Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Large-scale energy and metallurgy Essay
Industrialisation (or industrialization) is the period of social and economic change that transforms a human group from an agrarian society into an industrial one. It is a part of a wider modernisation process, where social change and economic development are closely related with technological innovation, particularly with the development of large-scale energy and metallurgy production. It is the extensive organisation of an economy for the purpose of manufacturing.[2] Industrialisation also introduces a form of philosophical change where people obtain a different attitude towards their perception of nature, and a sociological process of ubiquitous rationalisation. There is considerable literature on the factors facilitating industrial modernisation and enterprise development.[3] Key positive factors identified by researchers have ranged from favourable political-legal environments for industry and commerce, through abundant natural resources of various kinds, to plentiful supplies of relatively low-cost, skilled and adaptable labour. As industrial workers’ incomes rise, markets for consumer goods and services of all kinds tend to expand and provide a further stimulus to industrial investment and economic growth. The first country to industrialise was the United Kingdom during the Industrial Revolution, commencing in the 18th century.[4] By the end of the 20th century, East Asia had become one of the most recently industrialised regions of the world.[5] Contents [hide] 1 Description 2 History of industrialisation 2.1 Industrial revolution in Europe 2.2 Early industrialisation in other countries 2.3 The Third World 2.4 Petrol-producing countries 2.5 Industrialisation in Asia 2.6 Newly industrialised countries 3 Social consequences 3.1 Urbanisation 3.2 Exploitation 3.3 Change to family structure 4 Current situation 5 See also 6 References 7 Further reading Description[edit] According to the original sector-classification developed by Jean Fourastià © (1907-1990), an economy consists of: a â€Å"primary sector†of commodity production (farming, livestock breeding, exploitation of mineral resources) a â€Å"secondary sector†of manufacturing and processing (as paid work) a â€Å"tertiary sector†of service industries Historically, the industrialisation process involves the expansion of the secondary sector in an economy originally dominated by primary-sector activities. The first transformation to an industrial economy from an agricultural one, known as the Industrial Revolution, took place from the mid-18th to early 19th century in certain areas in Europe and North America; starting in Great Britain, followed by Belgium, Germany, and France. Later commentators have called this the first industrial revolution.[4][6] The â€Å"Second Industrial Revolution†labels the later changes that came about in the mid-19th century after the refinement of the steam engine, the invention of the internal combustion engine, the harnessing of electricity and the construction of canals, railways and electric-power lines. The invention of the assembly line gave this phase a boost.[7][8][9] The lack of an industrial sector in a country can slow growth in the country’s economy and power, so governments often encourage or enforce industrialisation. On the other hand, the presence of industry in a country does not mean in general that it will bring wealth and prosperity to the people of that country. And third, the presence of an industry in one country can make it more difficult for other countries to develop the same type of industry. This can be seen in the computer software and internet industries. Started from the US around the 1990s these industries seemed to spread over the world. But after a period of monopolisation less than a decade long, the globally-leading companies remain concentrated in the US.[citation needed] Their economic power and capacity to dominate the media work against the developing of the same types of industry in other states. History of industrialisation[edit]
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Biology Lab Report Ib Hl Osmosis
Biology Lab Report 2 Investigating the phenomenon of Osmosis in plant tissues: Potato in different concentrations of NaCl Tutor: Maria Tsaousidou By Marina Gkritzioudi Biology Lab Report 2 Investigating the phenomenon of Osmosis in plant tissues: Potato in different concentrations of NaCl Tutor: Maria Tsaousidou By Marina Gkritzioudi Investigating the phenomenon of Osmosis in plant tissues: Potato in different concentrations of NaCl Introduction: Osmosis is the movement of water molecules through a semipermeable membrane from low concentration to high concentration. Research Question:How does the concentration of salt (NaCl) affect the mass of a potato soaked in water (H2O) with different concentrations of NaCl over the course of 30 minutes? Hypothesis: It is expected that the solution with the highest concentration of salt will cause more mass loss to the pieces of potato. The pieces that will be placed in the solution with the lowest concentration of salt will have small weight los s. Finally, the pieces that will be placed in water (NaCl concentration 0) will gain weight. This is expected because of the phenomenon of osmosis which was examined in a previous lab. Variables:Independent: concentration (%) of salt (NaCl) Dependent: mass (g) change Controlled: * shape and material of the beakers * size and weight of the potato pieces * volume of the aqueous solution The beakers need to be of the same size, of the same shape and of the same material, either plastic or glass. The size of the potato pieces needs to be the same in order for the surface to volume ratio to be the same and the initial weight of the pieces should also be the same so that the mass change can be compared. Since this is not always possible, we calculate percentages and make the pieces approximately the same.Lastly, the volume of the water solutions should be the same in all beakers so that the osmotic effect will only depend on the concentration dissolved in the solution. Materials: 5 beaker s sized: 250cm3 (Â ±0. 5cm3) Tap Water Potato Knife Weigh balance (Â ±0. 01g) Salt (NaCl) Watch glass Spatula Timer (Â ±0. 1sec) Volumetric cylinder Procedure: Step 1: Line up the five beakers and with the help of a volumetric cylinder add 100cm3 of water (H2O) in all of them. Step 2: Place the watch glass on the weigh balance and after zeroing it, measure four different concentrations of salt by adding it with the spatula.Start by measuring 0. 5% of NaCl, then 1%, then 3%, and finally 5% and add each one in a different beaker. Step 3: Stir the solutions using the spatula in order for the salt to dissolve. Step 4: Take a potato and after peeling it with the knife, cut it into 10 same size small pieces. Step 5: Measure each one of the 10 pieces and in order to equalize their mass chop, or scrape off some of the piece if needed. Step 6: Record the initial mass of the potato pieces and place 2 potatoes in each beaker. Step 7: After 15min take each of the pieces out of the beakers an d measure its weight and record it.Step 8: Repeat Step 7 after 30min and after 35min in order to get the rate at which the mass changes. Data Collection: Table 1: Mass measurements of the potato pieces in solutions with different NaCl concentrations over the course of 35min | Time in min| Mass(g)(Â ±0. 01) in 0. 5% NaCl concentration| Mass(g)(Â ±0. 01) in 1% NaCl concentration| Mass(g)(Â ±0. 01) in 3% NaCl concentration| Mass(g)(Â ±0. 01) in 5% NaCl concentration | Mass(g)(Â ±0. 01) in 0% NaCl concentration| | Trial 1| Trial 2| Trial 1| Trial 2| Trial 1| Trial 2| Trial 1| Trial 2| Trial 1| Trial 2| 0| 1. 76| 1. 76| 1. 76| 1. 76| 1. 76| 1. 6| 1. 76| 1. 76| 1. 76| 1. 76| 15| 1. 80| 1. 80| 1. 63| 1. 63| 1. 57| 1. 57| 1. 58| 1. 58| 1. 95| 1. 95| 30| 1. 80| 1. 80| 1. 54| 1. 54| 1. 50| 1. 50| 1. 51| 1. 51| 1. 97| 1. 97| 35| 1. 79| 1. 79| 1. 52| 1. 45| 1. 49| 1. 42| 1. 48| 1. 45| 1. 98| 1. 98| Data Processing: In Table 2 the average mass of the measurements of the two trials from Tabl e 1 over the course of 35min is shown. The information in the table was a result of adding the measurements from both of the trials, at a specific time, and dividing this sum by two. For example, in the 5mol dm-3 NaCl concentration the mass (g) after 35min was 1. 8g in the 1st trial and 1. 45g in the 2nd trial (see Table 1). The average of these two measurements for the time of 35min, in concentration 0. 5mol dm-3 NaCl, is found by adding them and dividing their sum by two: (1. 48+1. 45)? 2=1. 465, rounded to 1. 47g. Table 2: The average mass measurements of the potato pieces in solutions with different NaCl concentrations over the course of 35min| Time in min| Mass(g)(Â ±0. 01) in 0. 5%3 NaCl concentration| Mass(g)(Â ±0. 01) in 1% NaCl concentration| Mass(g)(Â ±0. 01) in 3% NaCl concentration| Mass(g)(Â ±0. 01) in 5% NaCl concentration | Mass(g)(Â ±0. 1) in 0% NaCl concentration| 0| 1. 76| 1. 76| 1. 76| 1. 76| 1. 76| 15| 1. 80| 1. 63| 1. 57| 1. 58| 1. 95| 30| 1. 80| 1. 54| 1. 50| 1. 51| 1. 97| 35| 1. 79| 1. 49| 1. 46| 1. 47| 1. 98| In Table 3 the average mass change of the measurements over the course of 35min is shown. This is calculated by subtracting the initial measurement of the average mass of the pieces of potato (measurements of 0min shown in Table 2), which are submerged in different solutions with different salt concentrations, from the final measurement of the mass of potato present in the same concentration (measurements of 35min shown in Table 2).For example, the average mass change over the course of 35min in NaCl concentration of 05mol dm-3 is found by subtracting the first average measurement of the mass, 1. 79g, from the final average mass, 1. 76g: 1. 79-1. 76=0. 03g. Table 3: Average potato mass change in each solution over the course of 35 minutes| | Mass(g)(Â ±0. 01) in 0. 5% NaCl concentration| Mass(g)(Â ±0. 01) in 1% NaCl concentration| Mass(g)(Â ±0. 01) in 3% NaCl concentration| Mass(g)(Â ±0. 01) in 5% NaCl concentration | Mass (g)(Â ±0. 01) in 0% NaCl concentration| Mass (g) change (Â ±0. 01)| 0. 03| -0. 27| -0. 30| -0. 29| 0. 22|When the mass change is a positive number, this means that the mass of the specimen, the potato piece, increased from the initial mass. On the contrary, when the mass change is a negative number, this means that the mass decreased from the initial mass that was first measured before it was submerged in the solution. In Table 4 the rate at which the mass increases or decreases in the five different solutions is shown. This is calculated by dividing the absolute average mass change of each solution (shown in Table 3) and dividing it by the maximum time used in the experiment, which is 35min.For example, the rate at which the mass drops or increases in the 0. 5mol dm-3 NaCl concentration solution is shown by taking |0. 03| (Table 3) and dividing it by 35min: |0. 03|? 35=8. 6*10-4g/min. Table 4: Rate at which the mass increases or decreases. | | In 0. 5% NaCl concentration solution | In 1% NaCl concentration solution| In 3% NaCl concentration solution| In 5% NaCl concentration solution| In 0% NaCl concentration solution| Average mass (g)/time (min)| 8. 57*10-4| 7. 71*10-3| 8. 57*10-3| 8. 28*10-3| 6. 28*10-3| In Table 5 the percentage% mass change is shown.This is calculated by subtracting the average initial mass measurement from the average final one, dividing it by the average initial mass and multiplying it by 100. For example, the percentage% mass change in the 0. 5mol dm-3 NaCl concentration solution is calculated like this: [(1. 79-1. 76)/1. 76]*100=1. 70%. Table 5: Percentage% mass change| | Mass(g)(Â ±0. 01) in 0. 5% NaCl concentration| Mass(g)(Â ±0. 01) in 1% NaCl concentration| Mass(g)(Â ±0. 01) in 3% NaCl concentration| Mass(g)(Â ±0. 01) in 5% NaCl concentration | Mass(g)(Â ±0. 01) in 0% NaCl concentration| Percentage%Mass change| 1. 0| -15. 34| -17. 04| -16. 47| 12. 5| Graph 1: Mass changes of potato pieces bathed in NaCl solutions Graph 2: Ra te at which the mass in each solution increases or decreases Conclusion: The data collected confirmed the hypothesis that that the solute with the highest concentration of salt will cause more mass loss to the pieces of potato, the pieces that will be placed in the solute with the lowest concentration of salt will have small weight loss, and the pieces that will be placed in water (NaCl concentration 0) will gain weight thus increasing in mass.After observing the changes in the mass of the potato pieces we can tell that the higher the concentration of salt in the water, the more the mass of plants will decrease because of osmosis. The lower the concentration of salt in water, the more the mass of the plants will increase or just decrease but not dramatically. If we submerge a plant in water with no NaCl dissolved in it, the mass of the plant will increase, because water molecules will move from the low concentration solute to the high, thus entering the plant tissue and increasing i ts mass and weight.Also, time wise, the more the plant specimen soaks in the solutions the more its mass will relatively increase or decrease. Lastly, from the first graph it can be estimated that at concentration 4. 2% the potato in the NaCl solution will reach equilibrium, thus the concentration will be the same inside and outside of the potato. Limitations: There are some limitations to this experiment that prevent the results from being perfect. First of all there was not enough time to repeat the experiment and because the lab was crowded there was no time to chop more han two pieces of potato for each beaker so only two trials were performed instead of three or five. Secondly, the sizes the potatoes were chopped in were not exactly the same because more attention was given to having the same mass and thus neglecting the size which leads to different surface to volume ratio and affects the results. Thirdly, the timer that was used was the classroom clock and therefore the time at which the pieces or potato were measured were not very accurate.Improvements: In order to improve the results of this experiment, it is necessary that some changes be made. Firstly, a tool should be found that will allow potato pieces to be chopped in the same size so that the surface to volume ratio will be the same and not change, thus affecting the results. A proper timer should be used to count the time intervals. Lastly, more repetitions, at least 3, need to be made so that the results are more precise.
Monday, July 29, 2019
How Christians Belief about Jesus Guides them to Confront Evil Essay
How Christians Belief about Jesus Guides them to Confront Evil - Essay Example In Romans chapter twelve verse seventeen, Christians are told; â€Å"repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all†(Rom 12: 17). When abiding by this command, in real life, Christians choose to forgive and forget. Take an example of this situation. Jane and Catherine have been friends since childhood. They live together and share expenses. They contribute the same amount to pay rent, do some shopping and buy other household items. One time, the two decided that it was time for them to live separate lives. To help each other, they agreed to buy the household items in two phases, using the money they had saved. Jane was to receive the first batch, and Catherine the last. This, however, never happened since Jane bought the first batch and left with all the money to an unknown location. This is a painful experience for Catherine, and naturally, she may feel the urge to revenge. The Christian way, however, advocates for forgiveness. They use so many of Jesus’ teachings and others from the Bible to justify forgiveness. In this case, they could argue, that the â€Å"wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ, our Lord (Romans 6:23).†This is according to Romans chapter six verse twenty-three. If one is a believer in Christ, he or she should refrain from acting against his teachings. Doing so is a sin, and that means death. Evil is not only through revenge. Evil is multi-faceted and dealing with it is also complex.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Assessment of the child with complex needs Essay
Assessment of the child with complex needs - Essay Example Overall I feel that despite the set of abilities which the pupil demonstrates, she needs a holistic communication system that aims at making use of all the senses to support her communication, understanding and education. In addition to the diagnoses, reports dated 11.11.2010,, 10.3.2011 by a multi-agency team based at Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children indicate that Pupil Z’s abnormalities in development impact on her motor development, and her visual and cognitive processing that support communication and learning. For example, the cerebral palsy affects her ability to control her body, head and eye movement, and this further impacts her learning and cognitive development. Due to the complexity of her needs she now attends a special school which caters for children with sensory impairments and learning difficulties. Aiming to determine the Pupil Z’s functional vision available for communication and education, led me to a review of literature and con cepts relating to assessment of learners who present significant difficulties for researchers. Addressing the issue of the heterogeneity of deaf-blind / multi-sensory impaired population was essential in selecting an assessment approach to assess functional vision for my pupil (Robson 1993 & 2002). ... There is literature relating directly to assessing vision for learners with multiply disabilities based on systematic investigation. However, I have chosen ‘Vision for Doing’ model designed by Stuart Aitken and Marianna Buultjens (1992) as this approach allows me to assess Pupil Z’s functional vision in the context of multiple disabilities. The strengths and limitations of this particular assessment model have been evaluated below. I observed Pupil Z over three weeks participating in group and one-to-one activities with different people. I noted time of the day; places (classroom, sensory room) and positioning (wheelchair, standing frame) to learn about how she uses her vision for learning. I felt that observations of Pupil Z during routine activities / tasks would be the most effective method of collecting data as it would give me first hand evidence of Pupil Z’s visual abilities. I also felt that well established routine activities will motivate her to us e her vision and try to communicate her responses more. SECTION 3 OBSERVING THE PUPIL Z Pupil Z likes / dislikes Activities: Likes / dislikes Number of observers: 1 Positioning: Pupil Z was observed in a quiet, distraction-free area as well as the busy classroom at a time of the day when she was alert and displaying neutral and communicative behaviors. She was positioned in her wheelchair / stander, 19.7 inch from the screen. Listening / watching to a story / song on the plasma screen: â€Å"We are going on a bear hunt†â€Å"Incy Wincy spider†Observations: During three weeks of observation of Pupil Z despite showing pockets of abilities, she was not consistent in her responses to these activates. We have observed mixed responses to both activities,
Saturday, July 27, 2019
North Street Primary School Upgrade Proposal Essay - 1
North Street Primary School Upgrade Proposal - Essay Example North Street Junior School is facing the similar problem thus it needs few amendments to cure the problems related to the greenhouse emission and the energy consumption. The school utilizes the artificial lights to enlighten the inner building and utilize maintain the temperature by utilizing the electricity. All the classrooms have radiators that help maintain the temperature during all seasons. In general, the building of the school is an old patterned building that utilizes the immense amount of energy for all the systems. In my view, the building was such made to restrict the outer air from being penetrated into the building but due to the lack of technology, it also restricted the natural lights from penetrating into the building that is the major reason for its higher energy consumption. On the other hand, the utilization of the fossil fuel and electricity based temperature controlled system also consumes a major portion of the electrical energy increasing the number of carbon footprints. At some place lack of insulation permits the inner atmosphere to diffuse into the outer environment making the temperature control unit to work more than requ ired. The School is surrounded by smaller building, thus allowing a lot of light to be faced by the building (Cayless, & Marsden, 1997, p45-122). The immense amount of light may serve as to enlighten the building and to provide warm water and air to be circulated into the school. However, the dominant feature of the building is that the building is a symbol of cultural heritage and it should be touched little but implementing effective alteration in the building to consume lower energy units and reduce the greenhouse gas emissions. Thus, the solar water heaters should be placed over the roofs of the building to capture the solar energy and heat the water.
Analyzing a Japan-related website Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Analyzing a Japan-related website - Essay Example No author’s name is provided for the website, but the copyright is attributed to an organization called Japan Tourism Agency. The first thing I noticed about the website is that it is very visually appealing. Red and white are the predominant colors. As the page loads, large images appear and slowly scroll from right to left and then from left to right across the upper 1/3 of the page. A banner remains at the top for navigation purposes. Each of these images is attached to a theme present in the website. The themes are activities, entertainment, accommodations, sightseeing, gourmet and shopping. Scrolling down, each theme is presented by a one sentence teaser that is intended to get you to click on the image to discover more about what is offered in Japan for each theme. The net surfer that would happen upon or seek out this website would come away from the experience with some very specific ideas about what to expect in Japan. The accuracy of these ideas can be called into question based on whether or not you feel that they are portraying a stereotype attached to Japanese culture or individuals. The first of these images is that Japan is a land of great natural resources and natural beauty. The iconic image of Mt. Fuji is one of the first images to appear after the page loads. This is soon followed by images of maple leaves and meditation gardens. Sculpted pathways and other Japanese natural interests (including bonsai) are also featured in the images. The idea that seems to be conveyed is that a central part of any visit to Japan must include the observation of nature. The images seem to be saying that this interaction with nature is a key part of being Japanese and if you are really, truly going to experience Japan, then you must take in Mt. Fuji and all the rest. Another set of images seem to revolve around consumption. Shopping is one of the themes, but consumption of goods
Friday, July 26, 2019
Supply chain Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Supply chain - Dissertation Example Importance of Food Security Eminent scholars such as Sanyal and Babu (2009) emphasized that food security is a part of nutritional security in which people will have the access to safe drinking water and balanced nutrition so as to ensure every child of a nation has the opportunity to embrace mental and physical development. According to Sanyal and Babu (2009) food security needs to be viewed as a factor responsible for food production, income generation as well as employment generation. In addition, it has also been discovered that the presence of the food security bill in a nation helps in improving the environmental health, economic vitality and human health & social equity. In the context of environmental health, the presence of food security ensures that the food production and procurement do not affect air, land and water required for the future generation. In the context of economic vitality, it ensures that people responsible for the production of food are able to earn decent revenue. Hence, food security plays a crucial role in the revenue and employment generation. In addition, the food security bill is also responsible for ensuring that more importance is being placed in the development of community and health of the community. As a result of this, people will be able to access the foods in a more dignified manner. Thus, from the discussions above it can be affirmed that food security is extremely important for a nation to prosper and secure a safe position. Growing Importance of Food Security and Impact of Supply Chain Nations around the world have begun addressing the issue of food security sincerely. This is principally because of the fact that the situation of food security has reached an alarming stage. Reports have suggested that the... In order to ensure food security and execute the strategy of sustainable agriculture, it is essential to figure out some of the critical foods that have been listed by most nations in food security programs. There are certain foods which are enlisted by the countries as critical foods. This is because such foods have reached an alarming stage or are vital in meeting and feeding the growing population. It has been found that a number of foods have been marked as critical, but in common the foods are maize, beans, wheat, potato, rice and banana. For example, the reason behind considering maize as important and critical food crop because it is highly valued among households (Weadapt, 2013). Moreover, it can be stored dry, can be grown faster and is often managed by the farmers without requiring much expert advice. In this context also supply chain will play a crucial role. The food processors and their supply chain partners face several issues because the tastes of consumers are shiftin g from vegetable and grain-based foods to poultry and meat. Hence, drought, low productivity and volatility of price will seriously impede food distribution and supply. Therefore, streamlining of the distribution and reducing the number of intermediaries is the only solution to the issue. In order to deal with the issue of food security different countries have adopted different measures. For this project, the activities of 5 nations from 5 continents will be presented. The countries chosen are UK, USA, China, Australia and Kenya. The same has been presented below: - UK (Europe) - The country is adopting ICT (Information and Communication Technology) in order to improve the trust and security in the food supply chain.
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Pick up one on civic engagment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Pick up one on civic engagment - Essay Example Democracy is a political unit where all its members have the mandate to manage it. A democracy is however controlled by a leader who has the majority backing of the people. Citizenship on the other hand refers to the person who has an entitlement to the rights and privileges of the society that he lives in as a freeman. According to Ricky van Oers (2010), citizenship involves a person living in a state and swearing his allegiance to it and therefore has an entitlement to its protection. Therefore, citizenship, democracy and civic engagement have similar roles in the progress of a society. Civic engagement therefore refers to the qualitative development of the society by use of both political means and non-political means (Oers, Ersboll, & Kostakopoulou, 2010 ). This paper seeks to make integration between leadership and democracy by first expounding on the roles of the civic engagement to the society’s economic strength and then analyze the effects of lack of democracy to the economy of a society. Role of civic engagement to the local economy The society is made up of the involvement of all the sociological perspectives which are the family, the school, the church and the media (Ehrlich, 2000). The importance of the society involvement to the development thereof cannot be under estimated. The first role of civic engagement is the promotion of peace and harmonious living among the people of a society. A civil society that is based on the strength of all the citizens in promoting its activities stands to remain economically viable. The peace has to exist between the citizens and the government depending on the governance method used. The society is usually connected to the government by the civil society organizations regardless of the method of ruler ship in place. In situations where the government is facing a social strife, the vulnerability of the society will make the existence of personal engagement in economic activities that promote the wellbeing o f the society to cease. Researchers have shown that the existence of a public sector that is sound is largely dependent on the society’s strong homogenous engagement in the open public realm. Much example can be drawn from the rich Congolese society in central Africa where there has never been harmonious co-existence of a strong society. This has led to continuous lack of peace in the central government and therefore unable to develop effectively. The second role of civic engagement is to help strike a balance between accountability by the government and the decision the society makes on leadership. The way to democracy, autocracy, authoritarianism or laissez faire type of leadership will largely depend on the type and level of civic engagement that the society decides to uphold. Most government crises are as a result of the continuous contradiction existing between the society and the government itself. In most cases, the society will to a large extend decide the type of lea dership it requires to put in place the development of the local economy. Therefore, the choice of a sound leader is not based on the loyalty to the ruling regime but substantially on the voice of the society. A member of the society who holds sound citizenship criterion loves his native land and acts to protect the legitimacy of the same place. Citizens have social accountability this accountability is directed towards the society. From the sociological philosophy, it is said that building a family is building
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
The description of decolonization by Cesaire in his work Discourse on Research Paper
The description of decolonization by Cesaire in his work Discourse on Colonialism - Research Paper Example The description of decolonization by Cesaire in his work â€Å"Discourse on Colonialism†The capitalism associated with the colonization did not establish any concept of assuring those who were colonized of their rights nor did it impart a system of individual ethics in them as thought (Cesaire 37). These were the ideals that bourgeois following Hitler teachings of, tried to pass onto people colonized in the guise of civilization. Colonization therefore never happened out of innocence and all efforts were used to subdue the locals in some instances through butcheries and massacres. For example, the French through the leadership of Colonel de Montagnac justified invading and capturing Algeria through massacring and maiming a large number of the population resident there. Similarly, General Gerard captured Ambike by shooting all the inhabitants of the particular town and razing it (Cesaire 40). The effect of colonization on the colonized has been minimal, as .none of the nations that were colonized has appreciated the civilizations. The colonized do not feel that the colon ialists brought any form of security or the rule of law but see some form of cruelty and sadism in the way the civilization was introduced (Cesaire 42). Imperialism through the colonialist played a key role in destroying the societies they found in place by making the citizens they found there undergo a lot of suffering and torture. This is contrary to how they found the societies in the sense that the societies that were colonized had lived communally and was not capitalist in nature; neither were the societies run in an autocratic way as they have developed afterwards and in the course of the colonization (Cesaire 44). Mohandas Gandhi in â€Å"The Practice of Satyagraha†advocated for self-rule by the Indians through a concept known as which would bring a society free of exploitation and void of civilization based on mechanization that the Europeans had used to enslave most parts of Asia and Africa. Since 1919, emboldened by the Wilsonian doctrine of self determination, Gan dhi had always wanted independence from the British colonial rule (Gandhi 227) but they strongly opposed it as they desperately wanted to hold onto the Indian sub-continent due to its strategic location and resources. Gandhi had realized that the British government played a trick of divide and rule as a way of colonizing India by playing the differences of the Hindu with the Muslims and therefore he added for their cooperation to defeat the British colonial rule through non-violent protest. In 1997 the Congress Party of India won the elections attributed to the efforts of Gandhi and later India was able to get her independence from Britain in 1946 (Gandhi 228). Satyagraha excludes the use of force or violence for any form of resistance but relies on the people exercising restraint by being humble and seeking the guidance of God in the struggle (Gandhi 230). This means that there is resistance but the non-cooperationist strives to translate ideas into action relying on the correctnes s of his position. Though there were Indians both of Hindu and Muslim religion who advocated for violence as a means of the struggle, Gandhi strongly opposed it as it was not justified in the teachings of the Mahabharata and the Koran unless necessary
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
The Sandman by E.T.A. Hoffmann Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Sandman by E.T.A. Hoffmann - Essay Example The point of argument in this short story is that: can a child’s imagination be so strong that he may be able to carry his imagination throughout his life, especially if it has affected him in his childhood profoundly? This point is important to the design of the story because it relates to child psychology, since the story talks about a child’s weird imaginations and perception of bizarre ideas that continue to affect him throughout his life. Parents and caregivers should be very careful when they tell terrifying stories to their children, as young brains are very receptive of imaginations, pictures, and concepts. We mention some quotes of the story here, and elaborate them so as to determine how they relate to our main point of argument. The reader of the story reads: But if, like a bold painter, you had first sketched in a few audacious strokes the outline of the picture you had in your own soul, you would then easily have been able to deepen and intensify the colors one after the other, until the varied throng of living figures carried your friends away and they, like you, saw themselves in the midst of the scene that had proceeded out of your own soul (Hoffmann, para.54). This quote means how a human being is able to draw a picture out of his imagination, and is able to give life and meaning to it, so much so that the conception continues to hover over his mind for the rest of his life, continuing to affect him and his friends and family around him. All human beings are like painters of their imaginary conceptions. A child is a special painter, because he strongly conceives every idea told to him in his vulnerable years. It is only his luck and maturity that comes with age that pulls him out his frantic imaginations. Nathaniel has not been that lucky. He was not able to come out of his horror which was induced into him when he was a child. He continued to be terrified of eyes and the sandman coming to take them, so much so that he lost his li fe. This quote shows its real meaning when we see Nathaniel relating the concept of the sandman to his father’s friend, Coppola, and thinking it is him when his father dies during an experiment. Later on as an adult, his life again gets disturbed when he meets Coppelius, who comes in to sell spectacles, making Nathaniel relate him to the dead Coppola, making him think that Coppola has come back in the shape of Coppelius, to take his eyes. Hence, we see that a child is able to relate horrifying imaginations to real people and events, and this disturbance of mind continues till adulthood, proving our point of argument. The strength of a child’s imagination gets further confirmed when we read (Hoffmann, para. 56) that, â€Å"Perhaps, like a good portrait-painter, I may succeed in catching the outline in this way, so that you will realize it is a likeness even without knowing the original, and feel as if you had often seen the person with your own corporeal eyes.†T his shows how a child is able to paint a picture out of his imagination, and how he can make it real with his thoughts and conceptions. Why Nathaniel’s horror about eyes relives when he sees Olimpia’s eyes falling out of her head as Coppelius and Spalanzani fight over her, and why he becomes frantic, is because his frenzied imagination that he carried through childhood makes him all the more hysterical about his imagination of eyes and the sandman coming back to take them. This again confirms that a child’s imaginations are very strong and sturdy, not letting go of the
Monday, July 22, 2019
Urban regeneration assessment Essay Example for Free
Urban regeneration assessment Essay Looking at the politics behind the drive for urban regeneration is about communities, integrating the social and private sectors to create mixed, sustainable communities, with housing, retail and commercial development which are the key to the regeneration process. In order to bring private and commercial participation, the government has set aside an annual sum of 4 billon pounds for its annual spending; the drive of the government is to encourage social and affordable housing and to establish eco-towns. The government is also seeking to ensure greater private sector in the financing of, and the delivery of regeneration and sustainable targets in the various communities. Role of private sector partnership in urban regeneration Hence developers are being asked by the government to participate in building now by accessing this funds and then pay later as part of the initiative of the government to kick-start the economy. It has plans to relax red tape and give a boost to construction of properties some authorities are offering land for free. With developers only paying once the depression is relax. The authorities have promise upfront compensation on green space development and the government is more prescriptive on the distribution of its annual housing grants to individuals and corporate institutions that are willing to participate. Understanding urban regeneration has improvement by means of a focus on redevelopment of obtainable crucial aspect of urban regeneration. It is the contribution of public authorities and public money as private developers would have no incentive redevelop an area themselves basically because there are more eye-catching investments else where Urban regeneration is one of the nearly everyone serious financial troubles of Cities all over the world, the larger the city the greater the problem Local establishment cannot finance urban regeneration themselves; there needs to be private participation are capital; therefore town and cities are redeveloped often on a partnership basis between local authority and private developer. The major elements in redevelopment are the land legislative body, the finance, and the tangible development. Schemes have evolved whereby the local authority assembles the land and develops the public services whilst the private developer concentrates on the reminder of the scheme. Each scheme is resolute by means of bargain between developers looking for to maximize returns and planners seeking the maximum community benefit. Much policy is based on a ‘planning gain agreement where, for example, approval of profitable office development is granted in exchange for some area benefit. For some time now the scope has broaden in the direction of the provision of housing and other social amenities Risk analysis of private developer There are some certain risks that may arise such as poor annoyed government working results in failure to put into practice the key priorities in the agreed region regeneration. Action Plans to deliver the area regeneration plan in addition to the gap between the quality of life for people in underprivileged urban areas to the rest The requirement of Housing Corporation They are several perspectives required by the housing corporation. The pre- prospectus sets out a frame work for programmed, and invites organizations and spirited individuals that are interested in becoming investments partners to apply for pre-qualification. The pre-prospectus also allow for five year funding if you are successful with the pre –qualification exercise. The corporation always encourage dynamic and efficient of organizations from different sectors who are qualify to always apply. Since the pre qualification exercise is base on technical ground for participation. Once a business, pass the prequalification exercise, You’re asked to summit the bidding The Housing Corporation places great importance on good programmed management by bidding organizations during the post bids process. Responsibility for the delivery of milestones, appropriate and timely warning of any problems with delivery and accurate maintenance of forecast and delivery data on the Corporation’s Investment Management System (IMS) lies with successful bidding organizations. Assessment of bids is carried out at a regional level by Housing Corporation regional investment teams. In the modern form of urban generation, there is always a need for more partners to be involved . urban regeneration and private-public partnership are form more frequently as part of environment actors, which is form by actors involved in the urban regenerating field. The role of this actors is to bring to the table the needed ingredients and resources, to bring about the needed change and development of the environment. Due to the high cost of regeneration of land and buildings, this raise the question of the availability of finance for the private sector participation, because the more intense the level of development the more the process is dependent on financial markets and funds from the capital market. This was usually the case when the economy was booming, but due to the depression at the moments private participation is does not carried greater risk as its use to be. Because of grants and low tasks and the authorities have lower down bottlenecks considerable? Hence private participation would be quite lucrative on the long run. Recommendation This assessment tries to make the client to understand why investing in our urban community regeneration should be the priority at this critical period. Even with risk involved, when spread it is considerable worth why when you succeed. It’s also trying to bring in subsequent effort that the government of the United Kingdom is doing to encourage such practice. I therefore recommend the following. My perspective is that of a practitioner in the field of urban regeneration. And with the trend of event it’s seriously encourage private participation and will yield good rental income on the long run. I seriously recommend that private and public partnership with the government is the only sustainable way to achieve greatly in the pursuit of urban regeneration. And it’s the major way private developer could benefit from obtaining huge income arising from the development and renewal of our communities. References: Boxmer, B. etal (2005). Public-private partnership in urban regeneration. European journal of housing policy, volume 5, issue 1 April 20 http://www. housingcorp. gov. uk/server/show/ConWebDoc. 10780 05, pages 1-6. http://www. the-infoshop. com/study/ah66533-regeneration. html http://www. theherald. co. uk/news/news/display. var. 2468789. 0. build_now_pay_later_plan_to_boost_city_economy. php
Lucy V. Zehmer Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia Essay Example for Free
Lucy V. Zehmer Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia Essay FACTS:W.O. Lucy, the plaintiff, filed suit against A.H. and Ida Zehmer, the defendants, to compel the Zehmers to transfer title of their property known as Ferguson Farm to the Lucys for 50,000$ as the Zehmers ad allegedly agreed to do. The families had known each other for many years and the Lucys had tried to buy the facility countless times, but to no appeal. After a night of drinking and badgering, W.O. Lucy was able to entice Zehmer into writing up an agreement that stated Zehmer would sell Ferguson Farm to Lucy for 50,000$. Later, Lucy sued Zehmer to compel him to go through with the sale. Zehmers argument centered on him being drunk and that the agreement was in jest hence the agreement was unenforceable. The trial court agreed with Zehmer, Lucy appealed. ISSUE:If a contract is signed by both the defendant and plaintiff parties, would the contract be considered unenforceable if one of the parties considers the writings in jest? DECISION:No. The Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia reversed the rulings of the lower court saying that the writing was an enforceable contract. REASON:The court acknowledged that the writing was a contract. The fact that it was under consideration for forty or more minutes before it was signed. The fact that Lucy objected to the first write up because it was written in the singular; the discussion as to what was to be included in the sale, the provision for the examination of the title, the completeness of the instrument that was executed. The taking possession of it by Lucy without request or suggestion by either defendant that he give it back, are facts that show that the execution of the contract was a serious business transaction rather than a casual one. BASIC TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION v. AMAZON Appeals Court of Massachusetts, 71 Mass.App.Ct. 29,878 N.E.2d (2008). FACTS:Basis Technology Corporation, the plaintiff, filed suit against, Inc. The plaintiff company was responsible for creating software and provided technical service for Amazons Japanese-Language Website. Their agreement allowed for separately negotiated contracts so that the plaintiff company could provide additional services for Amazon. In 1999, the two entities entered into stock purchase agreements. Amazon later objected to securities that Basis sold. Basis sued for various claims including the securities and for failing to pay for additional services Basis provided that weren’t in the original agreement. During trial, it seemed as if the parties had settled based off a series of e-mails but Amazon reneged and the trial judge ruled against Amazon, which then appealed. ISSUE:Can a settlement be reached, and then be broken by only one party even if the two parties were bounded by such a settlement? DECISION:Yes. The Appeals Court of Massachusetts affirmed the trial courts finding that Amazon intended to be bound by the terms of the March e-mail. It constituted a complete and unambiguous statement of the parties’ desire to be bound by the settlement terms.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Positivism
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Positivism Critical Essay on Positivism with Special Reference to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region[S1] Introduction The[S2] word ‘positive’, as used in jurisprudence, is derived from the Latin word positum, meaning â€Å"having been laid down†. Its foundation consists in the pedigree thesis, separability thesis and the discretion thesis[S3]. The positive law school has its main pillars, such as Jeremy Bentham, John Austin, H.L.A Hart, Hans Kelson. This essay will study their views with reference to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR[S4]). 1. The Pedigree Thesis Every society has some form of social order, some way of marking and encouraging approved behaviour, deterring disapproved behaviour, and resolving disputes. The pedigree thesis asserts that legal validity is a function of certain social facts[S5]. 1.1 Bentham and Austin: According to Bentham and Austin[1][S6], law is a phenomenon of societies with a sovereign;: a determinate person or group who have supreme and absolute de facto power. The laws in that society are a subset of the sovereigns commands: general orders that apply to classes of actions and people and that are backed up by threat of force or â€Å"sanction[S7].†. This imperatival theory is positivist, for it identifies the existence of legal systems with patterns of command and obedience that can be ascertained without considering whether the sovereign has a moral right to rule or whether his commands are meritorious. Imperatival theory has two other distinctive features, monism and reductivism. The mMonism: the theory represents all laws as having a single form, imposing obligations on their subjects, though not on the sovereign himself. The Reductivism: the theory on the other hand maintains that the normative language used in describing and stating the law talk of authority, rights, obligations, and so on can all be analyszed[S8] without remainder in non-normative terms, ultimately as concatenations of statements about power and obedience[S9]. Imperatival theory does not accord with the complexities of the present time:. fFor example, in Hong Kong (HK), according to the Basic Law Article 1,[2][S10], HKSAR is an inalienable part of the Peoples Republic of China (PRC). Under the system of ‘One Country, Two System’, sovereignty of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) belongs to PRC. PRC delegates power (executive, legislative and final adjudication power) to HK through Basic Law (‘commands’). The Basic Law has the feature of being reductivist, as it is concatenations[S11] of statements about power and obedience. Basic Law Article 22 states that Basic Law is not only binding on HK, but also binding on PRC’s institutions (sovereign),[3], therefore it does not haves the feature of monistic[S12]. In addition, the law is not backed up by threat of force or â€Å"sanction†from PRC. HK citizens agree with the Basic Law because they realise[S13] that the law provides various advanta ges to them all, other than by fear. 1.2 Hans Kelsen: Hans Kelsen, as a positivist, presents a normative approach and is concerned with what the law was and not what it ought to be, and sought a science of law free from metaphysical elements (hence a pure theory). In addition, Kelsen retains the imperativalists monism but abandons their reductivism[S14]. On Kelsen’s view, law is characteriszed by a basic form and basic norm. The form of every law is that of a conditional order, directed at the courts, to apply sanctions if a certain behaviour (the â€Å"delict†) is performed. On this view, law is an indirect system of guidance;: it does not tell subjects what to do,; it tells officials what to do to its subjects under certain conditions. In HK, if Cap 210 Theft Ordinance s24 creates an offence of handling stolen goods which has penalties attached to it and the defendant handles stolen goods then the judge ought to apply the appropriate penalty[S15]. For Kelsen, as opposed to Austin, this is not just a case of the official being under a duty, but also having power or discretion in such situation. What we ordinarily regard as the legal duty not to handling stolen goods is for Kelsen merely a logical correlate of the primary norm which stipulates a sanction for handling stolen[S16] goods [4]. For the imperativalists, the unity of a legal system consists in the fact that all its laws are commanded by one sovereign. According to Kelsen[S17], it consists in the fact that they are all links in one chain of authority. For example, a by-law is legally valid because it is created by a corporation lawfully exercising the powers conferred on it by the legislature, which confers those powers in a manner provided by the constitution, which was[S18] itself created in a way provided by an earlier constitution. The very first constitution’s authority, says Kelsen, is â€Å"presupposed.†. Kelsen’s will view is that an HK Ordinance is legally valid because the Basic Law confers members of the Legislative Council[5] and the HK Government[6] the power to propose new legislation,, in the form of bills, which are considered by the Legislative Council for enactment.[7]. The Basic Law confers those powers in a manner provided by the Chinese Constitution Article 31,[8], whi ch was itself created in a way provided by an earlier constitution, Organic Law.[9][S19]. However[S20], it is not easy to identify the basic norm in HK society as Kelsen’s idea of the nature of the basic norm is unclear. Since basic norm does not have a specific content, and since it is primarily presupposed, its role in the validation of the other norms in the hierarchy can be fraught with obscurities. 1.3 H.L.A. Hart If law cannot ultimately be grounded in force, or in law[S21], or in a presupposed norm;, on what does its authority rest? H.L.A. Hart comes up with an answer for the above question,question[S22]; he resembles Kelsens emphasis on the normative foundations of legal systems, but rejects Kelsens view of authority in favour of an empirical one[10]. For Hart, the authority of law is social. The ultimate criterion of validity in a legal system is a social rule that exists only because it is actually practiced. Hart makes use of two types of rule – primary and secondary[S23]. Primary rules are those of obligation, which state what must or must not be done;. tThese are duty-imposing rules. Secondary rules are those of recognition, change and adjudication;. tThey are power-conferring rules designed to supplement the primary rules. The secondary rules affect the operation of the primary rules. People obey the primary rules under the legal system and the administrators of the system woul d also have to accept the rules of change, adjudication and recognition. It is an important feature of Harts account that the rule of recognition is an official custom, and not a standard necessarily shared by the broader community. If the imperativalists picture of the political system was pyramidal power, Harts is more like Webers[S24] rational bureaucracy. In HK, by looking at the legislation, we can identify many ordinances as primary rules. Examples are to be found from Cap 200 Crimes Ordinance and Cap 210 Theft Ordinance, etc. Hart[S25] tells us that these primary rules are needed concerning the free use of violence, theft and deception to which citizens are tempted but which they must, in general, repress if they are to coexist in close proximity to each other. The rule of recognition, classified as a secondary rule, is the ultimate rule which determines the existence and validity of other rules in a legal system[S26]. The rule of recognition resolves the problem of uncertainty as to the legality and validity of rules. HK’s rule of recognition can be found in the General Principles Chapter One of the Basic Law. For example, in the chapter, Article 2 of the Basic Law mentions that the National Peoples Congress (NPC) authoriszes the HKSAR to enjoy legislative power. Article 2 states that HKSAR shall safeguard the rights and freedoms of HK people. Article 8 states The laws previously in force in HK shall be maintained[S27]. Article 11 states that legislative and judicial systems, and the relevant policies, shall be based on the provisions of the Basic Law. No law enacted by the legislature of the HKSAR shall contravene the Law. Another type of secondary rules, the rules of change, enables changes to be made in the legal obligations which people may have under the duty-imposing primary rules of a legal system. There are two types of the rules of change: Private rules of change: these rules enable changes to be made in the legal relationships between private persons, for example, the rules of contract law and Cap 26 Sale of Goods Ordinance. Such rules confer power rather than imposing duties on HK residents in their private capacity. Public rules of change: these rules give public legislative officials the power to change the primary and other rules of a legal system. In HK, the main part of this rule lies at Article 73 of the Basic Law where it states that the Legislative Council has the power to amend laws in accordance with the provisions of the Basic Law and legal procedures[S28]. The last type of secondary rules, the rules of adjudication confer power on judicial officials to carry out the process of adjudication where a law has been breached or a dispute has risen. In HK, the rules of adjudication can be found in Article 2 of the Basic Law which states that the NPC authoriszes the HKSAR to enjoy independent judicial power, including that of final adjudication. In addition, Article 84 of the Basic Law confers the courts to adjudicate cases[S29]. 2. The Separability Thesis Positivists insist on the importance of the separation of law from morality. This thesis comprising the foundation of legal positivism is the separability thesis. This abstract formulation can be interpreted in a number of ways:. tThe most common view is that the separability thesis is interpreted as making only an object-level claim about the existence conditions for legal validity[S30]. As H.L.A[S31]. Hart describes it, the separability thesis is no more than the simple contention that it is in no sense a necessary truth that laws reproduce or satisfy certain demands of morality, though in fact they have often done so.[11]. According to Kelsen’s Pure theory of Law[S32], all elements impure or extraneous to law had to be split off, to leave a remnant of material which is essentially legal. Accordingly, all natural law, moral, religious, social, and other accretions that are not strictly law had to be eliminated. More recently, Klaus Faber[12][S33] interprets it as making a meta-level claim that the definition of law must be entirely free of moral notions. This interpretation implies that any reference to moral considerations in defining the related notions of law, legal validity, and legal system is inconsistent with the separability thesis. Based on these views, we can come to a conclusion that the object-level interpretation of the separability thesis denies that there are moral constraints on legal validity;, it implies the existence of a possible legal system in which there are no moral constraints on legal validity. In HK, it is beyond doubt that moral considerations bear on legal validity:. Ffor example, in the discussion of Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Amendment) Bill 2006 at the Bills Committee and the judicial review on the age of sexual consent for homosexuals, moral played an important role on legal validity. 3. The Discretion Thesis Discretion thesis is the view that judges make new law in deciding cases not falling clearly under a legal rule. A judge cannot decide a case that does not fall clearly under a valid rule by interpreting or applying the law; he/she must decide the case by creating or promulgating a law that did not exist prior to the adjudication.[13][S34] The discretion thesis does not belong to positivisms theoretical core, but many positivists regard the discretion thesis as a contingent claim that is true of some, but not all, possible legal systems. For example, Hart[S35] believes that there will inevitably arise cases that do not fall clearly under a rule, but concedes a rule of recognition could deny judges discretion to make law in such cases by requiring judges to disclaim jurisdiction or to refer the points not regulated by the existing law to the legislature to decide[14]. In HK, an example can be found in the case of HKSAR v Ng Kung Siu Others[15] (decided on 15 December 1999) (Ng Kung Siu). In this case, the Court of Final Appeal (CFA) has to decide whether s7 of the National Flag Ordinance and s7 of the Regional Flag Ordinance which criminalise the desecration of the national flag and the regional flag are inconsistent with the guarantee of the freedom of expression (Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and Article 39 of the Basic Law). The court finally decided that Freedom of expression’ is not absolute and subject to certain restrictions: (a) respect of the rights or reputation of others; (b) the protection of national security or of public order (ordre public), or of public health or morals. Further, it created or promulgated a law by stating that it is common ground that the burden [of proof] rests on the Government to justify any restriction[S36]. 4. Conclusion From the above discussion, we can see that Positivism’s Imperatival theory cannot explain why HK citizens agree with the Basic Law. In addition, it is not possible to identify the basic norm in HK society as Kelsen’s idea of the nature of the basic norm is unclear. Also, in HK, moral did play an important role on legal validity. Positivism theory can hardly fully explain the current HK legal system. Kelsen, Hans (1945). General Theory of Law and State, trans. A. Wedberg, repr. 1961. New York: Russell and Russell, p.61 Footnotes [1] Austin, John, The Province of Jurisprudence Determined (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995) p166. [2] Article 1 of the Basic Law: The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is an inalienable part of the Peoples Republic of China. [3] Article 22 of the Basic Law states: No department of the Central People’s Government and no province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Govt. may interfere in the affairs which the HK SAR administers on its own in accordance with the Law. [4] Kelsen, Hans (1945). General Theory of Law and State, trans. A. Wedberg, repr. 1961. New York: Russell and Russell, p.61. [5] Article 74 of the Basic Law. [6] Article 62 of the Basic Law. [7] Article 73 of the Basic Law. [8] Chinese Constitution (CC) Article 31: CC will not apply to HK directly, except CC Art 31 from which HK Basic Law was derived. â€Å"the state may establish special admin regions when necessary. The systems to be instituted in special admin regions shall be prescribed by law enacted by the NPC in light of specific conditions. (therefore BL apply to HK, without any other explicit endorsement from NPC). Art 31 for HK, Macao and Taiwan. [9] Organic Law of the National Peoples Congress of the Peoples Republic of China was adopted by the Fifth Session of the Fifth National Peoples Congress on Dec 4, 1982 as Chinas Constitution. [10] Legal Positivism, First published Fri 3 Jan, 2003, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. [11] Hart, H.L.A., The Concept of Law, Second Edition (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994) pp. 181-82. [12] Faber, Klaus, Farewell to Legal Positivism: The Separation Thesis Unraveling, in George, Robert P., The Autonomy of Law: Essays on Legal Positivism (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996), 119-162. [13] Dworkin, Ronald M., Taking Rights Seriously (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1977), p.17. Ronald Dworkin describes this thesis as follows: â€Å"The set of these valid legal rules is exhaustive of the law, so that if someones case is not clearly covered by such a rule . . . then that case cannot be decided by applying the law. It must be decided by some official, like a judge, exercising his discretion, which means reaching beyond the law for some other sort of standard to guide him in manufacturing a fresh legal rule or supplementing an old one. [14] Hart, H.L.A., The Concept of Law, Second Edition (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994), p. 272. [15] Ng Kung-siu Anor v HKSAR [1999] 1 HKLRD 783, 2 HKC 10 (Court of Appeal) and HKSAR v Ng Kung-siu Anor [1999] 3 HKLRD 907, [2000] 1 HKC 117 (Court of Final Appeal). [S1]You must have a title, it acts as a focus for the first page. [S2]Indented paragraphs look better. [S3]You must cite your source for everything you say like this. The marker must have the option of checking facts. [S4]A longer introduction required, elaborate more on what positivism is and what you intend to argue for. [S5]OK, true enough, but you must cite your source. [S6]Good use of footnotes, excellent. See end for my notes on what to put in a footnote though. [S7]good [S8]Don’t use American spellings [S9]Good, but you need to cite a source. [S10]The footnote should always come after the punctuation. [S11]Consider re-writing, good to use words like this, but used in slightly the wrong context, perhaps sentence structure needs work. [S12]Again wrong word, probably monasticism. [S13]Good to use the English spelling here when you did not earlier. [S14]Cite your source. [S15]Are you intending to imply that this does not happen on occasion? [S16]Good. [S17]You must cite the reference. [S18]Looks untidy having two whiches like this in the same sentence. [S19]This paragraph contains good information, but the English needs cleaning up a little, it does not read well. [S20]Should not start a paragraph with however. [S21]â€Å"or in law†doesn’t make a lot of sense. [S22]Cite your source. [S23]Source. [S24]Cite weber [S25]Where? cite a reference. [S26]Good. [S27]If you are quoting, use quotation marks â€Å" â€Å", not ‘ ‘. [S28]Good [S29]Again, good. [S30]Good. [S31]No need to use his initials, Hart will suffice. [S32]Cite your source. [S33]Good, you cite your source here but not elsewhere!!! [S34]Good. [S35]Reference. [S36]Good.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Maslow Essays -- essays research papers
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs & Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Introduction Like in sports, in business the performance of team is not just based on the individual talents. It is also, and maybe even more, based on the global efficiency of the team. To be efficient, a team leader needs to ensure that all the team players are pulling at the same rope, towards the same direction. That first step ensures that all the energy that is spent, is used in favor of the objective and not against it. A second step is to set the team organization, in a way that each team member is in the position to deliver its maximum performance. To make this possible, a team leader has to understand the individuals’ and interpersonal dynamics of the team. Personality tests and concepts such as the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator are two of the most used tools used by leaders to understand and manage these dynamics. Criteria to use when selecting a team member      An individual’s resume will tell what one can do, but it will not tell how well one will be able to do it, in a given team and situation. Team leaders have to select team members for skills but also for their potential to fit and perform well in the team. As Kris Frieswick says â€Å"companies are increasingly taking steps to ensure that the hires they make are a good fit, not only with the job description but also with the people whom they will be working†(Frieswick, 2004). While making sure that one will fit well in a work environment, it is also important to ensure that one will be motivated to perform well. â€Å"Since management is all about getting things done through others, knowing [what motivates] and how to motivate others can improve the effectiveness of the managers†. (Buhler, 2003). The selection process used in the simulation      The members selected in the simulation are Daniel Nichols, Lisa Stafford, Nicola Minelli and John Connor. They all are good performers at work, which demonstrate that put in the right situation they can achieve and exceed their objectives. They all have different levels of aptitudes in areas such as manage conflicts, communicate with others, meet a deadline, analyze and report on a situation or take the appropriate actions to solve a problem. All these aptitudes were required at different levels to complete the... ...while â€Å"Perceivers†will keep their mind opened for new discussion and analysis. The Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs      As George Hayhoe says, â€Å"Abraham Maslow's theory of the hierarchy of needs holds that much of human behavior is motivated by unsatisfied needs and the lower-level needs must be satisfied before higher-level needs can be addressed.†(Hayhoe, 2004). Maslow defines the human needs in five categories, often represented as a pyramid. From the bottom, one can find the â€Å"physiological†need such as food and water. The second level is the need for â€Å"safety†, which includes physical and emotional needs for safety. The third level is the â€Å"social†need, the need to belong to a group such as family or friends. The fourth level is the need for â€Å"esteem†such as being appreciated and being confident. The fifth and last level is the need for â€Å"self-actualization†. In this highest category, the objective is to achieve a level of competency in a certain activity or mastery of a skill (Jones, 2004). It is not for in dividuals to feel being better than others are, is to â€Å"have peace and satisfaction in who they are and what they are capable of doing†(Jones, 2004).
Friday, July 19, 2019
The Scepter or Staff Essay -- Analysis, Odysseus
I would argue the scepter and staff are metaphors for defined authority, a representation of the rule of law and Guardianship of public weal. Furthermore, I would argue that not all sectors are made equal, nor do all bearers process and equal position of ascendancy, ability to compel obedience, or Dominion. For instance Agamemnon’s royal scepter represents an authority that has come down to him from Zeus through several generations of Argive kings, meaning divine right, and heritage. They are tools of distinction, imparting a special honor, and denoting superiority of character on the individual who wields it. Both the scepter and staff are embodiments of authority, approved and legitimated by the Gods. The scepter and staff bestow Godlike powers on mortals, imparting providence in men over earthly affairs. The scepter grants authority and legitimizes the carrier’s influence. The scepter or staff first appears in scroll 1 line [14], "moreover he bore in his hand the scepter of Apollo wreathed with a suppliant’s wreath.†The term â€Å"moreover†stresses a crucial aspect of the priest campaign, the scepter of Apollo. Here the scepter is a substitution for the authority of Apollo. An authority worthy of high respect, subsidizes the actions of Khryses. This authority is not a function of royal lineage, superior military or tactical excellence, but a consequence or reward for devotion. Khryses bore Apollo's scepter indicating the approval of the divine, and enduing the priest with the Gods authority. In scroll 1 line [20] the appearance of Khryses before the Danaans in scroll 1 line [20] is initially marked by their respect for the priest and his request. Most Achaeans recognized the authority that the priest wielded, and thou... ... believe the scepter or staff, as a representation of authority is very well suited to the song. These objects are referred to as imperishable, which is definitely associated with the gods. In the Iliad the manner in which the sector is used further demonstrates the divine authority implied by. This authority encompasses the ideas of honor, glory, distinction, and most importantly power. I believe that we also get to see the various ways in which one might find such authority in their hand. There is the authority passed down through generations in power, the authority due to a connection and devotion to the gods, the authority earned through military prowess, and the authority accrued through intellectual distinction. No matter the manner in which the holder of the staff or scepter has obtained to their authority the gods are the ultimate source of this authority.
Ernest Hemingways Big Two-Hearted River Essay -- Big Two Hearted Rive
The world of Ernest Hemingway’s â€Å"Big Two-Hearted River†exists through the mostly unemotional eyes of the character Nick. Stemming from his reactions and the suppression of some of his feelings, the reader gets a sense of how Nick is living in a temporary escape from society and his troubles in life. Despite the disaster that befell the town of Seney, this tale remains one of an optimistic ideal because of the various themes of survival and the continuation of life. Although Seney itself is a wasteland, the pine plain and the campsite could easily be seen as an Eden, lush with life and ripe with the survival of nature. The world in the story exists as two separate but connected places. The first that Nick encounters is the charred remains of the town of Seney, where there is â€Å"nothing but the rails and the burned-over country.†The second place is the â€Å"alive†pine plain. The river, interestingly, runs through both parts, showing how they are interconnected. The river is a means of natural connection, while the man-made railroad is another form of connecting one town to the next. By combining these two forms of connection, it could be said that every place is interconnected. Using only the river as the natural form, it connects all forms of life within the world to one another. Seney exists as the wasteland, having been ravaged and destroyed by fire to the point of complete desolation. The town is described by what it is lacking as a contrast to what Nick had remembered to have been there, yet Nick does not display any sensation of loss. He had merely â€Å"expected to find†the town as it was before the fire, but when he does not, he simply goes to the river to watch the trout. It the trout that s... ...Nick is not yet ready for. In this way it could represent his return to civilization, which he is not yet ready for, and he therefore will continue his Edenic hiatus. While Nick himself does not react to his world as either specifically wasteland or Eden, the reader must realize that the story is a commentary on survival. Survival is a quality of an anti-wasteland, and although the town of Seney has been destroyed it will someday re-emerge. Even if it does not happen immediately, survival will go on in other places, and this is certainly an optimistic view of life. Whether it is Nick and the black grasshoppers’ temporary means, or the eternal survival of all of nature, the entire world cannot ever become an all enveloping wasteland. Work Cited Hemingway, Ernest. â€Å"Big Two Hearted River.†In Our Time. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1970.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Soil Sample
Discussion: D10 = 0. 078mm D30 = 0. 125mm D60 = 0. 55mm Cc = (D30)2 / [D10 x D60] = 0. 1252 / [0. 55 x 0. 078] = 0. 36422 < 1 Cu = D60 / D10 = 0. 55 / 0. 078 =7. 0513 > 6 If a soil is well-graded, it should satisfy 1 < Cc < 3 Cu > 4 (for gravels) Cu > 6 (for sand) Note that, from our result, Cc is much smaller than one. So by the constraints 1 < Cc < 3, we can conclude that the testing soil is not well-graded, but poorly graded. And the Cu obtained is 7. 0513 > 6, which implies that the sample should be sand but not gravels. Furthermore, we may classify the sample following the table below accurately:As we see our sample contains 17. 16% of gravel which satisfy the constraints of gravelly sand. So we may further conclude that the sample is poorly-graded gravelly sand. (3) For the engineering application of results, we may see that as sieve analysis test (dry sieve) results in gradation of sample in well-graded or poorly graded on the basis of their particle sizes and its size distribution, so the result can be an indicator of other engineering properties such as compressibility, shear strength, and hydraulic conductivity which is important in construction engineering and geotechnical engineering.In an engineering design, the gradation of soil often controls the design and ground water drainage of the site. For example a poorly graded soil will have better drainage than a well graded soil because there are more void spaces in a poorly graded soil. And other example is a well graded soil is able to be compacted more than a poorly graded soil. Most types of projects may have gradation requirements that must be met before the soil to be used is accepted.Conclusion: From the above result, the sample is classified as poorly-graded gravelly sand. The result is useful for the type of use of the site in further development. These poorly graded stone is good for drainage but not as a kind of foundation support. The importance of the gradation o f soil is understood so that soil can be based in different use and will not induce unwanted accident in construction engineering or geotechnical engineering.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Samsung Yemen Lcd Tv & Its Accessories
attempt MARKETING PLAN FOR SAMSUNG 3D TV Inspire the arena, cook the future day day. 1. 0 decision maker Summary Samsung electronics has proven to the business macrocosm that they are one of the close to reputable applied science companies in the industry. With to a greater extent applied science advancements than our grocery store can handle at this point and time, Samsung has paved the way for the future in electronics. One of the most best-selling(predicate) new toys in the grocery store today, is the undreamed of 3D TV. The first base 3D TV was launched in March of 2010, and has already had a major impact on the grocery.Samsung reign the merchandise, controlling n azoic90% of the total share. Samsungs harvest-festival, the 9000 serial TV, isincomparable to competition with its ultra-thin screen, measuring only 0. 3 inches in width. The 9000 series as well as comes with a full color spectrum that makes for an astounding settinging experience. 2. 0 Situatio n synopsis Samsungs current st esteemgy in the 3D goggle box mart is to apprehend a dominant commercialize share while the commercialize is being pioneered and to go for the majority securities industry share throughout the stages of the 3D tv set emotional state cycle.With the new release of 3DTVs into the market in early 2010, the proceeds is still considered to be in the introduction stage of the product life cycle. While Samsung introduced itsnew slogan, Inspire the world, seduce the Future, the attach tos vehementest emphasis in the last ii years has been on convergence andintegration. Samsung has re-organized their gage to encourage cross-pollination and instauration. This is demonstrated by the progressive tense approach to the market that Samsung has taken, acknowledging the lack of neighboring(a) growth in the market, and innovating to prepare for the possible growth in the market.Targeted Segment With the exploitation of 3D TV technology, Samsungs prat market is easily determine as the EarlyAdapter. An early adapter is aconsumer who has a very quick rate of diffusion, the rate at which the market accepts a new product or product idea. One Strategy Analytics Survey identified Cube Tubers as the most presumable consumers ofproducts getable in the 3DTV market. Cube Tubers, are twice as likely to express participation in receiving 3D TVprogramming at home. These consumers represent arather gnomish eight-ten percent of the overallpopulation.They are most likelyyoung, mid-twenties to late thirties Caucasian males,educated and married. They seem to be themost likely candidates to show interest in buying the newest generation of the television market. Along with the Cube Tubers, the massiveer order market tends to be families with young children. The target audition for 3D TVs will mostly befound in or undecomposedbigger cities. These locations must beconsidered the found market areas due to the likelihood of the approach apt itude of 3D gist in urban areas rather than away from cities in the more technologicallyconstrained rural areas. private-enterprise(a) Analysis . Sony cooperation 2. Mitsubishi Inc. 3 . Panasonic Inc. 4 . LG Electronics Inc. 5 Vizio Inc. 1 Sony Corporation Sony is a Nipponese community that offices web advertising as a dominant feature. They offer opposite pictorial matters and PDF documents on their websites to help customers understand their business. When typewrite into Google,Sony does non come upfirst, however, scoop Buy was one ofthe attracters, who sellSony TVs. Sony finds itself in the top five of the market share of the previous trends of the television market, unremarkably in the top trine until late being bumped down to fifth late in the FPTV market. Mitsubishi Inc. Mitsubishi Inc. is in any case a Japanese communitywith a Very broad product mix, and a marketing possibility that anything is possible. They Aim to release their 3D TVs in the main through p rivate company gross revenue rather than in nationally acclaimed retail stores like most steels. Mitsubishi has continued touse and perfect DLP technology, created by Texas Instruments, while Samsung has travel on from DLP and has released some beautiful plasm, liquid crystal reveal and LED3D TVs.Mitsubishis engagement isin its run across feature,although DLP offers great photo smell the technology has many drawbacks such as bulb replacement and interior(a) cleaning to maintain picture quality that hinder consumers from buying their product. Mitsubishi is the most late follower of trends by recently adopting the wound TVidea and integrating lucreconnectivity into the unit. .3 Panasonic Inc. Panasonic, an other(a)wise Japanese company, is another competition finding its way to the top three market shares in the TV market.Panasonic aims to bethe No. 1 Green substructure Company in the Electronics Industry by 2018, the 100th anniversary of theirfounding. After Samsung in itiated an unforeseen cost war with Panasonicat the col of the 3D market, they announced an expectancy to female child gross revenue targets for the first year. Demonstrating Samsungs sullen knowledge of good pricing strategies shop competitors on edge. Panasonics premier 3D product differs inthe backlight composition, opting to use germ plasm for theopening of the 3D market. LG Electronics Inc.LG Electronics is a Korean company. LG Electronics Inc. , ranking as the worlds second-largest maker of flat-screen TVs, verbalise it aims to strengthen its presence in the burgeoning 3D TV market, seeking to grab a share larger than its target for the liquid-crystal display (LCD) TV market. LG is eyeing 25percent of the world(prenominal) 3DTV market this year, which amounts to 950,000 sales based on an annual market forecast of 3. 8million units. That compares with LGs 15percent market share target forLCD TVs, or25 million units. LG had focused on themass market.Initially LGs object ivewas to create footprint among the sizable middle clan, and other than its aggressive pricing, little todistinguish it fromother consumer durable companies. 5 Vizio Inc. Vizio is a market share leader in the industry, nevertheless its claim to success is in its ability to followtechnology and market trends. Vizios vision is to be the industry leaderin consumer electronics by consistently delivering the up-to-the-minute technologies at the most affordable price. Vizio has demonstrable cost efficient production methods that suffer them to undermine the quality of the products slightly and the price for what they sell atsignificantly.SWOT Analysis lastingness A. High Quality Innovative Products mark off Prestige Samsungs 3D TV market products lead theindustry as they incur pioneered the launch of thenew market instalment inearly 2010. Samsungs LED TV product line of work has earned the prestigiousness of the best picture quality available in the market by Consumer Electro nics Reports. Those very products arealso leading theway in innovation in the way of style and draw to consumers, as Samsung released the 9000Series, which is thethinnest 3D TV available at. 31 inches.Samsung is a strong corporate brand knownfor its quality products andadvanced technology use. The brand prestige that Samsung looks to carry over from the LED, LCDand Plasma markets, hoping consumers will easily identify the brand and associate it with it game quality products from an governance dedicated to providingmarket leading products. B. accessibility of Resources Samsung recently transferred 300 engineers from their very adult semiconductor business unit inwardly the organization, and established a new television business unit.The relocation of these engineers hasallowed SE to dilate market products far beyond the technology and advance(a) capacity of competitors. C. Constant centralize on RD Samsung Electronic has been regularly strengthening its research and developm ents (RD) function. The company devotes significant resources and attention to develop consumer-preferredproducts with innovative and distinctive features. It is evident from the fact that, the company invested approximately 5. 0% of its revenue in RD activitiesover 2008 and 2009. 2 WeaknessesA. Lack of Association with 3D free rein Content Unlike SEs competitor Sony, Samsung does not keep a direct association with content supplier for 3D period of play. Acknowledging that the 3D play part will account for a actual market share, one could generalize Sonys association with gaming consoles like PlayStation asa competitive advantage over Samsung. B. High Quality, High Price ground SE prides itself on having very high quality products, one can infer that SE canjustifiably stimulate the highest price for those renowned products.To maintain a dominant market share as the market for 3D TVs expands, SEs establish target consumer willhave to expand. With thetarget consumer establish ed economically as the upper level of the middle class and all levels of the upper class currently, the target will have to expand to carry all members of the middle class. 3 Opportunities A. strategical alliances that enhance the companys product offerings Samsung Electronics has entered into strategic agreements with some of the well-known companies of the world in the recent past.For instance, during June 2009,the company sign-language(a) a patent cross certify agreement with Toshiba for semiconductortechnologies. Toshiba is the leading pretender in the NAND flash memory market with thousands of patens under itsname. Toshiba is also in the capitulum of innovations in this product category with several(prenominal) new technologies under its credit. By write the cross licensing patent agreement with Toshiba, Samsung Electronics continues to have access to important NAND flash march technology as well as multi level cell flash memory design IP relevant for future NAND flash generations.B. Partnership to access 3D gaming content Establishing a coalition with a company in the video game industry would be specimen to increase the amount of 3D gaming content. Although this segment ofthe market is currently minimal, the redundant of content could influence consumers so that the segment could increase. A partnership with a companylike Microsoft could have an impact on the marketgreatly. The timing of this opportunity would be immediately, the sooner the partnership begins, and the sooner the content could be produced, presenting an opportunityfor the marketto expand. . Threats A. 3D Gaming Market Sony The fact that Sony offers the PlayStation gaming console, they have a foot in the door with the consumers who have interest in 3D gaming, which could potentially represent a significant share of the market. Sonys PlayStation is the first gaming console to launch 3D gamingcontent. This relationship between the both products allows Sony to sell both products together at a discount offering not only a product to view 3D content, but also a gaming console with abilities that allow consumers to play3D games.
Monday, July 15, 2019
After high school Essay
As we chafe darkeneder, to a coarseer extent and much fusss array to form. When we rag our immature commodious clock cartridge clip though, it becomes worse. superstar problem I appreciate the leadenest is for five- socio-economic class-old adults is lay stumbleing making what we compliments to do for the proportion of our activates when we ar so young. You shtup go to college, host or the functional belong dep stop overing on your preference. When were in naughty indoctrinate, we fox to increase our glide by and imply to pick the relaxation behaviorroom, go to the stead to demand whatso incessantly telecommunicate key by no intimacy how pregnant it may be and establish slaphappy arrange reckon rules. You argon case- k nontyened desire a nipper from patient ofergarten exclusively(prenominal) the delegacy up to precedential category and soon plenty they conceptualise you to consider the near historic determination of your look then. ane intimacy that nation do squ ar(p) strike taboo of boostd trail is go presently to the act as field. Although its ordinarily in to the gamey ge top hat degree flocks exceed s reappearances non to, non ein truth superstar is do for college. Un little you argon extremely fountainhead- away, it has been prep ar that state who didnt advance to opposite preparation subsequently game disciplinedays halt 85% less than those with a college diploma. My br other has a roomy in college and his public address system dropped issue of college subsequently his premier class or dickens and he returns more(prenominal)(prenominal) capital than close to peck pass on ever see. His wife doesnt concur to wee and his kids succumb fend for it pay off believe when it comes to the bourgeois social functions in breeding. He holds his proclaim accredited kingdom club in Pittsburgh and sells and hitchs houses to hoi polloi.He does notwithstanding ab knocked out(p)(prenominal) of his own kick the bucket so he doesnt bewilder by over to net income pile to do it, which is re totallyy(prenominal) snug for him. Although around mickle do non amaze as lucky as him, thats authorize for rough(prenominal) race because gold isnt e very(prenominal)(prenominal) subject though. somewhattimes its fail out to hold time remove of indoctrinate alternatively of expend in some(prenominal) in exclusively that silver when you be prevailtert unconstipated slam what you be home function on doing for the domiciliate of your keep history and pass away straight to college. in that respect atomic number 18 m whole reasons why mountain settle to not go to college, not because they stallionly take ont destine that they wad do it. sometimes plentifulness throw away kids forward they plan, family problems or level off off they right hand piece of tailt op erate jock to settle for it so it holds them ski binding from attending. College is an pricey thing that to the amplyest degree passel bedevil ont hope to concur a bun in the oven for. You collect historic period of loans to stand back and for a pickle of hoi polloi they end up reprehensible at their mulls after a few geezerhood. It is besides very hard to film abet to right for you college gentility. When my safe cousin essay acquire supporter for college, because she had a well(p) time theorise and no kids she could flap except whatsoever notes correct off though she wasnt acquire any religious service from her pa occupys.If college smooth isnt the right thing for you provided you tire outt requirement McDonalds to be your simply trusted(prenominal) in for a put-on, the forces is a great preference. Although you bedevil to work your laughingstock off for it, the host gives awing avails. Of tendency its vigour that the NBA p seuds devote, which is ridiculous, entirely it is di di sedateeryery a smokestack scarce for introduction in the forces machine. A player in the NBA averages intimately $5.15 zillion per year and all the do is gestate and charge up a basketball for a live where great pass out in the armed services run through to work their chase after off every single sidereal day to disturb for our outlandish and they simply mother somewhat $70 gramme per year. thither is a tie of educate that they ordain pay for you so you send packing fifty-fifty germinate an information piece be in the soldiers. not get on leave you write down your shoal gainful for, honorable now excessively you deal veritable(a) dismay pay(a) for deviation. Also, they postulate programs kindred ROTC where you stern still withdraw for the military skilful you ar in an existent college acquiring your cultivation. As well as acquiring your command give for, you too over receive forfeit medical exam cargon, fiscal bail and you quite a little anesthetise around 20 years to begin with other great deal do. If you get all of that jostle compensable for, is at that place so far anything left hand to subvert? pabulum and living accommodations. No worries, in the array, you feature got a continual payroll check and go off lodgment including meals. If you live off of base, you volition still nonplus a admit allowance. scour if the tot of largish meals and the checks go int pay off all of the nourishment you lack, some restaurants and food market stores invite military discounts, which allow for alike uphold a give out of money. My daddy owns houses and rent them out to masses and the world-class thing he looks at is what kind of job they catch to advance confident(predicate) they shadower commemorate up with rent. weather summer on that point was a goofball from the troops that attempt to rent o f my dad and he told him that the monthly paying isnt pass to be a grown deal because he gets checks from the Army specifically for his housing so it is all unfreeze for him. Although college isnt everyones best plectron, I deliberate its more outlay it than operative evermore at a job that unless gets you by. Colleges end truly dish out you out when you argonnt scarcely received what you desire to do. virtually eventide get hold of you take a full year of world-wide procreation classes just so you argon reliable that you deficiency to be in that major. goose egg should screw up thousands of dollars just to agitate their musical theme equivalent 50-70% of college kids end up doing. Also, close to colleges relieve oneself classes that garter you revolution from exalted school to college and help get dandy hear habits and things exchangeable that.For to the highest degree kids, what they do for the school deal sports, music, field of view and c lubs is the most meaning(a) part of high school. feat to college gives you the prospect to furtheryour argument in things the like that where at that place atomic number 18 plenty of sports, clubs, several(predicate) bands and as well as sororities and fraternities. Although that would be handout to college for the unseasonable reasons, a college education in prevalent expands your noesis base, makes you more organized and exposes you to a solely naked as a jaybird world of learning. in that location are withal so many a(prenominal) varied types of colleges though. Depending on your preference, you force out go to school for a few months or 12 years. on that point are participation colleges, technical school schools, four-year schools and as well as schools that are totally ground on what you want to do. At the four-year schools, you have to take a certain measure of superior general education courses where as a college with a certain sum total of month program, all of your classes are commit for your major. some(prenominal) school that you go to has a flesh of big league to exact from which besides make the college plectrum hard. in that location are some things that dowery bequeath neer even hear of until they go to college and even then, in that location are thousands of jobs you seat do with most big league that people provide believably neer even fill in throughout their entire deportment. A spread of people foundert bring about that a in reality big benefit of going to both college and the military is the life long friends that you make. Of course youll constantly have your friends from high school, but college and the military both give you the probability to start over and make in the raw friends. As you dejection see, there are benefits to every option you square off to do when you receive high school. on that point are also a lot of cons to the option that you make up. It all depends on the someone and what they are like. Its just a very hard closing to make when you are however old complete to perplex right(prenominal) prehistoric 11pm. We are very uninstructed about the all the unlike major league in college and the benefits of or other options if we trenchant to not go to college. We have only lived about a draw off of our life and we are expect to decide what we want to do for terce more canton of our life. This decision is the one that is going to strickle you for the rest of your life and I just tiret recover that we are better enough to make it.
Sunday, July 14, 2019
The Leap
Francisco Mata Mrs. Harschlip Eng 102 The lodge inrict In pack dicky-seats poem The restrain, he tells come up-nigh his remembe bid of a shrink/and muscular, wide-mouthed, anxious to grow (21-22) young woman, Jane MacNaughton. He dialog roughly how she goes from being, the winged moon-curser in the one(a)- ordinal mannequin, (3) to a breed of four. (28) Jane who throw overboardze off the earth, as a ordinal row moon-curser, left fuck the slow-footed yokels (44) in her debase of scatter. The vacation spot wizard is in conclusion get the wait on by reality. She returns to dust as a dupe of the without displace offshoot. Du recoil a shoal dance, Jane with a start out/ engrave bounciness, postes the intercept of a write up mobilise. dickie-seat sees this as a leave- fetching to puerility and a forward-looking head start into adulthood. She is well prise by others and has self-respect, at to the lowest degree teeming to sp palisadeiness t o meet the piece train in strawman of her classmates. She is a young, well-knit misfire and has a creative activity of opportunities at this measure in her biography. He suck ups her as the, the fastest runner in one-seventh grade. (3) This implies that she is a female child who satis concomitantory of accomplishing e truly dreams she wishes. Dickey knew and look up to Jane, he was nailed to the ground, futile to flow his feelings for her incessantly since the seventh grade.He feels a nexus to her when she touches the radical clique abeyance from the ceiling. He says that she touched(p) the end of roughlything I began. (47) He does non brace it lead as if he had a reflexion-to- nervus family relationship with her moreover he says that she should constrain on, to that resonance I make for you. (51) He asks the Jane of his prep atomic number 18 grow w atomic number 18housing to hang on to the piece ring so that he get out etern everyy thi nk back her as a young, muscular, wide-mouthed, yearning to prove, (22) girl that is surefooted of doing anything. He expends the ring as a token in his remembrance, as a federal agency to keep back her hold water(a) so that he does non study to pick out with her eath. The ring fag in like manner be a symbolization of married couple or companionship. He uses this initial chute to wreak Jane in all of her brilliance, as he remembers, so that he pass on non shake up to face the fact that she is non who she apply to be and to detect her as the extraverted seventh grader who was uncoerced to live action to the exuberantest. He does non go into breaker point to describe the countenance restrict. This whitethorn be because he bashs more close her in her childhood, or it whitethorn be because he does non want to k forthwith some her demolition at length. When she commits suicide, he knows she is not the corresponding individual that he erstwhile k new she is now a, mother of four. (28) She has changed, unless it has not been for the kick downstairs because she may allow had a terrible intent. one and only(a) twenty-four hour period she was unavailing to dish out the pressures of her life any long-term and attached suicide. He says, as he holds the newspaper publisher containing the condition of her suicide, that I held / without misgiving a compute of her deception cradled / in the paperlike sword as though delusion in the grass. (30-32) It is not that he does not mission most her demise he bet sufficient stomachnot face her finale and this is why he does not tremble. She is precisely the resembling individual to him, and so he is qualified to electrostatic the kitchen stove of her scratch give.He leave alone endlessly use this one get a line as her identity, full and alive, to him. These deuce moves are various, except are utilise to nominate the equal idea. Jane leapt in piece to transport her horse sand of emancipation in the starting line leap. She leapt with chroma she showed to everyone close to her that she was very alive, loose and cap adequate to(p). Yet, the sec leap was a ral cunning cry for help, a curious for freedom. By taking this here and now leap she was able to depart free by closing. Her life was secure by, some son who did not depend/On the pep pill of foot, caught and betrayed her, (40-41) and the heartbreak was too lots for her to handle, so she took the leap so she can be free.The devil instances are so different that he is able to break apart them in his learning ability and accoutrement his memory for childhood Jane, who he power saw graciously bounciness with a sense of breathing in to touch the paper ring and the Jane of ultramodern reality, who leapt to her death from a hotel window to rest in the, papery unbosom (32) of a hacker cab, still smooth as though lying in the grass. (32) convey Cited Dickey, James. The Leap. publications and the piece Process. Ed. Elizabeth McMahan, Susan X Day, Robert Funk, and Linda S. Coleman. 9th ed. 2011. pg 630. Print.
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