as it may, the French wayfarer, Jean Ribault first called the district Carolina when he had a go at colonizing Florida during the 1560s. During that time, he set up a station known as Charlesfort in what is presently South Carolina. The French King at that point? Charles IX who was delegated in 1560. At the point when the British pilgrims built up their settlements in the Carolinas, it was soon after the 1649â execution of King Charles I of England and they held the name in his respect. At the point when his child assumed control over the crown in 1661, the settlements were likewise a respect to his standard. As it were, the Carolinas pay tribute to every one of the three King Charles. 'Georgia' Was Inspired by a British King Georgia was one of the first 13 provinces that turned into the United States. It was the last settlement built up and it got official in 1732, only five years in the wake of King George II was delegated King of England. The name Georgia was unmistakably motivated by the new lord. The addition - iaâ was utilized frequently by the colonizing countries when naming new grounds to pay tribute to notable individuals. Ruler George II didn't live long enough to see his namesake become a state. He kicked the bucket in 1760 and was prevailing by his grandson, King George III, who ruled during the American Revolutionary War. 'Louisiana' Has French Origins In 1671, French voyagers asserted an enormous segment of focal North America for France. They named the zone out of appreciation for King Louis XIV, who reigned from 1643 until his passing in 1715. The name Louisiana begins with a reasonable reference to the ruler. The suffixâ -ianaâ is regularly used to allude to an assortment of articles with respect to the gatherer. Along these lines, we can freely associate Louisiana as an assortment of grounds claimed by King Louis XIV. This domain got known as the Louisiana Territory and was bought by Thomas Jefferson in 1803. Altogether, the Louisiana Purchase was for 828,000 square miles between the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains. The province of Louisiana framed the southern fringe and turned into a state in 1812. 'Maryland' Was Named After a British Queen Maryland additionally has a relationship with King Charles I yet, for this situation, it was named for his wife.â George Calvert was allowed a sanction in 1632 for a district east of the Potomac. The principal settlement was St. Marys and the domain was named Maryland. The entirety of this was to pay tribute to Henrietta Maria, sovereign partner of Charles I of England and little girl of King Henry IV of France. The 'Virginias' Were Named for a Virgin Queen Virginia (and in this way West Virginia) was settled by Sir Walter Raleigh in 1584. He named this new land after the English ruler of the time, Queen Elizabeth I. In any case, how could he get Virginiaâ out of Elizabeth? Elizabeth I was delegated in 1559 and passed on in 1603. During her 44 years as sovereign, sheâ never wedded and she earned the moniker of the Virgin Queen. That is the manner by which the Virginias got their name, yet whether the ruler was valid in her virginity involves a lot of discussion and hypothesis.
Developmental Competencies And Challenges For Late Adulthood
IntroductionLate adulthood is the term depicting the period in an individual’s life starting at ages sixty or seventy and closure in death. This life period is one of proceeding with change and alteration in physical and mental realms.Major ideas and unmistakable highlights of different social rolesSocializationThe family is the principal social organization for the kids. They are instructed how to fit into the network and the different social establishments. The kids get familiar with the society’s social qualities and culture. This over the long haul helps in making a social personality for the youngsters (Russell, 2004).EducationChildren beginning their training the second they are conceived. This incorporates both formal and casual. They are shown essential basic instincts, for example, discourse, connection and cleanliness. They later continue to formal schools where they grow their insight on a wide assortment of territories which later winds up in profession spec ialization.DisciplineThe kid is shown regard, and performing of family unit tasks. This causes them to develop into develop and dependable grown-ups. Control ought to be educated with sympathy, reason and tolerance without contention, hollering and beating. The guardians ought to figure out how to regard the children’s developing freedom so as to manufacture self esteem.ProtectionThe family offers insurance and security to the youngsters. They ought to be caused to feel safe both inside the home and without. They ought to be shielded from any type of physical or mental abuse.ClothingClothing is one of the essential needs that the family gives close by nourishment and safe house. Youngsters ought to be furnished with sufficient and the correct garments relying upon the environment.Nutrition and nourishment securityIt is the duty of the family to give wholesome prerequisites to the kids. They ought to consistently guarantee that the suppers are adjusted and meet the different n eeds of the children.ShelterThe family gives a warm and secure spot for the children’s improvement. It ought to shield the youngsters from any cruel ecological conditions that may influence their development.Emotional stabilityThe family ought to fulfill the child’s enthusiastic needs in this manner upgrading their passionate soundness. The guardians and kids ought to become companions. The guardians ought to make a climate where the kids can trust in them.HealthThe family ought to guarantee the kids are solid through legitimate sustenance and medication.Contribution and impact of social jobs and how they impact people and families in the situationIn our contextual analysis, the social jobs above are not enough met because of different insufficiencies with respect to the grandparents.The grandchildren’s socialization needs were not completely met. The grandparents by and large had little enthusiasm for forming the kids into an entire individual. There was separa tion between them fundamentally because of the age gap.There grandchildren’s training was likewise restrained. This is on the grounds that the grandparents didn't esteem formal training such a great amount since they didn't have any of it themselves. They had restricted assets since they are not working. They were in this manner incapable to give their grandkids great quality education.The grandparents were seen as careless as far as imparting discipline in their grandkids. They didn't have the fundamental vitality to catch up on their grandchildren’s activities.The grandparents were delicate and wiped out and couldn't offer enough insurance to their grandkids. There were different instances of assaults on their homestead.Clothing is one of the fundamental needs that the family gives close by nourishment and sanctuary. This was mostly because of budgetary imperatives since the grandparents weFood and sustenance needs of the grandkids were not satisfactorily dealt with because of restricted assets of the grandkids. They were likewise not extremely quick to guarantee a fair diet.The grandchildren’s clinical requirements were not given to their due reality since the grandparents needed to deal with their own.The huge age distinction made it hard for the grandkids and the grandparents to frame a bond essential in an ordinary family setting. The grandkids could in this way not trust in their grandparents and offer their enthusiastic needs (Gilbert and Kristin, 2005)ReferencesRussell, R. (2004). Informal communities Among Elderly Men Caregivers; Journal of Men’s     Studies 13(1): 121Gilbert, R. and Kristin C. (2005): When Strength Can’t Last a Lifetime: Vocational Challenges of Male Workers in Early and Middle Adulthood. Men and Masculinities, 7(4), April, pp. 424-433.Spector-Mersel, G. (2006). Never-maturing Stories: Western Hegemonic Masculinity Scripts. Diary of Gender Studies, Volume 15, Number 1, March, pp. 67-82.
Monday, June 29, 2020
Pattern Recognition in Diagnosis - Free Essay Example
The diagnostic process is an intricate process that commences with a patients ailment history that later on culminates into something that can be classified. It is imperative for a clinician to carefully assess the prognosis and offer effective treatment to the patient. The patients symptoms will be presented by their own experiences, and their accuracy in spelling out their symptoms will help determine the nature of their prognosis. According to Sackett, there are four main strategies that can be used in the diagnostic procedure. They include pattern recognition, hypothetico-deductive strategy, algorithm strategy and the complete history. (Sackett, 1991). Pattern recognition refers to the instant identification of illness from the patients explanation, while the hypothetical strategy requires the clinician to conduct a test and deduct an inference from the test. A patients detailed account of their experiences is what will determine the treatment they ought to be offered. A point in case is a patient that recently visited the hospital and complained of the following signs and symptoms, severe headaches, fever, diarrhea, pain in the whole body; especially abdominal pains and a lack of appetite. The patients sign and symptoms revealed that she was suffering from Typhoid. The patient also disclosed that she had consumed contaminated milk the previous week, and had only slight stomach aches. She bought several painkillers, and the pain disappeared only to reappear a week later and raise discomfort to her body. She felt very weak and was not enthusiastic about doing anything. The illness persevered until she finally came to the hospital to seek medication. She was given several drugs that would reduce the pain and bring back her appetite as she was shading a lot of weight from the lack of food. It was only after two days that the patient came bac k to the hospital sweating profusely and not stable to do anything. She was quickly rushed to the examination room where several tests were carried out once again. The patient was suffering from acute Malaria. Acute Malaria is a rare type of Malaria that rarely affects people, although a small percentage can easily contract it. The Malaria symptoms had incubated itself in her body for 10days since the time she was bitten. The patient was then offered all the anti-malaria drugs that have helped regain her appetite and reduced the pain she felt. This case was a peculiar one because the symptoms described by the patient were similar to the ones of Typhoid. The patient had also stated that she had taken contaminated milk, which was an obvious observation that she suffered from Typhoid. The results showed that diseases have very similar signs and symptoms that can lead to a misdiagnosis. Conducting tests keenly and attentively can result in the right outcome of a disease. The clinician works with what has been presented to them by the patient, and the accumulation of signs and symptoms fostering the development of the illness is the plot of the disease. (Hunter,1991). The medical practitioner works with the patients narrative, which is the plot or the diagnosis. (Hunter,1991). In the study case above, the patient had described themselves in a way that the signs pointed out to Typhoid by indicating that they had drank contaminated milk. This misled the clinician into the path of Typhoid, signing out Malaria, and thus conducting tests on Typhoid only to, later on, discover the illness. The patients history is a necessary tool for diagnosing patients, and it requires vast clinical knowledge and experience. (Macnaughton, 1998). The process of diagnosing starts with the doctor working with the information obtained from the patient, and establishing the pattern of their signs. They then make their deductions that they use in treating the patient. References Sackett DL, Haynes RB, Guyatt GH, Tugwell P. Clinical Epidemiology. Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1991; 3â€Å"18. Hunter KM. Doctors Stories. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1991; 44â€Å"47. Macnaughton J. Anecdote in clinical practice. In Greenhalgh T, Hurwitz B (eds). Narrative Based Medicine. London: MJ Books, 1998; 202â€Å"211.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Nursing Practice That Necessitates a Change - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 767 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2019/10/10 Did you like this example? Introduction Nursing Practice Identification Nursing acts as the most important aspect in our society. It helps in maintaining and improving healthcare. Nursing remains to be one of the most trusted healthcare profession. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Nursing Practice That Necessitates a Change" essay for you Create order A nurse is one of healthcare professional who engages in the practices associated with nursing. Nurses are responsible for maintaining healthcare, safety as well as facilitating effective recovery of patients. Moreover, nurses engages in nursing research which is a path that facilitates provision of evidence based care. Simply, all registered nurses plays a unique role on a healthcare team as they undertake on ongoing assessment of health status of patients as well as response to plan of care associated with patients. Their main focus lies on assisting patients to meet their needs which encapsulates emotional, physical, cognitive as well as social needs. Thus, the role played by nursing professional cannot be underestimated. However, there various areas in nursing practice that needs to be changed. One of the most important nursing practice that need to be changed is hand washing. Description of the Current Practice Preventing the spread of germs is one of the most important aspect in which all nurses should partake in order to promote health care. Hand washing is one way which help in preventing the spread of infections. It has been apparent that health care providers have been at risk of getting infection while performing their daily activities of treating patients. Failure of washing hands has become an issue that has affected improvement of standards as well as practice for hospitals care. Adherence with recommendations for hand washing which promotes hygiene and prevents spread of infections remains low. For instance, hand washing can help in lowering the cases of diarrhea (Ejemot?Nwadiaro et al, 2015). Hand hygiene is one of the renowned priory measure which lessens the spread of nosocomial pathogens. However, non-compliance with hand washing remains to be one of the challenge faced in various hospitals. As result, washing hand is one of the nursing practice that needs to be changed. T here is an ultimatum need to improve the standards as well as practices in health care settings by changing hand washing nursing practice. Reasons why Nursing Practice need to be changed The importance of maintaining hand hygiene by hand washing has been insufficiently recognized by nurses and other health care professionals. They fail to acknowledge the fact that clean hands count for safe healthcare as clean hands protects them from spreading serious infections to their patients while in hospital. Evidence from credible studies indicate that on average, nurses and other related healthcare professionals do not regularly wash their hands as they are supposed to do (Gould et al, 2017). This has contributed to the spread of infections that have affected many hospitals. Also, if the nursing practice is changed, it will facilitate an efficacy in eliminating bacteria and infections spreads by use of hands (Bhatia Dehankar, 2017). A patient in a hospital is at risk of acquiring infections apart from the one he is being treated for. Further, nurses and other healthcare providers are also at risk of acquiring infections from the same patients they are treating. Hence, there is a satiable reason of changing the highlighted nursing practice. Key Stakeholders and their Roles Stakeholders in health care plays a vital role towards establishing an environment that promotes establishment of effective patient care. Every key stakeholder plays a crucial role in maintaining the required standards within hospitals. Some of the key stakeholders include the healthcare providers in hospitals, patients as well as the public health officers operating at the community level. The public health officer plays a crucial role towards establishing a way of educating people the importance of hand washing. The education comprises of highlighting how hands are used to carry infections. In relation to health care providers which include nurses and other medical officers, they are responsible of ensuring that recommended standards are maintained which include proper hand hygiene which entails proper hand washing. Patients also plays a vital in establishing an environment which promotes their effective recovery. Washing their hands regularly acts as a mean that prevents spread of infections. Scientists are also key stakeholders. Although they don’t belong to the health care setting, they play a critical role who should never be underestimated. They have a responsibilities of coming up with mechanisms of ensuring infections are not spreads through hands. This means that they come up with means of maintaining high levels of hand hygiene. If the key stakeholders highlighted plays their role accordingly, then they will be able to support the recommended change of hand washing.
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