Sunday, December 29, 2019
The Economic Development Of China - 1420 Words
Since initiating market reforms in 1978, China has experienced enormous and rapid economic growth, become one of the world’s largest economies. The seeds of this rapid economic growth were planted in 1978 when the Chinese Communist Party started to introduce capitalist market principles. This was done by moving from a centrally planned to a market based economy. The shift away from traditional Marxist policy created a scarcely concealed capitalist culture in China masked by a communist facade. One can argue that with wealth comes a much higher level of education. The economic development in China has created a society that is better educated and paid. Citizens are developing much more politicized views and are more actively expressing their opinions. If the economic inequality caused by their current specialized private sector continues to grow, the citizens, now increasingly aware of their rights, will be less likely to accept the domination of the state. Finally, due to the internet, the nationalism that has historically helped Communism to remain the dominant ideology in China is decreasing. Younger generations are experiencing a culture shift that favours a more democratic lifestyle. Globalization and the growing entry into foreign markets will create pressure for China to abandon their communist political self-identity, transitioning instead towards democracy. When communism was first implemented in China, Mao depended on isolation to make it work. China’s recentlyShow MoreRelatedThe Economic Development Of China1130 Words  | 5 Pagesour strategy of export led industrialization and economic liberalization. We should recognize the success that China has had with export-led growth and want to emulate the policies that have enabled incredible economic development to occur in our neighbors to the north. Since 1991, we have taken great strides to modernize our country. But, there are still inefficiencies in our economy that need to be addres sed to ensure continued economic development. Theory behind export-led industrialization: Export-ledRead MoreChina s Economic Development Of China866 Words  | 4 PagesWith the economic development of China rapidly increasing, China has gradually attracted the attention from the worldwide publicity, state media reports, and it has become one of the important players in the international sphere. In general, economic development and growth has become one of the most significant factors for China’s successes. Historically, there are three main periods since the founding of China, which are after the establishment of the country, the period of the opening policy, andRead MoreChina - Economic Development Essay1381 Words  | 6 Pageslitter spotted throughout public areas may come to mind. However, with the modernization and industrialization China has gone through, urban citizens are now more frequently using public transport, automobiles are increasingly being used more and people are hired to keep streets as clean as possible. With a little over three decades h aving past since the major industrial development, China has industrialized at an astonishing rate. This is especially apparent when comparing its much higher industrializingRead MoreEconomic Development Of China Through Marxian Economics And Neoclassical Economics1618 Words  | 7 Pages In the era of capitalist globalization, the economic growth of China has made the country a possible regional leader with the potential to become a global power. With respect to economics, China’s capitalist market has become a key international player in global politics. One way of conceptualizing the phenomenon of economic expansion in China is through the examination of traditional and contemporary IR theories. 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The past few decades have witnessed major ups and downs in the economies. While some countries have experienced shrinking incomes (Zambian per capita income figures in early 1990’s as compared to 1960s (Easterly, 2002, p.42)), some have experienced a substantial increase (East Asian NICs, India, China, etc). The debates on why some countries are poor while some are significantly
Saturday, December 21, 2019
The Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico - 1155 Words
Principles Environmental Science Introduction Rig of the drilling Deep-water Horizon operated under British petroleum failed in its operation sinking below the seawater of the Gulf of Mexico on the 20th of April 2010. More than 11 workers lost their lives. After this incident, tons and tons of oil gushed from the main opening of the well, buried 1600 meters below the sea level. Necessary steps have been taken to take control on the spill but still there is much to handle when it comes to the consistent danger being faced by the environment. The main culprit ingredient of the incident is the petroleum posing a number of disastrous effects to the environment. Types of Air and Water Pollutants Fresh oil present on the surface of the Gulf of Mexico being the primary pollutant evaporates in the air. This oil is broken down into tiny particles called the aerosols, which are designated to be the secondary pollutants. The aerosols that include certain classes of hydrocarbons are not easily broken down hence remaining in the air. Other than the aerosols, a significant amount of alkyl nitrates, hexane, methane, and butane compounds have been identified in the air which along with the aerosols are skin irritants and can cause dizziness (Landau, 2011, p. 67). Aerosols have been related to lung cancers. Surprisingly, the concentration of these compounds in the air is much higher when compared to the highly polluted environments of Los Angeles, Oklahoma and Mexico. The oilShow MoreRelatedGulf Of Mexico Oil Spill1073 Words  | 5 Pages Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Every day individuals take the true beauty of our nation by visiting recreational areas along with beaches. Oil spills create nothing, but negative effects on the areas that it happens in. Many plants and animals are affected by this negative disaster which sickness the animals or some even die from it. Maybe if more time and money was spent working on having more efficient renewable energy sources than digging up a source of fuel that will eventually run out we would notRead More Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico853 Words  | 3 PagesOil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico Imagine 2,500 to 68,000 square miles covered in 4.9 million barrels of oil. No, imagine being covered in 4.9 million barrels of oil. Picture yourself gasping for air in an ocean filled with oil. That is exactly what birds, sea turtles, dolphins, and other animals had to do after the most catastrophic oil spill of all time occurred on April 20, 2010. The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico occurred because â€Å"oil from the well shot up and out of the drill column under highRead MoreThe Oil Spill Of The Gulf Of Mexico1812 Words  | 8 PagesPetroleum (BP) is a multinational oil and gas company. Based on market cap, it was the fifth largest energy company in 2013. (IHS Energy 50). Like many petroleum based companies, BP is often under fire from environmental activists for not being environmentally cautious, but during the year of 2010, BP experienced a disaster that would cripple it’s reputation far past that of the average petroleum energy company. Deepwater Horizon was an ultra-deepwater offshore oil drilling rig licensed by BP. ItRead MoreBP Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill 905 Words  | 4 PagesCASE STUDY- MINI CASE: BP GULF OF MEXICO OIL SPILL CASE SUMMARY 1. In a narrative format, summarize the key facts and issues of the case. In the case of the BP Gulf of Mexico oil spill, we examine the effects of an organization not being prepared for this particular crisis. The world scrutinized the actions, inactions, and the human decisions made by BP that led to a major catastrophic crisis. The organization was not prepared for a crisis of this magnitude. Our text stated that this type of negligenceRead MoreBp Oil Spill On The Gulf Of Mexico1249 Words  | 5 PagesBrittneigh Campbell POS 303 BP Oil Spill Survey Research Question How did the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010 affect our economy and environment, and what does the future hold, with regard to the environment, oil drilling, and sustainability? Introduction For the best range of participants and the east of analyzation, I chose to conduct an electronic survey. I posted the survey (publically) on Facebook. This allowed people from all over the country, from almost all sections of social-economicRead MoreEffects Of The Oil Spill On The Gulf Of Mexico1112 Words  | 5 Pagesthe oil spill happens. This oil spill happened five years ago and nearly 5 barrels of oil was spilt into the Gulf of Mexico. The oil spill was caused from an explosion through the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig about 40 miles off the coast of Louisiana. The main effect from this oil spill was the losses of the animals. Causing many to almost go extinct. As a result from the oil spill the earth has hadâ€â€losses from pollution, the cost, and the damage of people. The first effect of the oil spill is manyRead MoreBP Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill771 Words  | 3 PagesDiagnosing Conflict caused by the BP rig explosion of spring 2010 in the Gulf of Mexico and analyzing it through the Triangle of Satisfaction was a challenging endeavor. Looking through the eyes of BP, the State of Louisiana and the US Federal government I first identified the motivating factors from each perspective. British Petroleum BP is a powerful mega-organization, with a business model that reports â€Å"their belief of achieving sustainable success as a group, is to act in the long term-termRead MoreEssay on BP Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico3115 Words  | 13 Pages An oil spill of 4.9 million barrels, which happened in 2010, created not only turmoil for the environment, but caused the economy to take a great hit from the loss of an important raw material. Transocean were the owners of the oil rig drilling on behalf of BP, who were the ones at fault for the spill. This event caused a stir in both the government and non-governmental organizations, because of the extensive damage that it caused. Federal investigations were put under way to determine theRead MoreDeepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico Essay2106 Words  | 9 Pagespetroleum (oil) and are all needed for survival. Oil was, at one time, plentiful and considered more of a nuisance for those who were drilling wells for wate r in the US because it would seep into the wells. Early uses for the oil were for machinery lubrication and burning in lamps. It wasn’t until the invention of the internal combustion engine, which made life and manufacturing so much simpler, that oil became of more interest. In the late 1800s John D. Rockefeller started one of the first oil companyRead MoreCase Study: BP and the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill3602 Words  | 15 Pages...................................................2 Was this disaster strictly a BP failure or an industry accident?........................................................................2 What factors affect the competitive environment of the oil industry? ...........................................................2 Question 2 ............................................................................................................................................................4 What were
Friday, December 13, 2019
Childcare Diploma Free Essays
Oral interview SHC 31 2. 2 Describe the factors to consider when promoting effective communication: ? The method of communication ? Environment (it depends with whom we are having the conversation) ? Proximity, orientation and posture (distance that we allow and take in consideration the cultural differences) SHC 31 3. 1 Explain how people from different backgrounds may use and/or interpret communications method in different ways ? Different culture ? Different way of saying things ? Different body language ? Different home environment ? Different routine ? Different meanings SHC 31 3. We will write a custom essay sample on Childcare Diploma or any similar topic only for you Order Now 2 Identify barriers to effective communication ? Information-Language difficulties of expression ? Encoding -Inappropriate method of communication ? Transfer – Lost information, post missing, e-mail not received, written messages sent trough a child ? Reception – hearing difficulties, visual impairment, sign were not meant for them ? Decoding – not understanding the correct message – due to language difficulties, not enough time to understand the message, past experience influence the meaning of the message, stressed or distracted and the information is not absorbed ? Feedback – no facial expression, incorrect interpreting of the reaction, ? Response message not been received or misunderstood, negative response due to inappropriate style of communication SHC 31 3. 5 Explain how to access extra support or services to enable individuals to communicate effectively ? To try and find different way and methods to make someone understand: translating and interpreting services ? Speech and language services ( speech therapist or picture exchange, makaton – sign language) ? Advocacy services centres where they children can be consulted about matters important to them SHC32 2. 3 Describe how own values, belief systems and experience might affect the working practice ? You own values and you belief system can affect your work place sometimes because you may use only what you think is correct for the children ? By having other experiences and listening to other people advice might give you a different idea of how to do things better to meet children’s need How to cite Childcare Diploma, Papers
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Analyse the poetic techniques used in Robert Frosts Essay Example For Students
Analyse the poetic techniques used in Robert Frosts Essay He relates the telephone to being a Flower And thus relates the phone with a beautiful sweet smelling flower. In this respect, we come to the conclusion that the person on the other end is very close to the speaker, a significant other. Frost also links the flower with a Bee Making a clearer link with nature. The bee almost makes a melodious humming sound further describing the sound of the person on the other end. Frost uses ranges of metaphors throughout the poem to tie in with his ink from the telephone to nature. Frost makes the poem first person singular to get an insight of the speaker and his real thoughts. He also uses the word You To get the reader involved, but symbolically we know he is referring to the other person. Using this method of first person, Frost is successfully making the conversation more genuine and in some sense more truthful. And so by using the words I And You The poem becomes more realistic and gives us a look into the speakers thoughts making the poem a persona. The structural formation of the poem is irregular. Frost begins with a nine line stanza followed by a one line stanza. This slows the poems flow and lets the reader collect their thoughts. He goes onto having a seven line stanza followed by a pair of one line stanzas. This random structure in a way shows us that the speaker, who is reminiscing on a past confrontation with the same person, has random remembrances of what was said. This is also mirrored in the poem by the speakers questions and attempts to revive the other persons memory Do you remember what it was you said? And thus by using this sort of irregular formation, Frost does not have any restrictions in the rhyme or rhythm although the poem does contain fair amounts of rhyme. Right through the poem, there is a lot of Juxtaposition. Frost uses words such as; Was Still Did To contrast with the words representing the present; Today This presents yet another concept of what the speaker is dealing with. He is dealing with the restraints of time which only make life travel faster. Yet also this gives the reader a better look at which angle the speaker is coming from. Thus using juxtaposition, Frost can make a further relation with the reader and also bring in history to make the poem more relevant. In conclusion, The Telephone by Robert Frost, is an overview of a telephone call the speaker makes. This conversation is linked with nature and natural elements to make the poem more down to earth. The first person in the poem, make it more personal and the Juxtaposition makes the poem more relevant to the audience.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Case On Social Cost Essays - Public Economics, Market Failure, Costs
Case On Social Cost Assuming no pollution, explain why a road is only an example of market failure when it is congested. When a road is not congested and the traffic can move freely along it, the private cost is equal to the social cost. The road is non-rivalrous because everybody who wants to use it can. For every user that uses the road above the amount that makes the road rivalrous, they have to pay the externality of the congestion. As more people join, the externality increases. The externality is also known as the external cost. Because the road becomes congested, the journey time of the users is lengthened. The additional road users should pay the cost of the other users time. On a congested road, a car for example uses more fuel than it would on a non-congested road, this cost should also be considered. Measuring the social cost is very difficult. Listed above are just two factors that determine the extent of the social cost. The social cost can be different at different times of the day, e.g. at 8:30am in the morning, the roads are very busy because of people travelling to work. The same goes for 5pm when people finish work. In the early hours of the morning it is unlikely that you will any cars at all. There is market failure when the Marginal Social Cost (MSC) is greater than the Marginal Private Cost (MPB). This only happens when the road is congested (we can see this from the diagram). This is why a road is an example of market failure only when it is congested. The additional motorists that wish to use a congested road should pay the external cost, we can see this also on the graph.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
ACT Prep
Is There Asian-American Discrimination in College Admissions and SAT / ACT Prep SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Recently, there has been substantial coverage about whether colleges discriminate against Asian-Americans in admissions and even test prep. What does that mean for these students? How should such students navigate SAT / ACT prep and college admissions? This article surveys the current state of admissions and gives some tips. Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent those of PrepScholar or any affiliate. While even broaching this topic can be seen as controversial, I also believe, as an educator, that I’m responsible for giving advice that helps the greatest number of students understand the landscape. This article specifically addresses Asian-Americans applying from the US and not applicants directly applying from Asia. Introduction The intersection of race and college admissions has always been a sensitive issue, but recently it has boiled over to the front pages of newspapers. Sociology professor Thomas Espenshade writes that â€Å"To receive equal consideration by elite colleges, Asian-Americans must outperform Whites by 140 points [on the 1600-scale SAT].†Data from the National Center for Education Statistics show that, while Asians of college age doubled in the last 25 years, their enrollment rates at Ivy-League schools have stayed the same. S.B. Woo, founder of the National Asian-American Educational Foundation,concludes that the â€Å"discrimination is obvious†. Others defend using race as a factor in admissions. Director of Education Equity Khin Aung argues that considering race allows benefits of diversity such as â€Å"creating the most effective learning environment.†Jeff Neal, a spokesperson at Harvard, states that Harvard â€Å"continues to support the use of holistic admissions process," which implicitly includes race. To catch up with the current state of conversation on the topic, all you have to do is Google â€Å"Asian college admissions†. Are Asian-Americans Discriminated Against in College Admissions? The value of affirmative action is controversial, but the existence of affirmative action is undisputed. The vast majority of experts in college admissions and SAT / ACT prep agree that affirmative action exists - college admissions is not totally blind to race. Given an ACT / SAT score range, it is an empirical fact that Asian-Americans have a lower acceptance rate than the average white American in many data setssuch as the Espenshade and Radford 1997 elite college admissions data. Likewise, a survey of the admitted class of 2017 at Harvard revealed that SAT scores for Asians (including Indians) were higher than those of whites. However, as anyone who has studied statistics can tell you (and I do have a Master’s degree in the field), those facts above are correlations and not causations. They suggest, but do not prove, that an Asian-American with otherwise the same application to the same school as a white American will have a lower chance of admission. I call this the Hypothesis that being Asian Lowers Admissions Chances (HALAC). HALAC, of course, implies that being Asian means that getting into a given college will be harderfor you than for a white American. What This Article Does and Does Not Do This article will give you advice as to what an Asian-American may want to consider doing to maximize chances of college admissions. On both the front of the university and the government, policy moves too slowly for it to help most Asian-Americans with this issue. Therefore, this article doesn't take any stance on the correct institutional policies or political views as a response to HALAC. Additionally, given that causality is difficult to prove, this article doesn't take a stance on whether causally the HALAC effect exists. Instead, this article focuses on things you, as an Asian-American, can do right now to maximize your chances of being accepted into top colleges. If you read through the evidence and believe that the HALAC effect exists, then the suggestions below can be useful to you. If you Google the evidence and don't think it supports HALAC, that's fine too - the advice below will be less applicable to you in that case. What Doesn't Work Before I give you the tips for what works for Asian applicants under the HALAC effect, I will first go over what absolutely doesn’t work. First, lying doesn’t work nearly as well as you might think.What if you just don’t check the Asian box? What if you check â€Å"don’t want to disclose†? The problem is that colleges can often tell your race through other means. You do have to give colleges your legal name - if your last name is Nguyen, Lee, Kim, or Patel, for example, the admissions staff will almost certainly figure it out. What about just changing your name or making up your name? This will really get you into hot water as colleges are pretty good about calling your past teachers and running background checks on you. A good rule of thumb is this: if a casual friend who knows you would unambiguously say you’re of Asian ethnicity, it’s hard to get around it. Just put down that you’re Asian and be done with it. By telling the truth on your name and ethnicity box, you at least signal honesty. On the other hand, if you have a legitimate reason for not identifying as Asian, then you can, in fact, consider this path. Suppose you’re genetically 25% Asian and 75% Hispanic, and your parents were both born in the United States. Some college applications ask you to identify with one or as many ethnicities as you want. Under the HALAC effect you probably do want to omit Asian, if allowed. Also, mass action will rarely work to your advantage for admissions. By mass action, I mean protesting the HALAC effect, suing colleges, complaining to the government, and so forth. Colleges may be reluctant to admit a student likely to cause the administration a headache.Remember, university administration is a highly political entity. The government political process also works way too slowly. It will cost millions to fight it out in court and years to reach a judgment. If your goal is to raise your chances of admissions under the HALAC effect, I would think twice about filing an official grievance. Of course, there are other fine reasons that you may want to take mass action in the future, perhaps due to your political or ethical beliefs. However, I’m just telling you that, almost always, taking official or mass action won’t increase your personal short-term chances of getting into a certain school. Who Does This Article Apply To? This article applies much more to Americans of Asian heritage, i.e. students who have studied in the US at least a few years before they apply to college. It applies much less to students who are applying directly from another country. These latter students are better classified as international students. For them, there is a whole set of other factors that are more important - for example appetite of a college for internationalstudents, authenticity of documents, etc. Throughout this article, the term â€Å"Asian†includes Indian and other ethnically related neighbors - since the data across these groups are all similar. How You Can Combat the HALAC Effect Now that you understand what the HALAC effect is, how can you use that information to increase your chances of getting into top schools? Below are three strategies for combating the HALAC effect; read through them to learn how to maximize your chances of admission. Step 1: Account for the HALAC Effect Before you can combat the HALAC effect, first you have to find where it exists. The HALAC effect is not something that can be magically erased by easy action on your part. Therefore, in response to the HALAC effect, the first and most important thing that a student of Asian heritage should do is to account for it correctly. By this, I mean realizing that your chances of getting in are lower and planning accordingly which colleges you’ll apply to and how you’ll apply to them. Accounting for the HALAC effectmeans that you should adjust where your reach, target, and safety schools are. Instead of putting them as high as you might otherwise, target them a little lower. If you target too high, you run the risk of overshooting - not getting into the target schools of your choice and instead getting into a safety school that you didn’t spend much time researching. You should also account for the HALAC effect more at classically â€Å"elite†colleges. Colleges that are US News ranked 1-10 probably suffer most from HALAC, with the effect decreasing through colleges 10-50 in rank. The effect becomes much lower in colleges ranked above 50. In fact, most HALAC studies focus on the top colleges for exactly this reason: the effects are more concentrated and more statistically significant there. There are many potential reasons for the concentration of the HALAC effect on highly ranked colleges. Proportionally, more Asians apply to these colleges, leading to the HALAC effect when colleges diversify away from Asians. Also, these schools tend to care the most about diversity factors because they are already oversubscribed by great academic performers. These diversity factors tend to be big drivers of the HALAC effect. Conversely, a more moderately rated college will show a lesser HALAC effect because, to them, someone academically strong is itself a great asset. How do you account for the HALAC effect? One method is to apply to more colleges when doing applications. Apply to three times the number of reach schools you would otherwise and twice the number of target schools. Applying to more schools ensures that you compensate for lower chances due to HALAC. The more accurate method to account for HALAC is to just do an SAT / ACT score adjustment. That is, lower your SAT by 100 points (on the 1600 scale) or yourACT score by 2 points, and then go through the colleges you’re applying to â€Å"as if†you got your adjusted score. For example, if you really got a 1500 on your SAT, think of your chances of getting into college as if you got a 1400 instead. When you look up your chances using our â€Å"what are my chances table†, use 1400 instead of 1500. By doing this adjustment, you’ll correctly identifythe right reach, target, and safety schools. Why 100 points on the SAT and 2 points on the ACT? These are rough numbers that are closest to a large set of consensus estimates for the HALAC effect. They’re a little lower than the Espenshade study but higher than some other casual surveys. I should disclaim that these numbers are rules of thumb and not hard scientific numbers. Also, for rank 1-10 schools, you should adjust for the full 100 points, but if you’re applying to schools ranked 10-50, a rule of thumb is you can account for just a 50-point adjustment. The adjustment beyond rank 50 will be smaller still. Step 2: Combat the HALAC Effect Through Test Scores Given that Asians need a 100-point increase on the 1600-SAT to reach the same admissions chances, another way to combat the effect is just by having a higher SAT / ACT score.This does require more time and dedication, but it’s definitely possible. It’s not easy to improve by 100 points on the SAT or 2 points on the ACT. However, such improvements are definitely doable. In fact, we at PrepScholar have a 160-point guarantee for the SATand a 4-point guarantee for the ACT.You’ll need to work harder, but you can overcome the HALAC effect this way. Some stereotype Asians as studying more than usual forthe SAT / ACT. However, with their need to score higher just to have the same chances under HALAC, this behavioris much less of a surprise. Step 3: Combat the HALAC Effect Through Diversity in Other Areas To combat HALAC closer to its roots, it’s useful to examine how the HALAC effect arises. Supporters of affirmative action, including the universities themselves, always emphasize diversity as the primary goal. While one can argue about whether that is the sole goal of affirmative action, it is clear that diversity provides a strong channel to drive the HALAC effect. Looking at the diversity driver of the HALAC effect will be another key for Asians to overcome it. Under this diversity driver model, the reason HALAC occurs is because, in the eyes of admissions officers, too many Asian applicants all look the same on paper. They are too similar along too many dimensions. These applicants all do well in school, have high ACT / SAT scores, play violin or piano, and play a racketsport like tennis. Oh and, of course, they are all Asian. The problem from the point of diversity isn’t that an applicant is merely Asian, but rather that an entire host of applicants all look the same along other dimensions. A colorful but useful analogy for the diversity needs of colleges is putting horses into barn stalls. The horses represent applicants, and the barn stalls are the â€Å"spaces†and archetypes that the school has for these applicants. One stall might be labeledâ€Å"Asian, high grades, piano player†- and this stall is overfilled. But if you were white, the â€Å"white, high grades, piano player†stall is only half full! You can’t change your ethnicity, but you can definitely change your other labels, your other dimensions. It turns out that â€Å"Asian, high grades, lacrosse star†is wide open too! Why not fill that stall instead? Put in more theoretical terms, to the extent the HALAC effect is about diversity, you can generate diversity along other dimensions. Instead of being an Asian who’s a top ranked violin player (stereotypical Asian), why not try being a top guitar player? You can go further than that. While a guitar is not stereotypically Asian, it is still a very common instrument. Perhaps you are better off trying to be a top French horn player? Instead of playing badminton, why not try soccer or squash? Generally, think about what the stereotypical Asian applicant looks like. If you can be equally good along a dimension but break the stereotype, it is definitely to your advantage. Being in your state’s top 20 tennis players is probably less advantageous than being one of your state’s top 20 lacrosse players. Being a top 50 debater in your state is probably better than being a top 50 math competitor. It is important that you break the Asian stereotype in ways that are low cost to you. If you can jump from being a top 20 tennis player to a top 20 lacrosse player for free, you definitely should. But life is rarely that simple - and that’s just one of many reasons I don’t like the plain advice â€Å"appear less Asian†. What if you’re a nationally ranked tennis player and don’t know a thing about lacrosse? What if math is your passion and debating is more boring to you than breaking rocks? You have to account for the fact that breaking stereotypes can be costly. I would say that, for an Asian applicant, a rank 50 state debater is stronger than a rank 50 math competitor. But a rank 50 debater is definitely weaker than a rank 5 state math competitor and is probably equal to a rank 20 state math competitor. When it comes to top colleges, they care about what you’re best at and your natural spike. I would be extremely cautious about sacrificing your best dimension in the name of diversity. In fact, I would almost never sacrifice your spike for diversity. The take-away message is this: if you can diversify in extracurriculars at low cost, then do it. However, if you have a special talent, and it happens to be in an area that â€Å"looks Asian†, then don’t give it up. The right calibration is probably a loss of 2x in rank. If you can switch from an Asian-heavy activity to an Asian-light one and lose just 1.5x in rank (e.g. rank 20 to rank 30), then make the switch. But if you have to give up 4x in rank (rank 20 to rank 80), don’t make the switch. Summary Hopefully, the above article gives you a good sense of the unique landscape that Asian-American applicants face in United States college admissions. We started out with some background on the debate - although if you want the full story it’s best to Google the controversy yourself. Then we talked about what the data shows and whether you believe in the Hypothesis of Asians having Lower Admissions Chances. In such a case, we examined how big the HALAC effect can be (about 100 points on the SAT scale). The good news is that there are steps Asian-Americans can take to increase their chances. First, look for diversity in dimensions beyond race; look for diversity in extracurriculars. Second, it’s important to ensure that you’re strong on the SAT / ACT front to make up those 100 points. Do both of these things and you'll give yourself a much better shot at getting into your dream schools. What's Next? Want to improve your SAT score so that you have a better chance of getting into topschools? Learn how studying can get you a perfect SAT score! Wondering which extracurriculars you should join to help yourself stand out? We have guides that include hundreds of extracurriculars ideas andexamples of amazing extracurriculars that are sure to impress colleges. Want more information on what it takes to get into top schools? Learn how to get accepted to Harvard and the Ivy League, written by a Harvard alum. Have friends who also need help with test prep? Share this article! Tweet Dr. Fred Zhang About the Author Fred is co-founder of PrepScholar. He scored a perfect score on the SAT and is passionate about sharing information with aspiring students. Fred graduated from Harvard University with a Bachelor's in Mathematics and a PhD in Economics. Get Free Guides to Boost Your SAT/ACT Get FREE EXCLUSIVE insider tips on how to ACE THE SAT/ACT. 100% Privacy. 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Thursday, November 21, 2019
Nuclear Power Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Nuclear Power - Essay Example This article will focus on nuclear power focusing on potential advantages and disadvantages. Research shows that nuclear energy is sustainable, however; this form of energy has also been associated with the numerous threats it poses to the environment. Some of the most common nuclear disasters known include the Three Mile Island Accident (1979), Chernobyl disaster (1986) and the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster (2011) (Cravens, 2007). However, experts are still carrying out research regarding safety improvements in nuclear energy. This is with the sole aim of finding out if nuclear power’s hazardous side can be eliminated. This will then ensure that opponents of nuclear power embrace its creation, testing and ultimate use. The countries that have significantly invested in nuclear energy include the China, United States and Japan. In this case, the United States was recognized as the largest producer of nuclear energy. In most cases, nuclear energy is employed in propulsion of ships (nuclear marine propulsion), production of electricity and space vehicles among other uses. In the past, most of the countries used nuclear power in construction of weapons of mass destruction. This was most prevalent in the World War II era (Cravens, 2007). In conclusion, nuclear power has been identified as a conventional fuel resource. This involves the use of the uranium element which is a constituent of dirt and rocks found in large water bodies. Furthermore, the World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO) is an international organization which was set up to promote the safety awareness of nuclear facilities (Cravens,
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Essential Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Essential Questions - Essay Example This is done by imparting and acquiring knowledge necessary to eliminate illiteracy and generally changing the mindset. Although in the modern day education is mainly advanced in formal settings such as schools, it can also be done in informal settings. In fact, the first education steps take place in informal settings and in a sub conscious situation from birth. According to Dewey, the sub conscious education from birth is responsible for shaping traits and arousing feelings and emotions in individuals (Dewey, p.1). This implies that education plays an important role in shaping people’s habits and general behavior. This corresponds with the main purpose of education of nurturing growth and general development essential in improving life status in entirety. Fulfilling education purposes requires an outline of appropriate strategies that integrate together to create the desired objective. These strategies stipulate the constituents of education and they tend to lie more on formal education. This is because informal education is seemingly uncontrollable since it entails everyday experiences some that may be adopted sub consciously. As such, determination of what education should entail lies more on improving efficiency and outcome of formal education. This implies that the main focus is on teachers critically examining their techniques and expertise in the teaching practice. This is because teaching techniques specific to the students in play are an appropriate way of advancing education (Ball and Forzani, 2009, p.6). However, other seemingly external factors such as government policies also have influence on education. Nonetheless, the best outcome from formal education has been coupled with student interests (Counts, p.2). This simply means making the learning process student friendly and parallel to some of the acceptable interests. Basically, education should
Monday, November 18, 2019
Comparing the original Sherlock Holmes to the BBCs adaptation Essay
Comparing the original Sherlock Holmes to the BBCs adaptation - Essay Example Literary works produced in earlier years often tend to be adapted and reproduced to fit current lifestyles, especially if such works stirred great interest in their original formats. As such, books, novels, short stories among others can be reproduced in a different genre, for example in a film. The process of adapting and reproducing a literary work is often challenging and can lead to some degree of distortion of the original work. The distortion occurs when the producers, for example, try to fit a character to modern times and the probable scenarios that the character would play. Sherlock, the BBC’s adaptation of â€Å"The Complete Sherlock Holmes†continues to portray Dr. Watson and Sherlock as two males having a close non-sexual relationship just like the original piece. However, the BBC’s version is more daring towards creating doubt on the gender markers of Dr. Watson, by making it appear as if the latter is attracted to Sherlock. The frequent allusions by people that the two could be gay serve to create anxiety in the viewer concerning whether subsequent scenes will reveal that in deed Dr. Watson and Sherlock are romantically involved. However, this scenario does not happen and viewers are kept in anxiety over whether the series will end that way. Keeping the viewers in suspense over the sexual orientation of particularly Dr. Watson is good for interest retention, but the producers concentrate too much on making gay jokes that it almost becomes offensive for gay people and other GSM. A good percentage of the society has come to accep t the GSM and as such, it is not appropriate to keep on joking about such a sensitive matter.
Friday, November 15, 2019
A Two Port Network Biology Essay
A Two Port Network Biology Essay A two-port network a kind of four-terminal network or quadripole is an electrical network circuit or device with two pairs of terminals to connect to external circuits. Two terminals constitute a port if the currents applied to them satisfy the essential requirement known as the port condition: the electric current entering one terminal must equal the current emerging from the other. The ports constitute interfaces where the network connects to other networks, the points where signals are applied or outputs are taken. In a two-port network, often port 1 is considered the input port and port 2 is considered the output port. The two-port network model is used in mathematical circuit analysis techniques to isolate portions of larger circuits. A two-port network is regarded as a black box with its properties specified by a matrix of numbers. This allows the response of the network to signals applied to the ports to be calculated easily, without solving for all the internal voltages and currents in the network. It also allows similar circuits or devices to be compared easily. For example, transistors are often regarded as two-ports, characterized by their h-parameters (see below) which are listed by the manufacturer. Any linear circuit with four terminals can be regarded as a two-port network provided that it does not contain an independent source and satisfies the port conditions. Examples of circuits analysed as two-ports are filters, matching networks, transmission lines, transformers, and small-signal models for transistors (such as the hybrid-pi model). The analysis of passive two-port networks is an outgrowth of reciprocity theorems first derived by Lorentz. In two-port mathematical models, the network is described by a 2 by 2 square matrix of complex numbers. The common models that are used are referred to as z-parameters, y-parameters, h-parameters, g-parameters, and ABCD-parameters, each described individually below. These are all limited to linear networks since an underlying assumption of their derivation is that any given circuit condition is a linear superposition of various short-circuit and open circuit conditions. They are usually expressed in matrix notation, and they establish relations between the variables (Two-Port Networks. (n.d.). In Wikipedia. Retrieved October 25, 20012, from http://en.wikipe The experiment is divided into two parts: Part 1 is focused on determining two-port network parameters (admittance and transmission parameters only). The process of measurement and calculations will be briefly illustrated in Theoretical Supplement part. We are aiming to investigate the relationships between the individual parameters and the parameters of two-port networks in cascade and parallel. Part 2 is focused on finding out the transient responses in two-port networks containing capacitive and inductive reactances. Theoretical Supplements: Measurement of Admittance (Y-) Parameters: The equations to determine the parameters are: I1 = y11V1 + y12V2 I2 = y21V1 + y22V2 i.e. [I] = [Y].[V] [Y] = y11 y12 y21 y22 where are the Y parameters of the two-port network. Experimentally these parameters can be determined by short circuiting the ports, one at a time. Hence these parameters are also termed as short-circuit admittance parameters. The following diagrams show the method to calculate the parameters: When output port is shorted (as shown in Figure 2 below): V2 = 0.1 Figure 2 y11 = I1 / V1 y21 = I2 / V1 When input port is shorted (as shown in Figure 3 below): V1 = 0 2 Figure3 y12 = I1 / V2 y22 = I2 / V2 Measurement of Transmission Parameters: The equations to determine the parameters are: V1 = AV2 BI2 I1 = CV2 DI2 Or3 Where [t] is the transmission parameters of the two-port network. Experimentally, the t-parameters can be obtained by short circuiting and open circuiting the output one at a time. The following procedure shows how to calculate the parameters: Output port is open-circuited: i.e. I2 = 0 4 Figure4 A = V1 / V2 C = I1 / V2 Output port is short-circuited: i.e. V2 = 0 1 Figure5 B = V1 / I2 D = I1 / I2 Cascade Interconnection of two 2-port Networks: Considering the 2 networks A and B which are connected in cascade, as shown in Figure 6 below. From this the transmission parameters of the combined cascaded network (N) is obtained. The method is demonstrated below. 5 Figure 6 [t]N = [t]A.[t]B 7 Hence, the following result is obtained. 8 Parallel Interconnection of two 2-Port Networks: Considering the two networks A and B which connected in parallel, as shown in Figure 7 below. The overall y-parameters of the combined network N can be obtained as follows: 6 Figure 7 I1 = I1A + I1B I2 = I2A + I2B V1 = V1A = V1B V2 = V2A = V2B; And H:DropboxCamera Uploads2012-10-25 05.41.34.jpg It can be seen that the overall Y-parameters can be obtained by summing the corresponding Y-parameters of individual networks A and B, when the A and B networks are not altered by the parallel connection. Transient Responses of Two-Port Networks: Damping Ratio   º is defined as the ratio of the actual resistance in damped harmonic motion to that necessary to produce critical damping. It is also known as relative damping ratio. We divide the transient responses into three types on the basis of damping ratio   º, Over damped response (  º > 1), Under damped response (  º Critically damped response (  º = 1). The various conditions stated above are described in detail below. Over damped Response: In this case the roots of the characteristic equation are real and distinct. The solution to the input signal is a decaying exponential function with no oscillations and the transient response will be over damped. The response to the input signal is slow and has no overshoots or undershoots. Under damped: The roots are complex in this case. The transient response will be under damped when   º Critically damped: When   º = 1, the roots are real and equal, and the transient response to the input signal will be critically damped. There will be no oscillations whatsoever. This case is a desirable outcome in many industries. In this experiment, we are mainly using the second type, which is the under damped response. And the characteristic equation is given by: S2 + 2  ºÃƒ †°nS + à †°n2 where à †°n = undamped natural frequency = 1/à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡( LC ) à †°n à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ (1   º2 ) = damped natural frequency {A484D667-ABED-4193-B38C-40120C378004}   º = damping ratio = Further critical details have been illustrated in the Appendix B of Laboratory manual of Experiment L212. Objectives: To measure the admittance-parameters and transmission parameters of two-port network To investigate the relationships between individual network parameters and two-port networks in cascade and parallel connections To study the transient response of a two-port network containing capacitive and inductive reactances. Equipment: Digital Storage Oscilloscope Function Generator (50ÃŽÂ ©) Digital Multimeter Inductor with 2 inductance steps Capacitors: 22ÃŽÂ ¼F, 100ÃŽÂ ¼F Resistors: 33ÃŽÂ ©, 100ÃŽÂ © (2 numbers), 220ÃŽÂ ©, 330ÃŽÂ ©, 560ÃŽÂ ©, 680ÃŽÂ ©, 3.9kÃŽÂ ©, 4.7kÃŽÂ © (2 numbers), 5.6kÃŽÂ ©, 6.8kÃŽÂ © Bread-board Procedure: Measurement of Admittance-Parameters and Transmission Parameters and to investigate the relationships between individual network parameters and two port networks in cascade and parallel connections Setup A Connect the resistive network A as shown in Figure 8 below. With the network connected in the circuit, apply a sinusoidal voltage of 1 kHz, and amplitude 10 volts from peak to peak at: Port 1 with port 2 open-circuited Port 1 with port 2 short-circuited Port 2 with port 1 short-circuited In each case measure the voltage and current at the input and output terminals The input voltage is measured by observing the peak to peak value on the scope of the oscilloscope while the output voltage is measured with the digital meter. Tabulate the results in Table 1. (all the values measured should be in rms) Figure 8: The resistive network A{DA60CACE-9B44-4522-A111-F57AC9F95897} Setup B: Connect the resistive network as shown in the Figure 9 below. With the network connected in the circuit, apply an identical sinusoidal voltage as in Setup A at: Port 1 with port 2 open-circuited Port 1 with port 2 short-circuited Port 2 with port 1 short-circuited Measure the identical reading as in Setup A in the same way. Tabulate the results in the same Table 1.{0536D217-3D48-4F28-B37B-77F1CB823EEA} Figure 9: The Resistive Network B Cascaded Setup: Connect the networks A and B in cascade as shown in the Figure 10 below. Measure the identical parameters with the identical voltage and applying the voltage at the same positions as was done in the previous two setups A B. Tabulate the readings in Table 1 again.{32E83E0D-6633-4D97-A59B-4374AF22F541} Figure 10: The Cascaded Network of Networks A B Parallel Setup: Reconnect the individual networks A B in parallel as shown in Figure 12 below. Repeat the same procedures above with the same voltage as above to this network. Tabulate the readings in Table 1.{591F8FFC-7083-4E49-88AD-96E019FAD63C} Figure 12: The Parallel Network of Networks A B Table 1: (All values in rms) Results I2 = 0 V2 = 0 V1 = 0 I1 (mA) V1 (V) V2 (V) I1 (mA) I2 (mA) V1 (V) I1 (mA) I2 (mA) V2 (V) Network A (measured) 2.38 3.45 2.52 5.09 3.82 3.45 4.00 5.65 3.46 Network B (measured) 0.72 3.49 3.22 3.27 2.82 3.45 2.89 3.18 3.45 Cascaded (measured) 2.66 3.47 2.07 3.42 1.31 3.44 Parallel (measured) 13.28 11.59 3.46 10.34 12.55 3.46 Questions: The voltages V1 and V2 should not be connected to channel 1 and 2 of the scope simultaneously. Why? It can be observed from the circuit that both the ports V1 and V2 have different grounds. If V1 and V2 are connected simultaneously to channel 1 and 2 of oscilloscope respectively, then the ground terminals of V1 and V2 will be short-circuited as they are connected through the oscilloscope. This would change the circuits configuration and would give us the readings for a completely different circuit which would differ a great deal from the accurate values. What should you do to the readings of peak to peak voltage in order to make them compatible with the currents measured by the digital meter? The relationship between peak to peak values and its respective rms values is: peak to peak voltage = 2 x à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡2 x rms voltage The current measured by the digital meter is in root-mean-square value (rms). So it is mandatory to convert the peak to peak voltages to its rms value in order to be compatible with the currents measured by the digital meter. Hence the peak to peak value is divided by 2 x à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡2 to so that it is compatible with the currents measured by the digital meter. Compare the theoretical results with the measurement readings recorded in Table 1 for the interconnected two-port networks. Explain any of the differences in the two sets of results. Two kinds of parameters values are calculated and shown in Table 2 and Table 3. With this parameter values we can compare the difference in values of the measurement and theoretical readings. The parameter values in Table 2 shown below are defined as When the output-port is open, I2 = 0 Then: A = V1 /V2 C = I1/V2 When the output port is shorted, V2 = 0 Hence: B = V1/I2 D = I1/I2 And Cascade (theoretical) is obtained by [t]N = [t]A . [t]B Transmission parameters A B C D Network A (measured) 1.36 677.80 0.00094 1.33 Network B (measured) 1.08 1223.40 0.00022 1.16 Cascade (theoretical) (Network A * Network B) 1.62 2450.07 0.0013 2.69 Cascade (measured) 1.68 2625.95 0.00129 2.61 Percentage difference between cascade (measured) and (theoretical) 3.70% 6.69% 0.78% 3.07% Table 2 As it can be seen from the Table 2 above that there are slight differences between the theoretical and experimental results of the transmission parameters of the individual network and the interconnected two-port networks. The difference is observed due to the experimental human errors, tolerance levels of resistors in networks and slight deviation due to the slight inaccuracy of equipment. The parameter values in Table 3 shown below are defined as When the output port is shorted, V2 = 0. Then: y11 = I1 /V1 y21 = I2/V1 When the input port is shorted, V1= 0. Then: y12 = I1/V2 y22 = I2/V2 And Parallel (theoretical) is obtained by Network A values + Network B values Table 3: Admittance Parameters Admittance parameters y11 y12 y21 y22 Network A (measured) 0.00148 0.00156 0.00107 0.00163 Network B (measured) 0.00095 0.00084 0.00082 0.00092 Parallel (theoretical) (Network A + Network B) 0.00243 0.00240 0.00189 0.00255 Parallel (measured) 0.00384 0.00299 0.00335 0.00363 Percentage difference between Parallel (measured) and Parallel (theoretical) 36.72% 19.73% 43.58% 29.75% From Table 3, it can be observed that the difference between experimental and theoretical admittance parameters are quite large. The large difference is due to the same experimental errors and small tolerance of resistors or the existing voltage drop of the multimeter. Measurement of Transient Response of Two-Port Networks: {ECB52EDE-2A5E-423C-AE62-ECF870EBA09C} Figure 13 Connect the circuit as shown in the Figure 13 above with C = 22   F Using a storage scope and with the inductor setting at position 1, inject 10V peak to peak square wave at V1. Choose frequency f of the input voltage such that the square waves leading edge simulate a step input with the transient response completed before the next voltage change. The frequency f is chosen to be about 4 Hz. Record the output waveform V2 with the storage oscilloscope. Sketch the waveforms and when the waveforms have been captured, use the oscilloscope cursor to measure the oscillation period T and the voltages Va and Vb as shown in the Figure 14 below. The waveform is shown in Figure i) below. {71B3E9F8-C513-4F5A-9441-0C73C0A0C9B8} V1 Input Voltage V2 Output Voltage Tin Input signal period T Transient Oscillation Va / Vb Transient Oscillation Voltage Ratio Period Figure 14 Repeat the above procedure for the inductor setting at position 2. The waveform is shown as in Figure ii) below. Repeat the procedure for the two inductor settings with the capacitor changed to 100ÃŽÂ ¼F. The waveforms are show as Figure iii) and iv) below respectively. Add a resistor R2 of 33 ÃŽÂ © in series with inductor L as shown in Figure 15 below and select the inductor setting at position 1 with the capacitor = 100 ÃŽÂ ¼F. The waveform is shown as in Figure v) below. Repeat all the procedures with R2 values of 100 ÃŽÂ © and 220 ÃŽÂ ©. The waveform with R2 as 100 ÃŽÂ © is shown in Figure vi) below. All measurements are recorded in Table 4 below.H:DropboxCamera Uploads2012-10-25 06.12.32.jpg Figure 15 Figure a Figure b Figure c Figure d Figure e Figure f Figure g Condition C=22ÃŽÂ ¼F L = 1H C=22ÃŽÂ ¼F L = 200mH C=100ÃŽÂ ¼F L = 1H C=100ÃŽÂ ¼F L = 200mH C=100ÃŽÂ ¼F L = 1H and add R2=33ÃŽÂ © C=100ÃŽÂ ¼F L = 1H and add R2=100ÃŽÂ © C=100ÃŽÂ ¼F L = 1H and add R2=220ÃŽÂ © T(ms) 48.0 19.0 38.5 94.5 80.20 Period = 253.0 Άt1 =130.0 Άt2 =46.00 V2 =2.531 Va(v) 3.00 1.46 0.791 1.80 1.687 1.250 Vb(v) 0.633 0.700 0.408 0.516 0.3750 0.5000 Table 4 Waveform Figures: L:AAADS0001.BMP Figure i) L:AAADS0003.BMP Figure ii) L:AAADS0006.BMP Figure iii) Figure iv)L:AAADS0007.BMP L:AAADS0008.BMP Figure v) Figure vi) L:AAADS0009.BMP Questions: Why are square waves at a higher frequency not used as input? Square waves at higher frequencies are not used as input because frequency is related to time period by the relationship f = 1/T. So as the frequency is increased, the time period will become shorter and shorter. So it will take shorter time for the output power levels to stabilize after the input circuit stops drawing power. Hence the waveform obtained from the oscilloscope will not be clear enough for proper distinction. What causes the step input voltage to become an oscillating output voltage? The oscillating output voltage is caused due to the presence of the two reactive elements in the circuit, the inductor and the capacitor. The effect of charging and discharging of the capacitor and inductor causes the output to become an oscillating voltage. What are the effects of increasing the values of L and C? The undamped natural frequency à †°n equals to 1/à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡( LC ). If the values of L and C are increased, the undamped natural frequency will reduce simultaneously. Hence the oscillations will become more damped. Thus the number of output oscillations will reduce. Calculate the theoretical frequencies of oscillation and compare with the experimental results. The theoretical frequency is given by the relation ft = 1/ (2   ° à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡(LC)) Hz and the oscillation frequency is given by the relation f = 1/T. Using this relation we can tabulate the values. Figure a Figure b Figure c Figure d T(ms) 48.0 19.0 38.5 94.5 1/T(Hz) 20.83 52.63 25.97 10.58 ft (Hz) 33.93 75.87 35.59 15.92 Percentage difference 38.60% 30.63% 27.03% 33.54% The difference in the values is caused by the tolerance levels of the reactive elements used in the circuit i.e. the inductor and the capacitor. Consider the circuit shown in Figure 13. Obtain the expression for the damping ratio of the circuit.{A484D667-ABED-4193-B38C-40120C378004} Damping Ratio is given by the formula,   º = The natural undamped frequency is given by the relation à †°n = 1/à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ (LC). Since R2 = 0, R1 = 330 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¦ and R3 = 100 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¦, deriving the damping ratio of the circuit as shown in Figure 13, the result is:   º = à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡(L/C)/860. Obtain the condition for the underdamped response in Figure 13. From the derived result obtained above,   º = à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡(L/C)/860. For an underdamped response, the damping ratio, ÃŽÂ ¾, should be less than 1, thus à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡(L/C)/860 What is the effect of adding resistance R2 in the LC circuit? {A484D667-ABED-4193-B38C-40120C378004} According to the formula of damping ratio   º = When R2 is added, the total value of   º increases. Depending on the value of R2,   º 1, even if the number of undershoots and overshoots is reduced, the response will be slower. Conclusion: The parameters of the two-port network, especially the Y-parameters and Transmission parameters (A, B, C, D) were determined experimentally. They can also be calculated theoretically. This experiment is aimed at comparing the differences between the experimental and theoretical values. The relationship between individual network parameters and two-port networks in cascade and parallel connections were also investigated. The results obtained for these were shown in the calculations in the Questions answered previously. Hence if every individual parameter of the networks can be determined, the parameter of the combined system can be determined. Part 2 was focused on studying the transient responses of the experiment. The responses to the change of values in the RLC circuit in the two-port networks were recorded. By varying the values of the capacitor, resistor and inductor, it was observed that increase in the capacitor and inductor values decrease the oscillating frequency and also reduce the number of undershoots and overshoots in the response signal. By adding a resistor in series with the inductor, it was observed that the resistor increases the damping ratio of the circuit but the effect is still dependent on the final damping ratio of the circuit,   º. To summarize the conclusion, all the objectives as stated earlier were met in course of the experiment and a lot of important observations came to light in the area of two-port networks.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The Common Man’s Impact on The Revolution :: American America History
The Common Man’s Impact on The Revolution As I began to research this paper I soon realized that the topic I was looking on would be difficult because of the aspect I was attempting to look at it from. I wanted to see everything from the eyes of those who remained undocumented by the history books. But if I’m looking for something that isn’t there, how on Earth can I find it? I turned to my paragraphs to show me the light. George Hewes was a lowly shoemaker in Boston in the pre-revolution years, and was written about by Alfred Young. But what did the author leave out, and why was he biased towards the young patriot. Alfred Young is a well-known writer on the topics of the Revolution, and events leading up to. He wrote a essay called â€Å"The Shoemaker and The Revolution†, about George Hewes and the affects this man made on the revolution. One of the first things you notice about the essay is the title itself, which uses the specific title of â€Å"shoemaker†for Hewes, to catch your attention. He pays specific care to the details and even uses the examples of two actual colonial time writers: James Hawkes and Benjamin Thatcher, who both at one point interviewed Hewes. He remains almost totally unbiased in his paper because he chooses only to tell the story of Hewes and the adventures he lived in his home-town of Boston. When I started this project I had no idea what paragraphs I was going to use, and actually randomly picked some out when we were told we had five minutes left to e-mail them. After reading over the pages I picked I decided to do two paragraphs from one essay written by Young, that asks the questions I wanted to ask, and then another one on Hewes because he is a primary interest of mine. He shows that it is true, that even the smallest person in a revolution has their affect.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Importance Of The Internet Essay
The Internet is very helpful for businesses all over the world. It helps speed up many processes in a cost-effective way. Yet the usefulness of the Internet depends on what types of services and products each business. And how they take advantage of what is available. Many businesses may benefit a great deal more than others may. And there are many different benefits depending upon the types of the business, whether it is a supplier, a distributor, or a retailer. Some of the benefits could be; creating a new client base, product analysis, market analysis, expert advice and help, recruiting new employees, fast information access, wide scale information dissemination, fast communications, cost-effective document transfer, peer communications, and new business opportunities. Finding new clients is not as easy as most may think. This process involves an in depth market analysis, product marketing and consumer base testing. Where if a business where to use the Internet it would be much easier because the Internet has several million people from all over the world looking for businesses to invest or subscribe to. It is very easily recruit new clients or customers if your presence on the Internet is known. If your business was on the Internet you will be able to do product analyses and comparisons and report your findings on the net. You may also be able to find at least one other person who will be familiar with a product that you Thompson, 2 are testing or about to purchase or invest in. You can get first hand reports on each product before you purchase it. The Internet has many surveys for an analysis of the market for a new product or idea. These surveys are easy to reach many people so you are able to determine the satisfaction of the users of each product. This will enable you to be able to satisfy your customers easily because most of these are anonymous you will be able to get accurate information to help you understand what is preferred by your customers. The Internet has many experts on it who make it very easy for you to find them. You may even be able to get free advice and help with problems you might have come across from the same people who are paid very highly for their consulting services to large organizations. There are many web sites that have job listings online for employers. Qualified employees always post new resumes to the site. This may inform the employers of the skills hopeful employees will have to offer. So the employee will not have much trouble looking for prospective employers. Getting information over the Internet is much faster on most occasions than doing it via fax or postal courier services. Countries around the world are available to interact with. You can lessen the possibility of the receiver not getting the information needed. You can place documents on the Internet and make them instantly accessible to millions of users. This provides an effective method to present information to the public. This also will improve the availability Thompson, 3 of the documents to a client base larger than the circulation of many major newspapers. Electronic mail, also known as email has provided to be an effective solution to the problem of telephone tag. This still has the speed of telephone conversations and still provides the semi-permanence of postal mail. This can be sent from just about anywhere where there is an Internet service. This takes a very short period of time and saves a lot of money over postal or courier services, which can also suffer late deliveries, loss or damage. So as you can see the Internet is very valuable to many businesses all around the world. It allows things to be processed faster and for the most part much safer. I think that it would be in the best interest of most businesses to participate actively in the Internet.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Bridget Jones’s Diary vs. Pride and Prejudice Research Paper Example
Bridget Jones’s Diary vs. Pride and Prejudice Research Paper Example Bridget Jones’s Diary vs. Pride and Prejudice Paper Bridget Jones’s Diary vs. Pride and Prejudice Paper Essay Topic: Pride and Prejudice Bridget Jones’s Diary by Helen Fielding is about a single woman over 30, who smokes too much, drinks too much, and has a tendency to say whatever comes into her mind. She asks herself; can she find her place in the world, and a man? Her parents recommend a man by the name of Mark Darcy. While he might be wealthy and polite, he just seems too awkward and stiff. Is she going to find the love of her life or is she ever going to live the rest of her life in loneliness and despair? Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen takes place in Georgian England where Mrs. Bennet raises her five daughters Jane, Elizabeth, Mary, Kitty, and Lydia,- with the purpose of getting them married to rich husbands that can support the family. They are not from the upper class, and their house in Hertfordshire will be inherited by a distant cousin if Mr. Bennet dies. A wealthy bachelor by the name of Mr. Bingley and his best friend Mr. Darcy arrive in town to spend time near the Bennet’s. The shy and beautiful Jane falls in love with Mr. Bingley whereas Elizabeth finds his friend, Mr. Darcy, a snobbish and cold man. She swears to loathe him forever but interestingly enough this is instead the beginning of their wonderful love story. Bridget Jones’s Diary (BJD) was written by Helen Fielding in 1996. This is one hundred and eighty-three years after Pride and Prejudice (PP) was published in 1813. With that in mind, Bridget Joness Diary would seem to be quite different from Pride and Prejudice but BJD is sometimes regarded as a modern interpretation of P, especially seen through the plot and characters. The girls in both books have to get a husband, but for totally different reasons. However, there are probably more differences than similarities between the two books. You can definitely see that BJD takes place almost two centuries after P because the language, the setting and the theme differ quite a lot from P. Language and social codes stand apart be
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Mountain Gorillas essays
Mountain Gorillas essays Half man and half beast. This is what is usually said about the gorilla. They say that the gorilla is related to us. You can find mountain gorillas in the Virunga Volcanoes, which are located on the boundaries of Zaire, Rwanda, and Uganda. The Virungas are 600 miles of tropical rainforest. Youll find then roaming around 7,800 and 11,000 feet, but at low elevations. The gorillas live in units. Most of the units consist of about 6-12 members in it, most of them being related in some way. With each unit, there is a leader, usually an old silverback, who was a virtual dictator. A silverback male has large canines and he may weigh 400 pounds. He is the one who decides when to proceed, and when to stop, and which direction to go. When he sleeps, everyone else is supposed to be sleeping to, and then he gives a signal to wake up. When the old silverback gets too old, then his eldest son usually is the one to take over. The females are usually responsible for the nursing portio n in the unit. Gorillas are peaceful and tolerant by nature. Whenever two groups meet, they either ignore each other, or they give each other a grumpy grunt. Sometimes the two groups would even stay together, and then eventually separate. There are many rumors about gorillas being very violent, but there are no reports about it. There are times when they have little mock fights, but there is never any blood shed in them. Right now there are not too many mountain gorillas you will find in the Virungas. Their population is only in the hundreds. In 1960, there was an estimated 450 gorillas still remaining in two isolated habitats. In a 1981 census, it gave a figure of about 254 gorillas. Right now there is somewhere between 400-450 mountain gorillas that have survived. There are so few of these creatures for many reasons. There are many poachers who kill the gorillas for their head or hands to sell to tourists as a souvenir, o...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Creative Problem Solving Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Creative Problem Solving - Essay Example This paper illustrates that the identification of new and existing opportunities is what enables a business establishment and sustainment. To identify these opportunities, it really calls for creativity. According to Frigard, creativity is a kind of imagination that fosters originality. For creativity to be achieved, ingenuity has to be incorporated. Ingenuity is the incorporation of bodily-kinesthetic, logical-mathematical capacity and spatial capacity in the creative process. The ingenuity model for creative problem solving is what is used to incorporate ingenuity in the process of creativity. This technique is identified as the most appropriate problem-solving technique when there is a need to achieve new solutions to business problems. New opportunities identified in entrepreneurship enable a business to increase its productivity. They also enable the business to have a competitive advantage over other businesses in the industry. However, the identification and exploitation of th ese opportunities cannot happen without innovation. Therefore, entrepreneurship is directly related to innovation. Moreover, economic development results in the emergence of new opportunities that require both identification and exploitation. The identification and exploitation are done by entrepreneurship and thus entrepreneurship and economic development are related. Generation and implementation of new ideas and solutions require creative problem-solving. The ingenuity model for problem-solving enables an entrepreneur to achieve solutions and ideas that are different from those of others. This is what makes a particular firm different from the rest of the industry thus making it more competitive. Therefore, we can say that creative problem solving is a key aspect of entrepreneurship. Â
Friday, November 1, 2019
Badedas Case Study Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Badedas Case Study - Term Paper Example Manetti and Roberts has held to the market lead despite its share declining slightly over the period. The major gains in market share have been taken by Uniliver’s Dove products with its overall market share rising steadily over the period. This implies that Badedas’s market has been lost to the competition from Unilever’s product. Market position in shower category Market value shares in shower category Badedas is has been the leading brand in the shower category of body care products in the entire period of the research. However, the market share has dropped marginally over the period to stand at 12.9% from 13.7%. The market share of the closest competitor, Colgate Palmolive, dropped marginally over the period. The biggest gainer in the shower category was BDF Nivea which gained a formidable 2.5% over the period under consideration. Market share in the bath category Badedas was the lowest performer among the top four brands in this category. The market shares f or Badedas in this category reduced steadily to stand at 2.6% from a high of 3.6%. Badedas was far behind the market leader at the end of the period by almost 7%. Also, Badedas’s products in this category were far behind even in comparison to the closest competitor in terms of market share. ... This trend is not satisfying since it implies that Badedas may eventually be ousted from the top four brands in the body care products market. Hence, it is imperative that Sara Lee should lay down strategies to ensure that they reverse the downward trend and extend their market leadership in the shower products category. Most convenient positioning of the brand The Badedas brand should be positioned as a premier practical product for showers among the adult demographic. This is informed by the analysis of the cluster composition of the market needs in the body care products. Essentially, the competence of the product as assessed against the cluster composition of needs of the market give a clear pointer of the best marketing positioning of Badedas. According to the research, the Badedas product has the best score in cluster five which highlights the elements of recognizability and sensations. The product had high ratings in terms of being masculine and dynamic. This implies that the product can easily appeal to the young people who are active and full of energy. The product is also highly suitable for people who are interested in aesthetics and fashion elegance. This again points towards the young people as the best target for the product. The youth are interested the attractiveness of the packaging and the illusion of class in a product. Also, the product gives nice sensations with its long lasting perfume and its modern packaging. The Badedas product also has the element of freshness. This fresh appeal coupled with its practical and concrete nature makes the product a logical purchase for the youth. The package is trendy and gives an idea of luxuriousness. These elements are very attractive to the youth. According to the research, the youth form the largest
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Describe fully how corporate governance has developed in the UK from Essay
Describe fully how corporate governance has developed in the UK from the early 1990's to the present day, outlining as appropriate the key influences on the development - Essay Example The Cadbury Report came up with a significant number of recommendations. Amongst the most important ones were the separation of the role of chairman and chief executive, an increase in the number of non-executive directors on the board of a company, the selection process of non-executive directors and the need for good internal controls over the operations of a company. The issue of thick amounts being paid out as director’s salary and share options being granted to the top management led to the issuance of the Greenbury Report in 1995. The report recommended the creation of a remuneration committee comprising of non-executive directors (BOURNE 2007). The purpose of this committee was to determine the pay of executive directors. Moreover, the report required extensive disclosure in the financial statements about directors’ salary and other benefits granted to them by the company. In early 1996, a committee by the name of Hampel Committee was established to determine whether the principles laid down by the Cadbury and Greenbury Reports were even put into practice by companies or not. The Hampel Committee came up with the Hampel Report which led to the eventual publication of the much famous Combined Code of Corporate Governance in 1998. The Combined Code covered a lot of important areas like director’s remuneration, accounts and auditing, company’s dealings with major or institutional shareholders, operations of the board of directors and the responsibilities of institutional shareholders. The Code applied to all the listed companies in the UK from almost the start of 1999 till November ’03 when the Revised Code was issued. The Combined Code also required companies to provide a statement in their annual reports telling how they have complied with the principles laid down in the code (LYSANDROU 2007). There was much confusion over how companies should implement the teachings of various codes into their business.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Gender, Culture and the Media Essay Example for Free
Gender, Culture and the Media Essay Media, in the context required, is a term used to define an interactive transmission that is visualized and then especially designed to reach a large audience, for e. g. a whole nation. These audiences, however, are very different from one another, depending on their culture and gender identities. The variance in culture and sexual identities, have an obvious impact on media which is why there is a dire need for exploring the relationship between the two. The most important tool in exploring and understanding the relationship between media and culture is communication. This is because communication plays a very effective role in the manner through which interaction is carried out with the masses (Gaunlett, 2002). For this purpose, extreme emphasis is given to the cultural differences that may occur. Such is the case of international campaigns or chains of restaurants; whenever they want to promote any product, they have to consider the differences, and keeping these differences in mind, they alter their product accordingly for e. g. , McDonalds in India, do not usually serve their people beef burgers as cow is sacred to them. Likewise, Indian people can relate more to it than others who are just viewing this product on an Indian channel. On this note, I would like to add that it is also a TV channel’s responsibility to be aware of the ethics with regard to culture. Although, media is known to show us situation and relationships from other people’s point-of-view, the impact is originated from a certain culture or social class, for that matter. However, it has been changing from time to time with the global development. So, we can say that the relationship between media and gender today, is different from how it was years ago. The reason is because people’s thought have changed in the passing years, the role models have changed and the attitudes of people have changed, which without doubt influences media. It is for these contemporary audiences that the media has to alter whatever it promotes, in the manner that is much acceptable to them. The rest is mere perception on the audience’s part. Talking about the perception of various people and how they interact with things like talk shows, MTV, the Internet, soap operas, television sitcoms, dramatic series etc. , it is very likely to notice that the people interact with the media on the basis of their culture and gender identities (Dines, 2008). An example is that of Lorillard’s Newport cigarettes, introduced in 1957, which after its struggle period in the early stages of introduction, became very popular with the African American crowd. Another comment on the same example is that Newport cigarettes contain menthol, which is supposed to be associated with women mostly. Relating this with media, the advertisements for this brand also focused on African American people in the beginning, as they had identified them as their target market. With the change in society and changing views of people, Newport gained its market recognition and broadened their target market and today it owns a most coveted place in the tobacco industry. In the society that we live in today, people dedicate a lot of time to television, magazines, surfing the net, and other publications. As a result, it is very inevitable to say that they come across culture and advertising almost everyday. Among these people, a large segment belongs to the younger generation, who are particularly sensitive and relatively effected much easily by the same. Childhood culture is an inter-textual universe which connects TV programs to movies, videogames, toys, T-shirts, shoes, games, crayons, coloring books, bed linens and towels, pencil cases, lunch boxes etc. This is where the impact part comes into play, which media has on children and that which the children have on the media (Geertz, 1977). One of the greatest impacts of the above stated example on media is that when a television program (for kids) is produced, a lot of things have to be taken into consideration. Not too much violence, abusive language or false imagery should be used. As far as sexual identity is concerned, men and women have different views, likes and dislikes, regarding different things. Women are more likely to read magazines like Gourmet, Culinary Trends, Bon Appetite, Food and Wine etc. Lately, men have also developed a similar trend in reading magazines but there choices are those like Extreme Sports, Chicago Sports, and Sports Illustration etc. Another aspect is that of men leading the global scene. When it comes to voiceovers, men dominate, regardless of the product. Men continue to work in their late ages on screen whereas women tend to disappear in their late thirties. Facial lines and grey hair are considered to be signs of maturity in males, while the same would pronounce females ‘old’ and not fit for TV (Buikema, 2009). On the other hand, it is also reported to have said that with the developing sense of equality with regard to sexes, the Times magazine cover wondered if feminism was dead in June 1998. To sum up, the media shows us situations and relationships from other people’s point-of-view and we begin to think that we can now see ‘how the world works’, in lives other than our own. Soap-operas showing how neighbors, friends and lovers interact with each other are not behaviors that the media has created by itself. It is the likes of people that have affected media to follow the same. That too, varies from culture to culture. Some counties believe in open cultures while others observe closed culture where too much intimacy and involvement is not look upon as appropriate. People claim that the reference points for them are film and TV but actually it’s the way round- people, their cultures and genders influence upon the way they interact with the media. References: Buikema, R. , Tuin I. , (2008), â€Å"Doing Gender in Media, Art and Culture†. Routledge Dines G. , McMahon J. , (2008), â€Å"Gender, Race, and Class in Media: A Text-reader†. Sage Publications Gauntlett D. , (2002), â€Å"Media, Gender, and Identity: An Introduction†. Routledge Geertz, C. (1977). The Interpretation of Cultures. Basic Books
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The Chosen :: essays research papers
Plot Summary of The Chosen The action of The Chosen unfolds in the immigrant community of Williamsburg, Brooklyn, against the backdrop of World War II. It is seen through the eyes of Reuven Malter, a boy who would appear to have much in common with Danny, for they are both brilliant, Jewish, closely tied to their fathers, and near-neighbors who live only five blocks apart. Still, they attend separate yeshivas and inhabit very different worlds. A baseball league is begun. When Danny Saunders’ school plays Reuven Malter’s, the Hasids are determined to show the apikorsim a thing or two and the competition is fierce. Danny’s murderous hitting is remarkable, but when Reuven comes to pitch he does not back away. A hard ball shatters his glasses and smashes into his eye, sending him to the hospital for a week. At his father’s insistence, Reuven permits the repentant Danny to visit him, and they become friends. Danny dazzles Reuven with demonstrations of his photographic mind, with the quantity of scholarly work he bears each day, and with the intellectual prowess of his English and Hebrew studiesâ€â€qualities greatly revered in traditional Jewish culture. Danny’s revelations startle Reuven; he confesses he would rather be a psychologist than accept his inherited role as spiritual leader of his father’s sect. Reuven’s confessions surprise Danny; he reveals his desire to become a rabbi, though his scholar-father would prefer him to follow his talent and become a mathematician. Danny cannot understand how anyone would choose the very position he secretly wishes to reject. At a time when conflicts are churning within him, Danny finds Reuven as an empathetic listener who is highly intelligent yet safeâ€â€not a Hasid, but a Jew who follows orthodox religious traditions without rejecting the secular possibilities in the world around them. As the boys become friends, Reuven begins to learn about Hasidism. He learns that there are tzaddiks who were believed to be superhuman links between the people and God. In some sects it was believed that a leader should take upon himself the sufferings of the Jewish people. Such a leader is Reb Saunders. His ways and his teachings are the ways of seventeenth century Hasids and it is this role that Danny is expected to fill when he becomes the tzaddik. In the long initial visits that Reuven pays to Reb Saunder’s congregation to be approved as fit company for Danny, Reuven observes the way Hasidic philosophy permeates his friend’s life.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
The Doors :: essays research papers
Poet William Blake once said "If The Doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite" (Gilmore 34). From this quote arose a band that even over 20 years after its disbanding still is played and remembered. The Doors started as a little garage band in California back in the early sixties. They were extremely popular due to their lead singer, Jim Morrison. Morrison himself was a real character. Morrison is considered by many critics a modern day poet. Others view him in a different light, George Will wrote "Morrison resembled Byron in one aspect, they both were mad, bad, and dangerous to know" (Will 64). Still others view him as a hero of the 'counterculture'. He was a sort of 'Peter Pan', one of those boys who never grew up. Morrison basically was The Doors. His blatant disregard for law and order made him a very well known figure. He was arrested on a few occasions for charges ranging from inciting riots to indecent exposure. He was also notorious for his drug use and alcohol abuse. His poetry though, justified his lifestyle. There were also three other members of the band: Ray Manzarak (keyboards), John Densmore (drummer), and Robby Krieger (guitarist). They all made up The Doors, but after the death of the lead singer Jim Morrison, the band's popularity dropped significantly. They did though produce three albums after Morrison's untimely demise (all of which were not very popular). Jim Morrison died on July 4th, 1971, in Paris, France. He was 27 years old at the time of death (the same age Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin died at also). He was found in his bathtub with a cute smirk on his face. He had finally "broke through to the other side"(Gilmore 35). The Doors were known for their style of rebellious, psychedelic rock. Their music is poetry (written by Jim Morrison) set to music. Morrison also had many books published just of his poetry. Although not all of The Doors music was written by Morrison, ninety percent of it was. The band was considered a guru by the youngsters of the sixties, and a scourge by the public. The band seemed to fuse music, drugs, and idealism as a way to reform and even redeem a troubled society (Gilmore 34). They were much like the other bands that were emerging in the sixties, but different in one major way.
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