Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Personal Development, Self-Management and Reflection Essay - 1
Self-awareness, Self-Management and Reflection - Essay Example physical, attitudinal, and basic boundaries) just as the parts of an increasingly effective procedure of learning (for example time the executives, procuring significant data). Accordingly, acknowledge with respect to one’s individual and expert viewpoints are featured. Presentation Personal and expert improvement is a significant idea that essentially includes the development and headways of a person. This proposes each individual has an undiscovered potential and ought to have the option to get increasingly out of life through learning and developing. Defining quantifiable objectives, defeating cynicism and disappointments, gaining from encounters, and turning out to be better people en route significantly add to their development and advancement. Individuals have depended on their one of a kind individual attributes, especially their solid focuses and skills, to pick up progressions in both their own and expert lives. In this manner, building improvement plans for both an i ndividual’s individual and expert perspective can help with distinguishing and strengthening qualities, just as enhancing shortcomings. Undertaking 1 Personal advancement relates to an entire host of exercises that help develop mindfulness and self-authority (Aubrey, 2010). Then again, proficient improvement alludes to the procedure through which aptitudes and information are accomplished towards both self-improvement and headway in one’s vocation (National Professional Development Center on Inclusion, 2008). Subsequent to taking the Applied Personal and Professional Development Evaluation, I understood that information and complying with time constraints are not by any means the only things to be considered in seeking after fruitful advanced education learning. Nature of work is likewise significant, and one intends to quantify this is through different people’s input. In having the best quality work, we ought to consider different factors, for example, social and individual relationship with others, self-assurance, right inspiration, ability to learn, handy and basic speculation and obviously, tolerance and tirelessness. By and by, I am acceptable at coexisting with others. I regard their places of perspectives and I make an effort not to insult them by picking the correct words to state. I am a lot of ready to learn, both old and new things. I additionally practice commonsense and basic deduction in my regular daily existence. I think first before I act more often than not. My act of persistence and constancy are relative, depending how I survey a given circumstance and what I judge as fitting. What I truly need to take a shot at, in any case, is self-assurance and open talking and having the correct inspiration for the correct activity. Increasing fearlessness and having the option to talk openly needs a great deal of work. It is identified with one’s character and convictions. My condition and how I am raised likewise add to my self-assurance. On the off chance that individuals sense solid fearlessness and self-viability from me, at that point there is a colossal likelihood that I will be fruitful and viable at the specific employment related errands depended to me. Open talking is a typical wellspring of worry for everybody. I have considered the standards instructed by Orman (1996) and discover them helpful. To begin with, I need to have faith in myself, particularly since talking openly is basically distressing for some. In the event that others can do it, so can I. Next, I understood that I don't need to be especially splendid to convey an introduction. Or maybe, I
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Effects in Mass Media Essay
What was the significant advancement in development of broad communications in the twentieth century The broad communications included TV, radio, paper and phone. Prior to TV, there was morse code, yet later the phone came in to play, individuals concluded that it was a lot simpler than hanging tight for a message. Prior to the development of TV there was the radio, this was viewed as the fundamental type of diversion for a family, the radio contained syndicated programs and notices read over the radio from various stores. Papers have been around for a long time, they were practically the correspondence for urban areas, towns and little networks. Everything changed when TV showed up in 1935. The main TV was highly contrasting, for the most part they were possessed by individuals who were viewed as rich, later it got moderate for additional families to claim. The three significant projects offered were ABC, CBS and NBC, later on the shading TV was created. Later on the PC was created, they appeared to be unreasonably huge for families, so most PCs were utilized by the legislature, after that Apple built up a PC littler for family unit use, an ever increasing number of organizations have grown better innovation with the PC, TV and the web. How did every advancement impact America How did these impact America, The paper gave the news, it had no other reason, yet as it created it was utilized for different purposes, today the paper is utilized for remarks and analysis, this includes social, political and religion, this additionally vents complaints. The radio turned out to be extremely well known, it turned into the chance to address individuals in their homes, it changed the purchaser advertising and was a connection for amusement data and item utilization, another utilization of radio was the war, they utilized for the discovery of planes and ships which was called radar. By the 1950’s radio was lost to TV. TV was the fundamental wellspring of amusement, when children got back home from school, the principal thing they do is turn on the TV, individuals use TV for a type of unwinding, particularly following a difficult day at work. Today there are thousands if not a huge number of TV slots, because of mechanical advancement, today TVs stations are accessible in all aspects of the world, and has been an extremely powerful piece of culture. The phone has improved correspondence with individuals and quicker, you can contact anybody, whenever of the day. The main rotating telephone was created in 1923, later on the touch tone telephone. A couple of years after the fact the cordless telephone came out, this was extraordinary, you could move around your home and still chat on the telephone. Afterwards on another innovation was on the ascent, the wireless, presently there was no all the more setting around looking out for a call, after that the web, the telephone had a greater amount of an effect than some other innovation.
Pico and Shakespeare Revolutionists of the Renaissance Essay
The Renaissance, a period of extraordinary disclosure and solid energy for thought and rationale contained two unmistakable essayists. Pico de Mirandola and William Shakespeare composed two significant works of writing. The Oration on the Dignity of Man, composed by Pico clarifies the Renaissance thoughts of human accomplishment and freewill to achieve assignments without the assistance of the congregation. A popular writer, William Shakespeare likewise discussed these equivalent Renaissance beliefs in a large number of his plays. One celebrated play that utilizes sensational language to clarify strict, philosophical, and even women's activist thoughts is Hamlet. â€Å"Hamlet†, a catastrophe, is about a Prince who decides to look for vengeance on his uncle King Claudius. Lord Claudius is associated with slaughtering Hamlet’s father the previous King; and since his demise has taken his seat and hitched his significant other. Subsequent to being told this, Prince Hamlet goes frantic and his mom and Claudius stress over him. Hamlet at that point advises a lady to join a community as a result of her sexual craving (Shakespeare Act I Scene I). Sovereign Hamlet likewise displays some chauvinist characteristics when he says, â€Å"Frailty, thy name is woman†(Shakespeare Act I Scene II ). He says this since he accepts that his mom is unfaithful and can't get physically involved with a solitary man during her lifetime. This is the reason she sold out her late spouse the King. Hamlet presumes that not exclusively is his mom slight yet in truth all ladies as he would like to think are delicate and tumble to want and allurements. In Pico’s work, he expounds on how individuals ought to have the option to have an independent mind. Pico agrees with a portion of the church’s beliefs of how individuals have an extraordinary limit with respect to scholarly accomplishment. He likewise accepts that people reserve the privilege to pick the way of creatures or the way of heavenly attendants. Be that as it may, he accepted that since people had such a high learned limit, at that point they could settle on their own choices and hoist to the status of sublime being. Thusly, he accepted that the congregation was not the focal point of consideration, rather mankind was. He composes, â€Å"Man’s place known to mankind is somewhere close to the mammoths and the heavenly attendants, be that as it may, in view of the awesome picture planted in him, there are no restrictions to what man can accomplish†(Pico Della Mirandola 37). This shows Pico was emphatically affected by the Renaissance standards of singularity, innovativeness, and reason. During this time, numerous individuals accepted that they had the ability to pick their excursions. They accepted that we have the ability to utilize thought and motivation to decide. From these thoughts, one can see the impact Pico had on Renaissance scholars. Hamlet likewise had these equivalent beliefs of self-reflection, uniqueness, and reason. It says in Act II, â€Å"What a bit of work is a man, how respectable in reason, how endless in resources, in structure and moving how express and outstanding, in real life how like a blessed messenger, in fear how like a divine being! The excellence of the world, the paragon of animalsâ€and yet, to me, what is this core of residue? Man delights not meâ€nor lady not one or the other, however by your grinning you appear to state so†(Shakespeare Act II Scene II). All through the whole play Hamlet battles with self-uncertainty and disdain, he discusses how heavenly the making of man is. Nonetheless, he himself can't see whatever rouses him. Additionally in his renowned â€Å"To Be or Not to Be†talk in Act III, he addresses whether his life merits living or not. At this point in the story, Hamlet has experienced a somewhat enormous measure of affliction; his sweetheart has ended it all, he has slaughtered two men, and his uncle is attempting to execute him since he fears him will uncover that he is in truth the killer. In his discourse he announces the world as an unforgiving and horrendous spot loaded up with distress. He addresses whether he needs to exist in this world; he expresses that to rest is to end the torments that people need to persevere. This identifies with the thoughts of distinction and self-articulation from the Renaissance. Be that as it may, if one somehow happened to have such convictions, at that point comes musings of dejection and confidence in God starts to lessen. It is said that as a rule Renaissance scholars and craftsmen confronted and combat conditions of miseries and many picked self destruction toward the finish of their intense lives. It wasn’t for the way that they were desolate yet their thoughts were not generally acknowledged (Kuntz 2011). Shakespeare’s take on the world is that people are allowed to settle on their own choices and pick their own ways throughout everyday life. In any case, with that comes a great deal of difficulty and despite the fact that these renaissance thoughts appeared to be so certain and gave trust, they additionally brough t a ton of inconveniences. Be that as it may, Pico offers an alternate, progressively positive interpretation of mankind. He likewise expresses that â€Å"We have made you an animal neither of paradise nor of earth, neither human nor undying, all together that you may, as the free and pleased shaper of your own being, style yourself in the structure you may like. It will be in your capacity to slide to the lower, brutish types of life; you will be capable, through your own choice, to rise again to the unrivaled requests whose life is divine†(Pico Della Mirandola 72). This shows, Pico comprehends that humankind isn't viewed as creature like or celestial. He shouts that as a human you reserve the privilege to be whoever you need to be, and achieve whatever you endeavor to accomplish. In any case, he expresses that these freewill choices will in any case be decided by the sky. The way you take could be plummeting to the â€Å"lower,†the way of duplicity and damnation. Be that as it may, on a similar token, you have the ability to rise again and turn out to be sacred and acceptable again in the wake of tumbling to the profundities. This is a thought that was exceptionally normal during the Renaissance. The possibility that we could pick among the numerous ways of existence with our forces of reason, yet the sky will at last adjudicator us in any case. To finish up, these two journalists Pico and Shakespeare both expounded on various thoughts. Shakespeare depicted Renaissance thoughts of thought, reason, and dynamic through dramatization. Nonetheless, Pico had a progressively hopeful view that despite the fact that we had the ability to choose, we still can’t underestimate that power. These two essayists had one thing in like manner; in the entirety of their compositions they concentrated on the way that mankind itself is the most impressive thing in presence. They accepted that mankind had the intensity of reason and thought, and by utilizing this force they can lift to higher statuses. Works Cited â€Å"Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola, Conte.†Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, sixth Edition, (2011): Kuntz, Marion Leathers. â€Å"Pico Della Mirandola: New Essays.†Renaissance Quarterly 61.3 (2008): 916-918. Scholastic Search Premier. Web. 4 Dec. 2012. N.p.: Regnery Publishing Inc., 1996. Print. Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. N.p.: Sterling Signature, 2012. Print Pico de Mirandola, Giovanni. Speech on the Dignity of Man. Trans. Robert Gapongiri.
Friday, August 21, 2020
U.S. States Named After Kings and Queens
U.S. States Named After Kings and Queens Seven of the U.S. states are named after sovereignsâ -four are named for lords and three are named for sovereigns. These remember probably the most seasoned provinces and regions for what is currently the United States and the illustrious names paid tribute to the leaders of either France and England. The rundown of states incorporates Georgia, Louisiana, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia. Would you be able to figure which rulers and sovereigns enlivened each name? The 'Carolinas' Have British Royalty Roots North and South Carolina have a long and muddled history. Two of the 13 unique states, they started as a solitary colonyâ but were isolated soon after in light of the fact that it was a lot of land to oversee. The name Carolinaâ is frequently ascribed as a respect of King Charles I of England (1625-1649), yet that isn't completely true.â What is truth is that Charles is Carolus in Latin and that propelled Carolina. Be that as it may, the French wayfarer, Jean Ribault first called the district Carolina when he had a go at colonizing Florida during the 1560s. During that time, he set up a station known as Charlesfort in what is presently South Carolina. The French King at that point? Charles IX who was delegated in 1560. At the point when the British pilgrims built up their settlements in the Carolinas, it was soon after the 1649â execution of King Charles I of England and they held the name in his respect. At the point when his child assumed control over the crown in 1661, the settlements were likewise a respect to his standard. As it were, the Carolinas pay tribute to every one of the three King Charles. 'Georgia' Was Inspired by a British King Georgia was one of the first 13 provinces that turned into the United States. It was the last settlement built up and it got official in 1732, only five years in the wake of King George II was delegated King of England. The name Georgia was unmistakably motivated by the new lord. The addition - iaâ was utilized frequently by the colonizing countries when naming new grounds to pay tribute to notable individuals. Ruler George II didn't live long enough to see his namesake become a state. He kicked the bucket in 1760 and was prevailing by his grandson, King George III, who ruled during the American Revolutionary War. 'Louisiana' Has French Origins In 1671, French voyagers asserted an enormous segment of focal North America for France. They named the zone out of appreciation for King Louis XIV, who reigned from 1643 until his passing in 1715. The name Louisiana begins with a reasonable reference to the ruler. The suffixâ -ianaâ is regularly used to allude to an assortment of articles with respect to the gatherer. Along these lines, we can freely associate Louisiana as an assortment of grounds claimed by King Louis XIV. This domain got known as the Louisiana Territory and was bought by Thomas Jefferson in 1803. Altogether, the Louisiana Purchase was for 828,000 square miles between the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains. The province of Louisiana framed the southern fringe and turned into a state in 1812. 'Maryland' Was Named After a British Queen Maryland additionally has a relationship with King Charles I yet, for this situation, it was named for his wife.â George Calvert was allowed a sanction in 1632 for a district east of the Potomac. The principal settlement was St. Marys and the domain was named Maryland. The entirety of this was to pay tribute to Henrietta Maria, sovereign partner of Charles I of England and little girl of King Henry IV of France. The 'Virginias' Were Named for a Virgin Queen Virginia (and in this way West Virginia) was settled by Sir Walter Raleigh in 1584. He named this new land after the English ruler of the time, Queen Elizabeth I. In any case, how could he get Virginiaâ out of Elizabeth? Elizabeth I was delegated in 1559 and passed on in 1603. During her 44 years as sovereign, sheâ never wedded and she earned the moniker of the Virgin Queen. That is the manner by which the Virginias got their name, yet whether the ruler was valid in her virginity involves a lot of discussion and hypothesis.
Developmental Competencies And Challenges For Late Adulthood
IntroductionLate adulthood is the term depicting the period in an individual’s life starting at ages sixty or seventy and closure in death. This life period is one of proceeding with change and alteration in physical and mental realms.Major ideas and unmistakable highlights of different social rolesSocializationThe family is the principal social organization for the kids. They are instructed how to fit into the network and the different social establishments. The kids get familiar with the society’s social qualities and culture. This over the long haul helps in making a social personality for the youngsters (Russell, 2004).EducationChildren beginning their training the second they are conceived. This incorporates both formal and casual. They are shown essential basic instincts, for example, discourse, connection and cleanliness. They later continue to formal schools where they grow their insight on a wide assortment of territories which later winds up in profession spec ialization.DisciplineThe kid is shown regard, and performing of family unit tasks. This causes them to develop into develop and dependable grown-ups. Control ought to be educated with sympathy, reason and tolerance without contention, hollering and beating. The guardians ought to figure out how to regard the children’s developing freedom so as to manufacture self esteem.ProtectionThe family offers insurance and security to the youngsters. They ought to be caused to feel safe both inside the home and without. They ought to be shielded from any type of physical or mental abuse.ClothingClothing is one of the essential needs that the family gives close by nourishment and safe house. Youngsters ought to be furnished with sufficient and the correct garments relying upon the environment.Nutrition and nourishment securityIt is the duty of the family to give wholesome prerequisites to the kids. They ought to consistently guarantee that the suppers are adjusted and meet the different n eeds of the children.ShelterThe family gives a warm and secure spot for the children’s improvement. It ought to shield the youngsters from any cruel ecological conditions that may influence their development.Emotional stabilityThe family ought to fulfill the child’s enthusiastic needs in this manner upgrading their passionate soundness. The guardians and kids ought to become companions. The guardians ought to make a climate where the kids can trust in them.HealthThe family ought to guarantee the kids are solid through legitimate sustenance and medication.Contribution and impact of social jobs and how they impact people and families in the situationIn our contextual analysis, the social jobs above are not enough met because of different insufficiencies with respect to the grandparents.The grandchildren’s socialization needs were not completely met. The grandparents by and large had little enthusiasm for forming the kids into an entire individual. There was separa tion between them fundamentally because of the age gap.There grandchildren’s training was likewise restrained. This is on the grounds that the grandparents didn't esteem formal training such a great amount since they didn't have any of it themselves. They had restricted assets since they are not working. They were in this manner incapable to give their grandkids great quality education.The grandparents were seen as careless as far as imparting discipline in their grandkids. They didn't have the fundamental vitality to catch up on their grandchildren’s activities.The grandparents were delicate and wiped out and couldn't offer enough insurance to their grandkids. There were different instances of assaults on their homestead.Clothing is one of the fundamental needs that the family gives close by nourishment and sanctuary. This was mostly because of budgetary imperatives since the grandparents weFood and sustenance needs of the grandkids were not satisfactorily dealt with because of restricted assets of the grandkids. They were likewise not extremely quick to guarantee a fair diet.The grandchildren’s clinical requirements were not given to their due reality since the grandparents needed to deal with their own.The huge age distinction made it hard for the grandkids and the grandparents to frame a bond essential in an ordinary family setting. The grandkids could in this way not trust in their grandparents and offer their enthusiastic needs (Gilbert and Kristin, 2005)ReferencesRussell, R. (2004). Informal communities Among Elderly Men Caregivers; Journal of Men’s     Studies 13(1): 121Gilbert, R. and Kristin C. (2005): When Strength Can’t Last a Lifetime: Vocational Challenges of Male Workers in Early and Middle Adulthood. Men and Masculinities, 7(4), April, pp. 424-433.Spector-Mersel, G. (2006). Never-maturing Stories: Western Hegemonic Masculinity Scripts. Diary of Gender Studies, Volume 15, Number 1, March, pp. 67-82.
Monday, June 29, 2020
Pattern Recognition in Diagnosis - Free Essay Example
The diagnostic process is an intricate process that commences with a patients ailment history that later on culminates into something that can be classified. It is imperative for a clinician to carefully assess the prognosis and offer effective treatment to the patient. The patients symptoms will be presented by their own experiences, and their accuracy in spelling out their symptoms will help determine the nature of their prognosis. According to Sackett, there are four main strategies that can be used in the diagnostic procedure. They include pattern recognition, hypothetico-deductive strategy, algorithm strategy and the complete history. (Sackett, 1991). Pattern recognition refers to the instant identification of illness from the patients explanation, while the hypothetical strategy requires the clinician to conduct a test and deduct an inference from the test. A patients detailed account of their experiences is what will determine the treatment they ought to be offered. A point in case is a patient that recently visited the hospital and complained of the following signs and symptoms, severe headaches, fever, diarrhea, pain in the whole body; especially abdominal pains and a lack of appetite. The patients sign and symptoms revealed that she was suffering from Typhoid. The patient also disclosed that she had consumed contaminated milk the previous week, and had only slight stomach aches. She bought several painkillers, and the pain disappeared only to reappear a week later and raise discomfort to her body. She felt very weak and was not enthusiastic about doing anything. The illness persevered until she finally came to the hospital to seek medication. She was given several drugs that would reduce the pain and bring back her appetite as she was shading a lot of weight from the lack of food. It was only after two days that the patient came bac k to the hospital sweating profusely and not stable to do anything. She was quickly rushed to the examination room where several tests were carried out once again. The patient was suffering from acute Malaria. Acute Malaria is a rare type of Malaria that rarely affects people, although a small percentage can easily contract it. The Malaria symptoms had incubated itself in her body for 10days since the time she was bitten. The patient was then offered all the anti-malaria drugs that have helped regain her appetite and reduced the pain she felt. This case was a peculiar one because the symptoms described by the patient were similar to the ones of Typhoid. The patient had also stated that she had taken contaminated milk, which was an obvious observation that she suffered from Typhoid. The results showed that diseases have very similar signs and symptoms that can lead to a misdiagnosis. Conducting tests keenly and attentively can result in the right outcome of a disease. The clinician works with what has been presented to them by the patient, and the accumulation of signs and symptoms fostering the development of the illness is the plot of the disease. (Hunter,1991). The medical practitioner works with the patients narrative, which is the plot or the diagnosis. (Hunter,1991). In the study case above, the patient had described themselves in a way that the signs pointed out to Typhoid by indicating that they had drank contaminated milk. This misled the clinician into the path of Typhoid, signing out Malaria, and thus conducting tests on Typhoid only to, later on, discover the illness. The patients history is a necessary tool for diagnosing patients, and it requires vast clinical knowledge and experience. (Macnaughton, 1998). The process of diagnosing starts with the doctor working with the information obtained from the patient, and establishing the pattern of their signs. They then make their deductions that they use in treating the patient. References Sackett DL, Haynes RB, Guyatt GH, Tugwell P. Clinical Epidemiology. Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1991; 3â€Å"18. Hunter KM. Doctors Stories. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1991; 44â€Å"47. Macnaughton J. Anecdote in clinical practice. In Greenhalgh T, Hurwitz B (eds). Narrative Based Medicine. London: MJ Books, 1998; 202â€Å"211.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Nursing Practice That Necessitates a Change - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 767 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2019/10/10 Did you like this example? Introduction Nursing Practice Identification Nursing acts as the most important aspect in our society. It helps in maintaining and improving healthcare. Nursing remains to be one of the most trusted healthcare profession. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Nursing Practice That Necessitates a Change" essay for you Create order A nurse is one of healthcare professional who engages in the practices associated with nursing. Nurses are responsible for maintaining healthcare, safety as well as facilitating effective recovery of patients. Moreover, nurses engages in nursing research which is a path that facilitates provision of evidence based care. Simply, all registered nurses plays a unique role on a healthcare team as they undertake on ongoing assessment of health status of patients as well as response to plan of care associated with patients. Their main focus lies on assisting patients to meet their needs which encapsulates emotional, physical, cognitive as well as social needs. Thus, the role played by nursing professional cannot be underestimated. However, there various areas in nursing practice that needs to be changed. One of the most important nursing practice that need to be changed is hand washing. Description of the Current Practice Preventing the spread of germs is one of the most important aspect in which all nurses should partake in order to promote health care. Hand washing is one way which help in preventing the spread of infections. It has been apparent that health care providers have been at risk of getting infection while performing their daily activities of treating patients. Failure of washing hands has become an issue that has affected improvement of standards as well as practice for hospitals care. Adherence with recommendations for hand washing which promotes hygiene and prevents spread of infections remains low. For instance, hand washing can help in lowering the cases of diarrhea (Ejemot?Nwadiaro et al, 2015). Hand hygiene is one of the renowned priory measure which lessens the spread of nosocomial pathogens. However, non-compliance with hand washing remains to be one of the challenge faced in various hospitals. As result, washing hand is one of the nursing practice that needs to be changed. T here is an ultimatum need to improve the standards as well as practices in health care settings by changing hand washing nursing practice. Reasons why Nursing Practice need to be changed The importance of maintaining hand hygiene by hand washing has been insufficiently recognized by nurses and other health care professionals. They fail to acknowledge the fact that clean hands count for safe healthcare as clean hands protects them from spreading serious infections to their patients while in hospital. Evidence from credible studies indicate that on average, nurses and other related healthcare professionals do not regularly wash their hands as they are supposed to do (Gould et al, 2017). This has contributed to the spread of infections that have affected many hospitals. Also, if the nursing practice is changed, it will facilitate an efficacy in eliminating bacteria and infections spreads by use of hands (Bhatia Dehankar, 2017). A patient in a hospital is at risk of acquiring infections apart from the one he is being treated for. Further, nurses and other healthcare providers are also at risk of acquiring infections from the same patients they are treating. Hence, there is a satiable reason of changing the highlighted nursing practice. Key Stakeholders and their Roles Stakeholders in health care plays a vital role towards establishing an environment that promotes establishment of effective patient care. Every key stakeholder plays a crucial role in maintaining the required standards within hospitals. Some of the key stakeholders include the healthcare providers in hospitals, patients as well as the public health officers operating at the community level. The public health officer plays a crucial role towards establishing a way of educating people the importance of hand washing. The education comprises of highlighting how hands are used to carry infections. In relation to health care providers which include nurses and other medical officers, they are responsible of ensuring that recommended standards are maintained which include proper hand hygiene which entails proper hand washing. Patients also plays a vital in establishing an environment which promotes their effective recovery. Washing their hands regularly acts as a mean that prevents spread of infections. Scientists are also key stakeholders. Although they don’t belong to the health care setting, they play a critical role who should never be underestimated. They have a responsibilities of coming up with mechanisms of ensuring infections are not spreads through hands. This means that they come up with means of maintaining high levels of hand hygiene. If the key stakeholders highlighted plays their role accordingly, then they will be able to support the recommended change of hand washing.
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Persuasive Essay On Gun Control - 1753 Words
Persuasive Essay Rough Draft The United States of America has a problem that is growing worse every day. American laws are not protecting its citizens from injury or death. You may think the mass shootings in America the guns used were bought illegally, but â€Å"since 1982, there have been at least 62 mass shooter carried out with firearms across the country, with the killings unfolding in 30 states from Massachusetts to Hawaii. Of the 139 guns possessed by the killers, more than three quarters were obtained legally. The arsenal included dozens of assault weapons and semiautomatic handguns.†(Follman). Times have changed and so should our gun laws. The federal government should enact more control on all personal guns in order to reduce†¦show more content†¦As studies show, every day Americans are injured or killed by guns. However, to stop this ongoing issue our country needs to go to source of the problem and change the laws. It has been proven that different laws on personal guns for American citizens would save lives. If laws change by â€Å"implementing federal universal background checks could reduce firearm deaths by a projected 56.9%; background checks for ammunition purchases could reduce deaths by a projected 80.7%; and gun identification requirements could reduce deaths by a projected 82.5%†(â€Å"Background of the Issue - Gun Control -†). Guns are too easy to get hold of now legally or illegally so more control needs to happen such as background checks. Misinterpreting the 2nd amendment is killing lives. When the constitution was written the most advanced gun only shot one bolt at a time, and took 30 seconds to reload (Murphy). Now in the 21th century guns have â€Å"high-capacity magazines were used in at least 50% of the 62 mass shootings between 1982 and 2012. When high-capacity magazines were used in mass shootings, the death rate rose 63% and the injury rate rose 156%. David H. Chipman...stated that a high-capacity magazine ‘turns a killer into a killing machine.’ Some gang members use high-capacity magazines, such as 30 rounds or even 90 rounds, to compensate for lack of accuracy and maximize the chance to harm†(â€Å"Background of the Issue - GunShow MoreRelatedPersuasive Essay : Gun Control798 Words  | 4 PagesPersuasive Essay Did you know that in the United States almost 100,000 people are shot or killed with a gun in one year? 10,527 people die a year in handgun related incidents in the United States. This number, by far, outweighs the number of gun related deaths in countries such as Sweden, Great Britain, and Japan, which number 13, 22, and 87, respectively. What is the reason for such drastic differences in numbers? Sweden, Great Britain, and Japan are all countries that have stricter gun controlRead More Persuasive Articles on Gun Control Essays607 Words  | 3 PagesPersuasive Articles on Gun Control Persuading an audience can be done in several different fashions, one of which is Hugh Rank’s Model of Persuasion. Rank’s model states that two major strategies are used to achieve the particular goal of persuasion. These strategies are nicely set into two main schemas; the first method is to exaggerate an aspect of something, known as â€Å"intensify.†While the second is to discredit it, which is referred to as â€Å"downplay.†Al Franken, Jeffrey SnyderRead MorePersuasive Essay On Gun Control1018 Words  | 5 PagesImagine, an America where no citizen, law abiding or not, has the legal ability to own guns. Three gunmen with fully automatic rifles walk into a crowded city and begin firing. No law abiding citizen can defend themselves. It’s hopeless. This future can only be prevented if Americans continue to keep the second amendment. We should keep the current gun control laws, but revise them to make them even better. Most gun own ers are responsible under the current laws, however, I think some laws need to beRead MorePersuasive Essay On Gun Control1245 Words  | 5 Pagesand time again. Due to recent tragedies involving firearms, the view of guns and peoples rights to own and operate firearms have been frowned upon and viewed in a bad light due to Media. News sources have cherrypicked pictures of tragedies and stories about bad instances of gun usage in order to fight for Gun Control and the suppression of Americans rights. Due to the recent Vegas shooting, the argument for Gun Control has never been more intense, and Media outlets are having a field day onRead MorePersuasive Essay On Gun Control915 Words  | 4 PagesHistorically guns haven’t been a national issue. It is not until relatively recently that an overwhelming amount of people have been in favor of placing stricter laws on the owning of a fire arm. The call for gun control has become more prevalent in the eyes of the government and the people; the gun laws that are also often proposed are irrational and ineffective. One could not simply ban guns, it is comparable to banning a certain genre of music; it’s unachievable and would be a fruitless pursuitRead MorePersuasive Essay On Gun Control1745 Words  | 7 Pagescruelty to animals, and yet he was able to buy four guns legally (Rosenberg). That is the most recent example of why Americans need more gun control laws. Guns are not cool or makes you look good, they are a da ngerous piece of machinery that Americans take advantage of. The average American in the right mindset should not want to own anything more than one handgun or rifle for hunting or protecting their household. Gun control reform that limits gun ownership, enforces mandatory background checks, andRead MorePersuasive Essay On Gun Control1439 Words  | 6 Pagesreason why Americans own so many guns is because of the Second Amendment, which states, â€Å"A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.†(Rauch) This amendment guarantees U.S. citizens the right to have firearms. Since this amendment is relatively vague, it is up for interpretation, and is often used by gun advocates to argue for lenient gun laws. Hence, gun control is a frequently discussed controversialRead MorePersuasive Essay On Gun Control967 Words  | 4 Pagessaid gun violence has gotten out of hand. This do esn’t mean that the second amendment is the cause of it. Gun Violence has become such a big part of the Second Amendment since they both play a major part of the gun industry. Guns have become such a powerful source to many individuals. With the second amendment placed, this means we have gun control, which are rules that regulate, the manufacture, possession, modification, or use of firearms by civilians. There should be a stricter law on gun controlRead MorePersuasive Essay On Gun Control1634 Words  | 7 PagesOver the recents years, there have been many arguments about the issue of gun control at the state and national level. In California, there have been a variety of enacted laws within recent years to address the issue of growing gun violence around the country and ways to prevent terrorist attacks. California s new enacted laws about gun control in the state range from abolishing certain features on weapons to restricting certain handguns or other firearms a person might buy. The legislative branchRead MorePersuasive Essay On Gu n Control1569 Words  | 7 Pagesstocks, which allowed the guns to fire hundreds of rounds per minute (Goldman). From this unspeakable atrocity, an abundant perspicuity is created, portraying that gun control laws are unable to prevent many violent actions, including mass shootings and other horrific events. Even a drastic increase in gun laws cannot prevent men that have irreproachable records from acting recklessly, or predict when an event such as this will happen. The thousands of homicides generated by guns per year are an especially
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The United States And The War Of 1812 - 1144 Words
A Developed Nation The United States of America triumphed in the Revolutionary War, emerging as an independent nation. Thereafter, they had an arduous task of building their economy and earning recognition amongst other nations. George Washington, the presiding president, promoted Alexander Hamilton, a thirty-four year old former officer of the Continental Army, as the Secretary of Treasury. He devised plans on how to simultaneously generate revenue and deal with war debts. Inevitably, the United States encountered many disruptions on their road to maturity, including oppositions on Hamilton s deals by other forefathers and unforeseen wars and rebellions that erupted in the country. Amidst those wars, was the War of 1812, which†¦show more content†¦Hamilton s goal was to make the new country credit free not debt free. Although Hamilton was a very talented and loveable individual, he had many clashes with the other forefathers. Mainly, Hamilton s biggest controverters were Th omas Jefferson and James Madison who strongly opposed his idea of investing the war debts. Furthermore, citizens strongly repulsed the tariffs he implemented and protested against them. One such protest, the Whiskey Rebellion, appeared to be an encore of Shay s Rebellion, a rebellion on the tax of property. When a group of Pennsylvania residents protested John Neville, a stubborn tax collector, the government intervened and quickly dissolved the protest, thus, implementing the ability for the federal government to stand up for civil disorder. The United States growing economy and the growth of its strong democratic government quickly publicized their existence globally. The United States strongly advocated for peaceful relations with other nations and tried to settle disputes or expand their territories only via negotiations, in contrast to war. In 1776, under the Treaty of Paris a vast land of the Great Plains was transferred from France to Spain. However, Spain never controlled or settled the land and decided to sell it to the United States for a tremendous profit. Therefore, the United States sent out the Lewis and Clark Expedition to investigate the land. Lewis and Clark established good relationsShow MoreRelatedThe War Of 1812 And The United States1716 Words  | 7 Pagesformed United States. The war of 1812 is often referred to as the United States second war for independence because, like the Revolutionary War, it was fought against England. This war was the result of many years of a tension among both countries. It both surprised the British and concerned many Americans who believed that this war was an unwise effort. This was not because there was not reasons to go to war with England. But rather because United States had avoided war for so long that when war wasRead MoreThe War Of 1812 And The United States1699 Words  | 7 PagesThe War of 1812 is often referred to as â€Å" Mr. Madison s War,†because at the time, federalists believed that their current president, James Madison declared war, without the approval of congress. At the time, the new united nation but somewhat divided was being controlled under the rule of the great power of Great Britain. Great Britain had a strong connection with the northern states of the United States, because of the constant trade going on between them. As the, Federalists got richer, the BritishRead MoreThe War Of 1812 And The United States1427 Words  | 6 Pages The War of 1812 is the second war between the United States of America and Great Britain that ends in a draw. Also referred to as the â€Å"Second War of Independence,†the cause of this milita ry conflict is often believed to be a direct result of England’s attempt to humiliate the United States, limit the country’s growth and impact (acts of interference towards American trade, which is a sign of disrespect towards American independence), and acts of impressment (taking sailors off American vesselsRead MoreThe War Of 1812 And The United States Essay1328 Words  | 6 PagesThe War of 1812 was the result of an ongoing feud between France, Great Britain, and the United States. The causes of the war included Britain attempt to restrict trade between France and the United States, Britain’s navy intimidating American seamen and the U.S. attempt to expand their territory. Before going into the war, the United States was fully aware that Britain had the greatest naval power in the world so this would be the costliest war financially and physically. The United States knewRead MoreThe War Of 1812 And The United States1633 Words  | 7 PagesThe War of 18 12 took place between the Americans and Great Britain because of the impressment of Americans sailors by the British and the passing of the Embargo Act by Congress and President Thomas Jefferson. The British navy would impress sailors from American ships and force the American sailors to board the British ships and to join the British navy. The second reason that the War of 1812 occurred was because of the Embargo Act of 1807. This act was passed by Congress and Jefferson and it stoppedRead MoreThe War Of 1812 And The United States1422 Words  | 6 PagesIn the year 1812, just 29 years after the American Revolution, the United States was already confronted with another War against their mother country. Ever since their last war, conflict has been brewing up between the two countries. Since the 1790s, American leaders like Presidents Washington and John Adams was trying to avoid with France and England. In 1793, the Proclamation of neutrality was passed, under Washington s preside ncy. In 1800, President Adams agreed to the Convention of 1800, whichRead MoreThe War Of 1812 And The United States820 Words  | 4 Pages The War of 1812 was brought about by a multitude of factors including international trade restrictions, the capture of American sailors by the British Royal Navy, and the United States attempts at expanding its territory. The various parties involved in this war are the Americans, the British, the Canadians (then a british colony), the Native Americans, and the Africans. While the main conflict of this war was between White America and the British, the Native Americans and African slaves found themselvesRead MoreThe War Of 1812 During The United States1308 Words  | 6 PagesA war time economy in the United States has proven to be a way to bring the people of America together, boost the economy, and inspire nationalism. The War of 1812 did much to follow this trend. By shutting off trade with Great Britain for a few years, United States ma nufacturers were able to establish their industries and develop a dependency from the people of America. In these ways, the War of 1812 helped create a scenario that allowed the United States to proliferate following the war. TheRead MoreThe War Of 1812 And The United States Army Essay1309 Words  | 6 PagesBritish forces (). From then on out the United States Army has seen multiple wars from the War of 1812 to present wars today, and will continue to be one the many forces to protect the USA. Now over the years, the United States Army has had to shift the way it conducts its soldiers to fight in the wars and how to be proficient in battle; even with the new warfare tactics that our enemies are developing daily. Like any other unified team, how does the United States Army gain leverage against our enemiesRead MoreThe War Of 1812 Was A Conflict Between The United States854 Words  | 4 Pages The War of 1812 was a conflict between the United States and Britain that began in 1812 and lasted until early 1815. A declaration of war was requested by President James Madison to protect American ships on the high seas and to stop the British from stopping ships and capturing United States by both Great Britain and France. President Madison sought to prevent Britain from creating alliances with Native Americans on the American frontier. Americans in the West and South, who hoped to increase the
Kant Essay - 1709 Words
Isaac Newton had a new approach to the existence of space and time that contradicted that of great philosophers such as Leibniz and Descates. Newton felt that space and time are infinite and independent of the body and mind, that the bodies and minds of the world existed in space and time and even without the presence of physical bodies there still would be space and time. He stated there â€Å"are positions in space and time which are independent of the material entities†that existed in them and that the principles of empty space and time are possible. In the Prolegomena, Immanuel Kant seems to have agreed in part with Newton’s views of space and time and attempted to support Newton by presenting two forms of judgment that would maintain†¦show more content†¦These judgments of experience are what Kant feels is the basis for Newtonian science. He states: No conditions of judgments of experience are higher than those which bring the phenomena (appearance), according to the different form of their intuition, under pure concepts of the understanding, and render the empirical judgments objectively valid. These are therefore the a priori principles of possible experience. He continues on to state that principles of possible experience are the same as universal laws of nature. This shows that all laws of nature, which are laws of science, have their basis in the principle of universal objectivity. For principles to be described by science, the observer must have a valid subjective perception of the principle in study which will lead to an objective truth of the scientific principle that is universally true and will in turn becomes a pure concept, only then can a scientific theory and observation become a scientific law and in turn a universal law. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Kant uses this explanation of universal truth and pure concept to continue on and defend Newton’s thesis of space and time existing independently of physical beings. He states that we are able to see and experience the world because of space and time. When we are born, and grow through life, we have a concept of space and time that is innate in us, and not taught to us, whichShow MoreRelatedImmanuel Kant And The Kant Essay1263 Words  | 6 Pages Immanuel Kant Lying Chiyane Peterson MCCC Ethics MW 1:30pm Parviz Dehghani Lying the one form of communication that is the untruth expressed to be the truth. Immanuel Kant states that lying is morally wrong in all possible ways. His hatred for lying has made him â€Å"just assumed that anyone who lied would be operating with a maxim like this: tell a lie so as to gain some benefit.†(Landau,pp.171) This is true for a vast number of people, they will lie in orderRead MoreKant s Principles Of Kant1743 Words  | 7 Pages The work of Immanuel Kant focuses on the idea that of everything in the world it is only good will that can be taken as â€Å"good without qualification†(Kant, 393). Unlike qualities or talents, which can be used both for good and for bad, good will is considered by Kant to be unequivocally good. Therefore, Kant’s principles require an individual to make decisions only based rationally upon the principles, or maxim, behind that decision, without consideration of the consequences that that actionRead MoreKant And Kant s Philosophy1657 Words  | 7 Pagesuniversal a priori condition which alone things can become objects of our cognition in general[.]†-Immanuel Kant, p 20 of Critique of Judgment This quote most aptly describes Kant’s purpose in writing a critique of aesthetic judgment, with the most important term being â€Å"transcendental.†The Oxford Dictionary defines the word as â€Å"presupposed in and necessary to experience†(what Kant refers to as a priori). In this sense, it is something that pertains to elements of human experience and thenRead MoreKant : Kant s Ethics1293 Words  | 6 PagesKhaled AlMarwani Philosophical Ethics PHL270 Dr. Elizabeth F. Cooke Question # 1: Kant’s Ethics According to my humble reading, Kant is considered the hardest to read, grasp and understand among the philosophers that we came across studying ethics. According to Kant, nothing could be called good without qualification except a good will. And the good will is the desire or the tendency to do your duty because it is your duty, not anything else. Thus, nothing can be gained out of an actionRead MoreImmanuel Kant And Kant On Morality1097 Words  | 5 Pagesdifferent societies. Examples would be don’t cheat, don’t steal, and treat others as you would want to be treated. When dealing with the philosophers take on morality, there are two which are usually compared to one another, Immanuel Kant and David Hume. Immanuel Kant had many theories throughout his philosophical time. Here are some of his ethical works, Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals (1785), the Critique of Practical Reason (1788), and the Metaphysics of Morals (1797), which contains bothRe ad MoreKant And Kant s Philosophy2023 Words  | 9 PagesImmanuel Kant was an exceptional philosopher who often fantasized about the wonders of the human perception. Through the power of imagination in the human mind Kant was able to postulate possible answers to the great questions of existence. He was daring and bold to wonder what constitutes the beauty of the human soul, how the existence of an all-powerful entity would be possible, and also what do human beings really do to perceive their surroundings. With such notable works as Critiques of PracticalRead MoreKant And Kant s Metaphysical Theorizing1303 Words  | 6 Pageswere possible. For Kant, the question of how synthetic a-priori judgements operated was central to understanding the nature of human thinking, and to enabling metaphysics. Previously Kant had been alerted to the writings of David Hume. Hume had effectively claimed that knowledge only came from analytic a-priori judgments or by synthetic a-posteriori. Hume criticized the notion of cause and effect, and claimed it to be product of conventions of thought, rather than reason. Kant had recognized thatRead MoreKant And Kant s Categorical Imperative1241 Words  | 5 Pages Immanuel Kant, an 18th-century moral philosopher, had contended that the fundamental principle of morality is the Categorical Imperative, from here will be additionally labeled as (CI) or otherwise mentioned. He supported his view by suggesting a pure moral philosophy; a metaphysics of morals that is not solely for rational beings to explore different ¬ sources of basic moral principles that are found through their own observational experience a priori, but additionally for the sake of morality asRead MoreKant And Kant s Universal Law Essay1458 Words  | 6 PagesDoes Kant successfully establish that one must never under any circumstances or for any purpose tell a lie? In this essay, I will argue that Immanuel Kant fails to successfully establish lying as morally impermissible because the claim that lying is morally impermissible goes against common sense. Kant defines his Universal Law to demonstrate the necessary action one must take in order to act in a way that is morally permissible and uses it in support of his belief that one’s motive is the soleRead MoreKant And Kant s Moral Ethics862 Words  | 4 PagesAccording to Kant, We have these absolute duties to ourselves and these duties to oneself become the supreme principle of all duties. Therefore, these supreme self-duties are the reason why moral ethics exist, and without our duties to oneself there would be no other duties, nor would we, as a species, survive at all. However, these self-regarding duties can be very contradicting, but can help us understand the bigger picture of the categorical imperative. Kant believes that we must â€Å"act only according
New World vs. Old free essay sample
Global Wine War 2009: New World versus Old 1. How were the French able to dominate the worldwide wine trade for centuries? What sources of competitive advantage did they develop to support their exports? The wine production of France goes all the way back to being part of the first niche market for premium wine. Factor conditions of France, such as land and climate, were well suited for wine-production compared to other European countries. Since the early 19th century cross-border shipping was very expensive, France was able to cluster the related and supporting industries of wine production within their domestic borders. As a result, France increased its competitive advantage throughout other sources without much impact from other countries. As the industry became France’s second largest export, side by side with a culture of rich food, the demand conditions got affected, as consumers were expecting a certain quality. The French government provided the classification systems, which increased the rivalry and domestic competitiveness and raised the entry barriers so that entry of foreign competition was kept at a minimum. We will write a custom essay sample on New World vs. Old or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 2. Given the longstanding dominance of Old World wine producers, how were the New World producers, such as the Australians, able to expand their market share so rapidly in the 1990s? As postwar increased demand for wine rapidly, factor conditions of the New World producers, such as widely available suitable land and it being less expensive, made it possible to meet the new demand and boosted the New World industry. The new demand conditions demanded higher quality wines and as new generations were born, the consumers got more price-conscious and convenient oriented. New World producers met these changes in demands by introducing a completely new firm strategy, structure, and rivalry compared to the Old World producers, who were constrained by tradition. Innovation was the key word in the New World strategy; suddenly, mechanical technology reduced labor cost and pushed down prices, packaging innovations made distribution easier and provided convenience to the consumers, and technology ensured vintage-to-vintage consistency etc. As well, branding and marketing skills were performed on the basis of vintage-to-vintage consistency, which gave the consumers further preferences and strengthened the position of the New World producers globally. This made them capable at expanding even more rapidly. The New World producers changed the traditional patterns of related and supporting industries, which used to being long value-chains, as the big producers now controlled the full value chain, able to extract margins and control quality at every level. The size now gave them bargaining power – a power, which made them have a strong grip on the importing countries. The New World producers had created a strong innovative company culture; a culture that could easily adapt to the changes of consumer culture and government regulations. New generations were born and so was the rise of fashion in a completely different culture of lighter consumption. The New World producers responded to the swings of fashion by taking advantage of the factor conditions: much capacity and regulatory freedom. This was the complete opposite to what the Old World producers were able to do – still constrained by the long history of wine-making tradition and lack of innovation. By that, the New World producers were always a few steps ahead of the Old World producers when the global patterns changed.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Impact of disruptive technology Sample for Students-Myassignment
Question: Prepare a Report that Critically Analyses the Disruptive Technolog's Impact on the Nature of work both Globally and in the Australian Context. Answer: Introduction The report reflects on the impact of disruptive technology and its impact on the nature of work as well as future jobs. The technology, which is analyzed to be most disruptive to work as per McKinsey report, is Cloud (Conole, 2015). In this assignment, McKinsey report is analyzed critically with the help of other journal articles in order to reflect the effectiveness of cloud in future jobs as well as work. The report focuses on one Australian company that is WiseTech and a non-Australian company IBM for putting forward an argument, which reflects that they are doing well. The paper also helps in synthesizing the research critically to analyze that the selected disruptive technology Cloud and its future development as well its use will affect the nature of work in Australia. Literature Review According to Marx, Gans and Hsu (2014), disruptive technology is defined as an innovation which helps in creating a new market as well as value network which eventually assists in disrupting an existing market as well as value network by displacing various products, alliances as well as market leading firms. It is analyzed that innovation of disruptive technology is quite advantageous as it helps organizations in expanding their market with the help of proper innovation in context to new as well as existing products (Momeni Rost, 2016). The organization can expose their current operations to the light of proper urgency by indentifying various areas of processes as well as structural improvement. McKinsey and Company (2017) stated that disruptive technologies help in transforming business, life as well as global economy. The report helps in identifying 12 technologies that are quite massive in driving the economic transformations as well as various types of disruptions in the coming years. This report also helps in providing proper information about how technologies help in changing the world by considering various types of benefits as well as challenges. It is identified that the application of 12 technologies, which are illustrated, with the help of the report has a potential economic impact between $14 trillion to $33 trillion by 2025. The estimation that is made is neither comprehensive nor predictive. It is dependent on in depth analysis of various key potential applications, which would be helpful in creating value in a number of ways including the surplus of the consumers, which mainly arises because of lower prices, better health, better products as well as cleaner en vironment (Katyal, 2013). The report helps in reflecting 12 examples of disruptive technologies, which include mobile internet, automation of knowledge work, internet of things, cloud, advanced robotics, autonomous and near autonomous vehicles, next generation genomics, energy storage, 3-D printing, advanced materials, gas exploration recovery and renewable energy. Consideration of most disruptive technological innovation It is analyzed from McKinsey report that out of 12 disruptive technologies, cloud is considered the most effective disruptive technology. It is stated by Vargo and Shaw (2015) that cloud capabilities help in offering numerous opportunities for driving business innovation. Social connectivity as well as recent technology is quite helpful in creating a perfect storm of opportunity for different companies for embracing various powers of clouds for optimizing innovating as well as disrupting various business models in the coming future (Scott et al., 2015). The below screenshot reflects that cloud computing is one of the most disruptive technologies in context to future jobs as well as work Figure 1: Screenshot showing relevancy of disruptive technologies (Source: Kricka, 2016, pp.253) It is stated by Kobylinski et al., (2014) that the use of cloud affects the nature of work globally as it helps in providing a way for various business organizations to exploit different abilities that are generally created due to digital trends. It is analyzed that six key cloud attributes are generally utilized for powering various business model innovation, which includes ecosystem connectivity, cost flexibility, masked complexity, market adaptability, business scalability as well as context driven variability (Katyal, 2013). The below figure helps in illustrating the attributes provided by cloud. Figure 2: Attributes of Cloud (Source: DaSilva et al., 2013, pp.1162) It is opined by Marx, Gans and Hsu (2014) that by unpacking the various bundles of technological drivers of change, a more optimistic picture regarding job creation potential of various technologies like cloud computing, mobile internet as well as internet of things is achieved. On the other hand, it is stated by Momeni and Rost (2016) that cloud is considered to be one of the significant disruptive technology that helps in allowing companies to focus on various core strengths. It affects the nature of work in various different ways. According to Scott et al., (2015), cloud hosted servers software runs with the help of a third-party provider and therefore users access it by utilizing the web browser. Users do not need to store or run new software. The use of cloud in business also helps in brining workers closer together by minimizing the time of data as well as file transmission from one system to another. It helps in providing a backup as well as synchronization no matter which dev ice they are working from. It is stated by (Kricka, 2016), that the use of cloud helps in lowering the risk of the business. A proper cloud provider helps in providing proper security for staying competitive. Backup hosting facilities helps in taking over the outrage that means they do not get affected even when there is natural disaster to any type of threat. The use of cloud in business helps in keeping the cutting edge of technology effectively. Development of Cloud in WiseTech WiseTech is one of the global innovative, multi-award winning developer cloud-based software solutions. The organization helps in providing reliable as well as comprehensive application for managing as well as delivering various global data network. The WiseCloud helps in providing secure, simple as well as highly available application delivery which is very much cost-effective, efficient as well as highly accessible (Hinz, Tarnopolskaya and Yee, 2016). It is analyzed that the application of standard WiseCloud delivery such as application up gradation as well as support services is provided and it does not require an extra cost which is considered to be quite advantageous. The organizations not only act as an innovator but they also utilize both hardware as well as software for solving problems as well as creating various ways of living and working. Wise cloud that is provided by the organization helps in delivering upgrades, installation as well as faster solutions. (Gettler, 2015). The business can run quickly by leaving various type of IT resources to make them focus on different line of business solutions. The application of the organization is supported with the help of various WiseAdvantge program as well as comprehensive suite of application for supporting different types of services such as WiseCloud, WiseSupport, WiseLearning as well as WiseMaintainence. The organization WiseTech builds products that use latest type of software tools. The organization helps in delivering various types of solutions which helps in making a significant difference to different type of staffs, partners, stakeholders as well as logistic industry. This helps in reflecting that the business of WiseTech is working well with the innovation of cloud. Use of cloud in IBM IBM is one of the multinational companies of America that utilizes cloud for various purposes of the business. It is stated by Kobylinski et al., (2014) that the potential of cloud computing in improving as well as delivering various types of cloud services is recognized by IBM. Cloud computing also helps in streamlining as well as enhancing the way IBM meets its various internal demands for achieving different types of IT resources. With the help of cloud computing, the organization is capable of responding rapidly to its customers in a quite cost-effective manner. It helps in providing flexible, scalable solutions for processing various types of demands. With the use of cloud computing, IBM is able to improve its productivity of its European Benchmark Centre which helps in allowing customers to test whether the IT resources will be helpful in performing as required (Gangwar, Date and Ramaswamy, 2015). The use of cloud is tangibly helpful in enhancing the business value of the organ ization. The organization achieves both security as well as resiliency by utilizing cloud. It helps in enabling dynamic presence of IT infrastructure as well as applications in spite of the location. The use of cloud computing in IBM helps in enhancing SOA, service management initiatives, information management which is quite effective in supporting different types of service delivery initiatives. Conclusion It can be concluded from the entire assignment that the selected disruptive technology Cloud helps in synthesizing the nature of work as well as its development globally by its development as well as use. Cloud help in providing number of advantages which affects the nature of work. It is analyzed that the use of cloud in business helps in brining workers closer together by minimizing the time of data as well as file transmission from one system to another. that the use of cloud affects the nature of work globally as it helps in providing a way for various business organizations to exploit different abilities that are generally created due to digital trends. References Conole, G. G. (2015). MOOCs as disruptive technologies: strategies for enhancing the learner experience and quality of MOOCs.Revista de Educacin a Distancia, (39). DaSilva, C. M., Trkman, P., Desouza, K., Lindi?, J. (2013). Disruptive technologies: a business model perspective on cloud computing.Technology Analysis Strategic Management,25(10), 1161-1173. Gangwar, H., Date, H., Ramaswamy, R. (2015). Understanding determinants of cloud computing adoption using an integrated TAM-TOE model.Journal of Enterprise Information Management,28(1), 107-130. Gettler, L. (2015). QA with Richard White.Company Director,31(5), 28. Hinz, J., Tarnopolskaya, T., Yee, J. (2016). Commodity Resource Valuation And Extraction: A Pathwise Programming Approach.arXiv preprint arXiv:1602.00210. Katyal, N. (2013). Disruptive Technologies and the Law.Geo. LJ,102, 1685. Kobylinski, K., Bennett, J., Seto, N., Lo, G., Tucci, F. (2014, November). Enterprise application development in the cloud with IBM Bluemix. InProceedings of 24th Annual International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering(pp. 276-279). IBM Corp.. Kricka, L. J. (2016). Emerging and disruptive technologies.EJIFCC,27(3), 253. Marx, M., Gans, J. S., Hsu, D. H. (2014). Dynamic commercialization strategies for disruptive technologies: Evidence from the speech recognition industry.Management Science,60(12), 3103-3123. McKinsey Company. (2017).Disruptive technologies: Advances that will transform life, business, and the global economy. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Apr. 2017]. Momeni, A., Rost, K. (2016). Identification and monitoring of possible disruptive technologies by patent-development paths and topic modeling.Technological Forecasting and Social Change,104, 16-29. Scott, D., Collins, R., Peterson, R., Adams, L., Harrington, K., Gallagher, E., ... Tuohey, D. (2015). High School Student Vision: Disruptive TechnologiesA Collection of Works from a 20152016 High School Class. InEvolution of Cyber Technologies and Operations to 2035(pp. 185-194). Springer International Publishing. Simon, H. (2015). Disruptive technologies and networking in telecom industries.Journal of Global Economics. Vargo, C. J., Shaw, D. L. (2015). Disruptive technologies and community engagement.Content is King: News Media Management in the Digital Age, 39.
Sunday, April 19, 2020
Progressivism Jazz and American History Midterm free essay sample
Drawing support from the urban, college- educated middle class, Progressive reformers sought to eliminate corruption in government, regulate business practices, address health hazards, improve working notations, and give the public more direct control over government through direct primaries to nominate candidates for public office, direct election of Senators, the initiative, referendum, and recall, and womens suffrage In this paper plan to discuss how the 1 asss were a time when Americans attempted to repudiate progressivism and recapture the political, cultural and social values of the nineteenth century. To begin, in the sasss political values focused on immigration and prohibition. After World War 1 the u. S allowed fewer than 200, 000 immigrants to enter the country annually which was a huge change from a nation that admitted over 1 million Immigrants a year. This time period was called The First Red Scare, a time In which the Justice department arrested and departed alien anarchist and Communist suspected of trying to destroy American democracy and capitalism this lead to the congress passing the 1 921 Emergency Immigration Act. We will write a custom essay sample on Progressivism: Jazz and American History Midterm or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This Act set limits on how many European immigrant could enter the country a year and how many could come from each European nation. About three years later congress made these limits permanent in the 1924 Immigration Act. A law that allowed unrestricted immigration from Western Hemisphere, curtailed all Asian immigration, and used quotas to control how many Immigrants emigrated from Individual European nations. Meanwhile prohibition was In effect. In 1919 the Eighteenth Amendment had been ratified this was a constitutional amendment that banned the sale, manufacturing, transportation of intoxicating liquors.Along with this came the Violated Act. This was a law that established criminal penalty for transporting, manufacturing or possessing alcohol. These acts of prohibition gave birth to insidious crimes such as organized rimes and gave rise to a notorious Chicago gangster AH Capons. Thirteen years later these prohibition acts would be appealed by president Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Twenty-First Amendment. Even though politics seemed to have their hands full they also focuses on social and cultural issues of those days.Cultural and social values of the sasss were more so cars, music The Jazz Age and The Sex Revolution. In the early twentieth century cities were known to be dirty and smelly. Nearly 3 million ton of manure and 60,000 gallons of urine was left on the streets by horses. Cars came along and seem to change this. They offered cleanliness by providing asphalt roads for the ideal form life family by giving them a chance to go into the city, plowing was made easier and produce was shipped faster. Cars began to become a significant purchase for families in the 19th century. Another key cultural value was music. Some people like to refer to it as the Jazz Age because the widespread of appeal during the decade. In the sasss African American music and art culture was beginning to grow. Many African Americans expressed their culture through Jazz a type of music of black American origin characterized by improvisation, syncopation, ND usually a regular or forceful rhythm, emerging at the beginning of the 20th century. Also taking place was The Harlem Renaissance were black artist explored the African American culture through poetry and novels.Finally The sex revolution which was a cultural and social value. During the sasss young Americans challenged traditional beliefs of proper behavior this came to be known as modernist and anti modernist. Modernist were more so the younger Americans who believed in independence and associated themselves with the city life and had a view of every man for himself. At the same time you had anti modernist who believed in value of he community and the family life. Anti modernist associated themselves with country and or rural life which required them to be interdependent.
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
ESL Sample Essay Writing For ESL Students
ESL Sample Essay Writing For ESL StudentsIf you are learning English as a second language (ESL) in a school, university or college, you need to use ESL sample essay writing. There are lots of ESL teachers and classes out there, but there is no doubt that many teachers don't use these services for the students that learning English as a second language.That is because they are not aware of how to get started with their lessons in ESL. They usually use writing materials that have been written for native English speakers. So, it is important that the students get sample essays, especially those written in formal English.It is always best that students with English as a second language take the time to read a few samples of essays written in English. This can help them get a feel of what the essay should look like. Students can also use this practice time to practice what the essay says. This is called ghost writing and it can be very helpful for ESL students.A ghost writer is someone wh o does copy writing for other people. That means that there is a person who does all the work. The student who is learning English as a second language or as a native English speaker usually has a teacher who works with a ghost writer. He or she writes a particular sample essay, usually about three or four topics, and the student will do the rest of the research for it.Another great technique is to use websites that offer sample essays. When you read sample essays online, they usually include the grammar rules and syntax rules that you need to know. It will make the student's job easier when they start writing their own essay.When a student gets this down, they can then use this information to write their own essay. The students can always do some research on their own to help them out.After they have written their essay, the students then have to edit it so that it comes out well. They may use some ESL software or they can edit the text by hand. Once the students have done this, th ey can send the essay to their teacher or the teacher's student advisor.Sometimes, the teacher or the adviser will ask the students if they have any questions. This is a good way for the students to get feedback.
Saturday, March 14, 2020
Biography of George S. Patton, Famed American General
Biography of George S. Patton, Famed American General George S. Patton (November 11, 1885–December 21, 1945) was an American Army general noted for winning battles in World Wars I and II. He first came to attention as a commander fighting Pancho Villa in Mexico and helped revolutionize the use of tanks in warfare. Despite his many successes, his aggressive, colorful personal style and his temper often caused issues with his superiors. Fast Facts: George S. Patton Known For: Famed but controversial American combat generalAlso Known As: Old Blood and GutsBorn: Nov. 11, 1885 in San Gabriel, CaliforniaParents: George Smith Patton Sr., Ruth WilsonDied: Dec. 21, 1945 in Heidelberg, GermanyEducation: West PointSpouse: Beatrice AyerChildren: Beatrice Smith, Ruth Ellen, George Patton IVNotable Quote: Battle is the most magnificent competition in which a human being can indulge. Early Life Born on November 11, 1885 in San Gabriel, California, George Smith Patton, Jr. was the son of George S. Patton, Sr. and Ruth Patton. An avid student of military history, the young Patton was descended from American Revolution Brigadier General Hugh Mercer and several of his relatives fought for the Confederacy during the Civil War. During his childhood, Patton met former Confederate raider and family friend John S. Mosby. The old veterans war stories helped fuel Pattons desire to become a soldier. Departing home, he enrolled at the Virginia Military Institute in 1903 before transferring to West Point the following year. Compelled to repeat his plebe year due to poor grades in mathematics, Patton reached the position of cadet adjutant before graduating in 1909. Assigned to the cavalry, Patton went on to compete in the modern pentathlon at the 1912 Olympics in Stockholm. Finishing fifth overall, he returned to the United States and was posted to Fort Riley, Kansas. While there, he developed a new cavalry saber and training techniques. Assigned to the 8th Cavalry Regiment at Fort Bliss, Texas, he took part in Brigadier General John J. Pershings Punitive Expedition against Pancho Villa in 1916. World War I During the expedition, Patton led the U.S. Armys first armored attack when he assaulted an enemy position with three armored cars. In the fighting, key Villa henchman Julio Cardenas was killed- earning Patton some notoriety. With the U.S. entry into World War I in April 1917, Pershing had Patton promoted to captain and took the young officer to France. Desiring a combat command, Patton was posted to the new U.S. Tank Corps. Testing new tanks, he observed their use at the Battle of Cambrai late that year. Organizing the American tank school, he trained with Renault FT-17 tanks. Swiftly advancing through the ranks to colonel in the wartime army, Patton was given command of the 1st Provisional Tank Brigade (later the 304th Tank Brigade) in August 1918. Fighting as part of the 1st U.S. Army, he was wounded in the leg at the Battle of St. Mihiel that September. Recovering, he took part in the Meuse-Argonne Offensive for which he was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross and Distinguished Service Medal, as well as a battlefield promotion to colonel. With the end of the war, he reverted to his peacetime rank of captain and was assigned to Washington, D.C. Interwar Years While in Washington, he encountered Captain Dwight D. Eisenhower. Becoming good friends, the two officers began developing new armored doctrines and devising improvements for tanks. Promoted to major in July 1920, Patton tirelessly worked as an advocate for the establishment of a permanent armored force. Moving through peacetime assignments, Patton led some of the troops that dispersed the Bonus Army in June 1932. Promoted to lieutenant colonel in 1934 and colonel four years later, Patton was placed in command of Fort Myer in Virginia. A New War With the formation of the 2nd Armored Division in 1940, Patton was selected to lead its 2nd Armored Brigade. Promoted to brigadier general in October, he was given command of the division with the rank of major general in April 1941. In the U.S. Armys build-up prior to World War II, Patton took the division to the Desert Training Center in California. Given command of the I Armored Corps, Patton relentlessly trained his men in the desert through the summer of 1942. In this role, Patton led the Western Task Force during Operation Torch, which saw his men capture Casablanca, Morocco in November of that year. A Unique Style of Leadership Seeking to inspire his men, Patton developed a flashy image and routinely wore a highly polished helmet, cavalry pants and boots, and a pair of ivory-handled pistols. Traveling in a vehicle featuring oversize rank insignias and sirens, his speeches were frequently laced with profanity and espoused the utmost confidence in his men. While his behavior was popular with his troops, Patton was prone to indiscreet remarks which often stressed Eisenhower, who had become his superior in Europe, and caused tension among the Allies. While tolerated during the war, Pattons vocal nature ultimately led to his relief. North Africa and Sicily In the wake of the U.S. II Corps defeat at Kasserine Pass in February 1943, Eisenhower appointed Patton to rebuild the unit at the suggestion of Major General Omar Bradley. Assuming command with the rank of lieutenant general and retaining Bradley as his deputy, Patton diligently worked to restore discipline and fighting spirit to the II Corps. Taking part in the offensive against the Germans in Tunisia, the II Corps performed well. Recognizing Pattons achievement, Eisenhower pulled him to aid in planning the invasion of Sicily in April 1943. Moving forward in July 1943, Operation Husky saw Pattons Seventh U.S. Army land on Sicily along with General Sir Bernard Montgomerys Eighth British Army. Tasked with covering Montgomerys left flank as the Allies moved on Messina, Patton grew impatient as the advance bogged down. Taking the initiative, he sent troops north and captured Palermo before turning east to Messina. While the Allied campaign was successfully concluded in August, Patton damaged his reputation when he slapped Private Charles H. Kuhl at a field hospital. Having no patience for battle fatigue, Patton struck Kuhl and called him a coward. Western Europe Though tempted to send Patton home in disgrace, Eisenhower, after consultations with Chief of Staff General George Marshall, retained the wayward commander after a reprimand and apology to Kuhl. Knowing that the Germans feared Patton, Eisenhower brought him to England and assigned him to lead the First U.S. Army Group (FUSAG). A dummy command, FUSAG was part of Operation Fortitude which was intended to make the Germans think that the Allied landings in France would occur at Calais. Though unhappy with losing his combat command, Patton was effective in his new role. In the wake of the D-Day landings, Patton was returned to the front as the commander of the U.S. Third Army on August 1, 1944. Serving under his former deputy Bradley, Pattons men played a key role in exploiting the breakout from the Normandy beachhead. Surging into Brittany and then across northern France, the Third Army bypassed Paris, liberating large chunks of territory. Pattons rapid advance came to a halt on August 31 outside of Metz due to supply shortages. As Montgomerys efforts in support of Operation Market-Garden took priority, Pattons advance slowed to a crawl, leading to a protracted battle for Metz. Battle of the Bulge With the beginning of the Battle of the Bulge on December 16, Patton began shifting his advance toward the threatened parts of the Allied line. As a result, in perhaps his greatest achievement of the conflict, he was able to quickly turn the Third Army north and relieve the besieged 101st Airborne Division at Bastogne. With the German offensive contained and defeated, Patton advanced east through the Saarland and crossed the Rhine at Oppenheim on March 22, 1945. Charging through Germany, Pattons forces reached Pilsen, Czechoslovakia by the wars end on May 7/8. Postwar With the end of the war, Patton enjoyed a brief trip home to Los Angeles where he and Lieutenant General Jimmy Doolittle were honored with a parade. Assigned to be the military governor of Bavaria, Patton was irritated not to receive a combat command in the Pacific. Openly critical of Allied occupation policy and believing that the Soviets should be forced back to their borders, Patton was relieved by Eisenhower in November 1945 and assigned to the Fifteenth Army, which was tasked with writing the history of the war. Patton died on December 21, 1945, from injuries sustained in a car accident 12 days earlier.
Thursday, February 27, 2020
Nowadays, food has become easier to prepare. Has this changed or Essay
Nowadays, food has become easier to prepare. Has this changed or improved the way people live Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer - Essay Example Because of the need for greater efficiency without sacrificing quality in meal preparation, enterprising business has turned towards the processing and packaging of meals and food ingredients, and the development of kitchen appliances that speed up the cooking process. These products have come to be a permanent feature of modern living, which begs the question: do easy-to-prepare meals impact life positively or negatively? The position of this writer is that it does, and does so positively. Let us first describe what â€Å"easy-to-prepare meals†include – or rather, what they do not include. They do not include fast foods and junk foods, since these type of foods do not require any preparation at all on the part of the consumer, and often are not even considered nutrition. Empty calories are decidedly not under consideration when one speaks of easy-to-prepare meals, which essentially are meals that are nutritious and substantial as much as they are simple and quick. First and most apparent benefit that comes from quicker meal preparation is the savings in time and effort for the cook. Few families could afford the services of a permanent cook to prepare family meals, which means that usually it’s mom, dad, or an older sibling who does the cooking. Expectedly, family members have things to do and places to go, and it is not uncommon for both parents to hold jobs. The demographics gathered by government agencies show the unmistakable increasing trend in the number of women leaving home to work: "In 1950 about one in three women participated in the labor force. By 1998, nearly three of every five women of working age were in the labor force. Among women age 16 and over, the labor force participation rate was 33.9 percent in 1950, compared with 59.8 percent in 1998. "As more women are added to the labor
Tuesday, February 11, 2020
WilaSeldons Leadership at Tides Centre Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
WilaSeldons Leadership at Tides Centre - Essay Example One of the critical aspects of organizational excellence involves effective leadership in an organization. This assumes critical significance considering the fact that leadership provides the long term vision to the organization and also helps formulate a roadmap to success (Yukl, 2007, p.445). In real life there is considerable number of examples of the manner in which effective leadership has been able to generate competitive edge. This includes the likes of individuals like Steve Jobs (founder of Apple), William and Sergy Page (Google), NR Narayana Murthy (Infosys) who have shown how an effective leadership can help bring about a growth momentum for any organization (Maak & Pless, 2006, p.5-8). The aspect of leadership has been a subject matter of great academic research in various areas. There have been many leadership theories including behavioral theories, contingency theories trait as well as power and influence theories that define and classify various kinds of leaders with t heir style of leadership in an organization (Kinicki & Kreitner, 2009, p.348). The case analysis of Tides center reveals a democratic style of leadership of Wila Seldon at Tides center. A democratic leadership style involves a leader making decisions on the basis of consultations with other team members. These types of leaders seek inputs from various quarters of the organization before making a crucial decision. In other words a democratic leader takes into account the views and sentiments of the entire organization while undertaking a major decision in the organization. A democratic leader tries to ensure encourage the entire organization in the decision making process (Daft & Lane, 2007, p.44). The analysis of the leadership qualities of Wila Seldon reveals a significant correlation with the traits of the democratic leader mentioned above. In the case it was quite evident that in all her stints as a leader, where she always tried to involve the entire organization with regards to crucial decision making for the organization. The case study shows that while assuming charge at Tides center Wila Seldon instead of making decisions like an autocratic leader chose to take the employees views into account. The initiation of teams like M team, strategic management team also shows that the CEO tried to ensure that decision making and learning has a bottom up approach. This is quite contra from the perspective of an autocratic or a Laissez faire type of leaders who normally take up decisions without consulting others and do not take an active role in the decision making and leave it to the responsibility of others (Wood, 2011, p.255). Wila Seldon also displays democratic leadership straits even in cases like the introduction of the 360 degree appraisal system for measuring employee performance at the organization as well as to the decision of referring projects as customers. Unlike an autocratic leader who imposes his/her decisions on their subordinates, Wila Seldon acted as a true democratic leader when she even took views of the employees who were opposing the decision. The CEO did not act in a haste and imposed decisions but tried to indulge into a democratic decision making process. This has helped in employees getting greater responsibilities and also to the fact that employees started to think out of the box solutions. This type of leadership skill was extremely important for an organization like Tide that was in the midst of a severe crisis in business whose revamp required comprehensive and extra efforts apart from an inner drive to propel the organization towards growth. The democratic lead
Friday, January 31, 2020
Reviewing Films Depicting Supremacy of Artificial Intelligence Essay Example for Free
Reviewing Films Depicting Supremacy of Artificial Intelligence Essay There is without a shadow of a doubt that we are now living in a time when there is almost nothing we cannot accomplish. The outbreak of high technology all around the world is soaring, and day by day, improvements on what is already highly intelligent devices are being developed. From computers, to cellular phones, to MP3 players, everything has been made accesible to man. Because of this technology, man can bask in his creations and marvel at the genius that he has invented through the years. Half a decade ago, todays technology wouldnt have even been deemed as possible. Yesteryears most advanced technological developers probably wouldnt have even dreamed of the possibilities of what we now have today. But such is the development of the human mind: our intelligence is further developing and increasing, being able to establish new concepts and ideas to be used for our own benefits. Indeed, with this highly advanced technology, we are further establishing ourselves as the dominant species of the planet. For us, we are in charge of our own destinies, and no species of another kind can tell us otherwise. But one is lead to ponder about the marvels of our own creations. What if the articifial intelligence we created were able to evolve themselves? What if these computers suddenly became self-aware, and starts acknowledging its own existence? It is true that we are the one who controls the technology, but what if the technology were able to control itself? If it became self-aware, what if, all of a sudden, it starts to refuse to follow its human creators? And if not the computers themselves, what if one person controlling these technologies started using them for their own ulterior motives? With our main defenses relying on technological advances, what if these advances were suddenly used against us? Would the humans still be able to lay its claim as the rulers of the earth when a something else establishes themselves as more intelligent and dominant? Such is the fear that some of us have: the fear of having our own technology turned against us. We fear the idea that perhaps someday, these computers that we have in our homes would become intelligent enough to start recognizing its own existence. In the early nineties, technophobia became rampant among the adults, although this fear was largely based on the misconceptions on computers being too overly complicated. Still, for some people, the advancements in technology is reason for them to be cautious about our own inventions. Creating Technopobia in Movies Since early in the 1980s, there have been a string of movies depicting highly advanced technology being used woefully and without any regard towards others. These movies often show state-of-the-art gadgets or creations, which are used against the protagonists to further cause ruin and devastation. Oftentimes these gadgets are used for the wrong reasons, and with its infinite possibilities, it creates the fear that maybe what we have created may not be totally beneficial to us, and could possibly create more harm than help in the long run. Perhaps the most popular among the movies that came out during the eighties that depicted this theme was the 1984 movie Terminator, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger as a human cyborg sent back in time. In the future, Skynet, a computer system fights a losing war against the humans who built it, and who it nearly exterminated. Just before being destroyed, Skynet sends a Terminator back in time to kill Sarah, the mother to be of John Connor, the Leader of the human resistance. The terminator can pass for human, is nearly indestructible, and has only one mission: killing Sarah Connor. One soldier is sent back to protect her from the killing machine. He must find Sarah before the Terminator can carry out its mission (MGM. com). This movie portrays Skynet as a super computer, one that is capable to making decisions for itself. The super computer becomes self-aware, and recognizes the human race as a threat to its existence. It therefore wages a war against all of mankind, which almost led to the anniliation of the entire planet. In 1998, the movie Enemy of the State provided a different insight on abusing highly advanced technology. Robert Dean, the main character of the story, is just a successful and gutsy labor lawyer when he runs into an old college friend who was a big hurry. Unknown to him, that friend secretly drops a disc and viewer containing footage of a political assassination overseen by the senior advisor to the National Security Agency. Unfortunately, that politician soon learns what Dean has in his possession and secretly uses the vast resources of the NSA to find, investigate and stop him before he goes public. Soon, Dean finds himself on the run, with his assests frozen, his loved ones watched and actively hunted by NSA agents using all the survellience technology they have available. Not knowing what is going, Dean must stay one step ahead while trying to figure out the cause of this mess (Yahoo! Movies). This movie dwells on the idea of government surveillance and the invasion of our personal privacy by the government. We see from the movie that these technological advances could be easily used against us, and just as it could make our lives easier, it could also make it extremely difficult. We also find that if technology were to be used the wrong way, then those in power could have a commanding control over our very lives. Another movie that depicted computers going against humans was the highly acclaimed The Matrix. Thomas A. Anderson is a man living two lives: by day he is an average computer programmer and by night a malevolent hacker known as Neo. Neo has always questioned his reality but the truth is far beyond his imagination. Neo finds himself targeted by the police when he is contacted by Morpheus, a legendary computer hacker branded a terrorist by the government. Morpheus awakens Neo to the real world, a ravaged wasteland where most of humanity have been captured by a race of machines which live off of their body heat and imprison their minds within an artificial reality known as the Matrix. As a rebel against the machines, Neo must return to the Matrix and confront the agents, super powerful computer programs devoted to snuffing out Neo and the entire human rebellion (Whatisthematrix. com). The movie is almost identical to the concept of the Terminator, in which there is a computer mind that becomes self-aware of its own existence. Knowing that it has the power of technology, it sees the human race as disposable, and decides to take over and control the entire world. When Neo met Morpheus, he was awakened to the fact that they were being used by the computer systems as mere batteries to continue sustaining their own power. And it was up to them to reawaken the rest of the world from this nightmare that is the Matrix. The Fear of Control What these three films had in common was theme of technology taking over the human lives. The films shared similar highly advanced technology that in one way was very helpful, but at the other end caused problems that were catastrophic. This is what we are afraid of; that maybe perhaps at some point, our own creations would backfire on us and cause a lot of harm towards society, and it would perhaps be unstoppable when it happens. Perhaps what motivates the persistence of these kinds of themes is the fact that we all know that this fantasy that they try to present could and might become possible in the future. Fifty or so years ago, our technology today wasnt even thought of as possible. A lot of things are being developed today that our predescessors couldnt have possibly dreamed of back in the day. Nowadays, the sky is the limit. The human race is making every dream come to life, developing newer and better technology every single day. So deep inside, we know that this threat of computers taking over is not a long shot. We see that perhaps someday, artificial intelligence would become this advanced as to be self-aware. And if this happens, whats gonna stop them from taking over the world and eliminating the human race? In terms of humans going against fellow humans using technology, we ourselves could be comparable to this technology. Donna Haraway mentions how we are like the cyborgs, which are both part machine and part organism. She further states: In short, we are cyborgs. The cyborg is our ontology; it gives us our politics. The cyborg is a condensed image of both imagination and material reality, the two joined centres structuring any possibility of historical transformation. In the traditions of â€Å"Western†science and politicsâ€â€the tradition of racist, male- dominant capitalism; the tradition of progress; the tradition of the appropriation of nature as resource for the productions of culture; the tradition of reproduction of the self from the reflections of the otherâ€â€the relation between organism and machine has been a border war (Harraway, 516). With the peer-to-perr capabilities of networked computer communication today, it is likely to have a major impact on both the film and music business. Depending on how this technology is used, it could have either a postive or negative effect on these industries. Everything could be made easier with technology, films and music could be produced with relative ease, and everything to be made more accesible. On the other hand, changing the sytems could mean doing things a lot different, which could cause a chain reaction among those who are involved. Business could be done more efficiently, but it could leave people out of jobs. Human work might be replaced by much more efficient computers doing their jobs, and that could have an effect on the economy of the country. Looking back, technology has certainly come along way since back in the old days, when all of this conveniences didnt exist. It is easy to picture people being intimidated by these advancements, due to its infinite potential. Depending on how it is used, it could be very good for all of us, or it could be catastrophic to all. Only time will tell whether these technological improvements would come back to haunt us in the long run. Works Cited Enemy of the State. Yahoo! Movies. Retrieved 3 June 2008 from http://movies. yahoo. com/shop? d=hvcf=infoid=1800021531 Haraway, Donna. â€Å"A Cyborg Manifesto. †The New Media Reader (1985). pp. 515-541. The Matrix Trilogy. Whatisthematrix. com. Retrieved 3 June 2008 from http://whatisthematrix. warnerbros. com/ The Terminator. MGM. com. Retrieved 3 June 2008 from http://www. mgm. com/title_title. php? title_star=TERMINAT
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